Chapter 562

Qiao Qiancen was participating in the event at the front desk. Today, she is the spokesperson for this event. Many reporters and media, as well as delegations from various companies, were present at the scene. Of course, there were also many of her fans...

Many people saw her appear, and there were little cheers, as if they were happy to see her appear.

Qiao Qiancen was a little moved, and greeted them with a smile. Her task today is to recommend products and perform shows.

For the effect of the show, cherry blossoms fell from the trees all over the sky, so romantic and beautiful, she stood on the stage and let the lights and flashes shine on herself.

She seemed to be a fairy descended from heaven, so beautiful, even the expression between her brows and eyes was tender and tender, it was so beautiful that it was unreal...

Fans and the media secretly admired it, and couldn't stop holding up their mobile phones, taking pictures frantically. Now this scene is simply too beautiful, and it is most suitable as a promotional photo to publicize to the outside world.

At the same time, Fu Yanshen was watching on the TV screen in the background, and Wanquan was attracted by Qiao Qiancen in his heart. He hadn't seen that kind of beautiful and pure feeling, that kind of smile without any impurities for a long time. The girl, this beautiful and kind girl, has not smiled so happily for a long time.

Could it be that she would be so happy if she really wasn't by her side?I can't help thinking about it in my heart, after all, when I think of this, I feel happy and a little unhappy, after all, it used to be.They lived together so happily, and now that they have developed to this point, it must be a lie to say that they are not sad...

After all, I don't want to believe that Qiao Qiancen will no longer be able to laugh because of himself. After all, they were the closest people to each other. After all, they are all people who are about to get married, and now they have children ,do not know either……

Thinking of the child, he couldn't stop looking at her stomach. At this moment, her lower abdomen looked very flat, and he didn't know if it was true what she said that day that she would kill the child...

After all, I was a little unbelievable in my heart. Now that this time has been turned, there was just an argument between them, and this child was born with great difficulty. If we just don't want him, is it too unreasonable? ?
It is inevitable that I will think like this in my heart. After all, I don’t know how to deal with it in my heart. How to solve this matter is better, but at this moment, I still forget everything after all, and explain to Qiao Qiancen, talk, and ease the relationship between them. important!

After all, no one wants to reach this point now. If it can be saved, I believe everyone will not want this...

Between them, there is no need to hesitate like this at all, no one said a word, there was no closeness, really, there was no need at all.After all, they used to love each other deeply, how could they really cut off their relationship because of a quarrel, nothing happened...

After all, I don't want to believe that Qiao Qiancen would be such a resolute and indifferent person, but there is no way at this time, no matter how much I regret it, there is nothing I can do, except explain, besides praying for forgiveness, what else can I do?

How could Qiao Qiancen be willing to forgive?
(End of this chapter)

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