Chapter 561

Fu Yanshen didn't know what happened. At this moment, it seemed that it was too late, but after all, there was no chance to redeem what he had worked so hard for for so long!
After all, there are some things that I can no longer undo, and at this moment, there is no way to undo any more.After all, there are some things that I have no way to say anything.A long time ago, after a long time, these things are the best memories between them, and now, or in the future, they are all worth remembering.

His heart sank, and he wanted to ask what happened to them before. It has been so long now, and there is no chance to come back again.

Some things, after all, you can forget easily if you don't think you can. Now that this time has come, there is no way to go back after all.

He looked at Qiao Qiancen, and only hoped that he would have a chance to ask in the future, how could he be so in his heart during this period of time, and how could he leave the current reality now.

After all, before or now, there is no chance after all, after all, there is no chance anymore.After all, there are some things that I can't control at will, and some things, sometimes, I don't want to come back easily after all.You can easily come back, after all, now is not the time before, after all, sometimes, some things are simply uncontrollable things.

Now, or in the future, after all, there is no chance to do it all over again.

Sometimes, sometimes, after all, it is painful to live. After all, the relationship between them has reached a point where they cannot pass easily. Some things, sometimes, are not something that I can easily forget and let her pass easily. For example, in my heart, It’s just that there is nothing so easy to forget. Now or in the future, it is a very difficult thing. After all, some things are past, and there is no chance to redeem them. After all, the relationship between them has reached a point where they can’t be together. It is easy to say that it is possible to separate and separate.Now, what I want to say is just my own wild thinking after all. Some things, sometimes, are self-torturing like this, which makes people feel so painful and painful.After all, they were already bored and couldn't get along well, so it was time to break up easily.

If you have any opinions, leave it to time. Losing contact can reveal everything, and everything is something that time can explain clearly. Now or in the future, it's all like this, it's all so complicated, and it's no longer possible to practice later The time has passed.

Now Qiao Qiancen will never believe in herself easily. After all, sometimes, what should I do, what should I say, I will understand in my heart after all, but now, there is no possibility to say anything. Sometimes, after all, It is so helpless and helpless, just like in the future, there is no chance to recover.Now there is no chance to save everything.After all, when I have reached this difficult time, what should I do, what should I say, is the most correct?After all, it is already an unsolved mystery...

It is very clear in my heart that if I don't want to be free, I can really be free.

(End of this chapter)

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