Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 700 I wish you happiness

Chapter 700 I wish you happiness

From the beginning to the end, Qiao Qiancen didn't pay attention to the divergent opinions on the Internet.Everyone was waiting for the three subjects to answer questions, or to express their opinions and their own opinions, but they didn't think that everyone remained silent and didn't say anything more.

The feeling of emptiness in his heart was about to sink. Qiao Qiancen had stayed at his own home for the past few days, never going out, and no one came to bother him.

She just watched the script of the new play at home alone, and she still needs to study it, and arrange the next itinerary.

She must recover quickly and stop being disturbed by such things!It felt like it was raining in my heart, but after all, I was the child without an umbrella.

Doomed, she can only run, without any method or ability, she can only desperately leave this place of right and wrong, and she is very reluctant to give up.Just feel sad and dissatisfied.

But there is no ability. After all, they have completely lost the means and means to contact each other. After all, they have reached the end of their ropes, and it is impossible to easily restore the situation.

I just feel that I have completely sunk down in my heart. I am lonely and sad in my heart, and I have no ability and no way to do anything.

After all, there is no way out, and we can only accept this fact. At this time, when sorrow is unable to solve happiness, and I feel sorrow and pain, what can I do?

Could it be possible to solve the problem by playing tricks like this?

Qiao Qiancen just felt that such a thought was funny even in her own heart, so how could Fu Yanshen not understand?

Qiao Qiancen knew in his heart that most of the time, many things were just Fu Yanshen pretending to be stupid. How could such a shrewd person be so easily fooled?

It's just that some people believe it, and some people believe it's just the truth. After all, things between them can no longer be redeemed. How could I not understand at this point now!

Feeling a little depressed, she couldn't stand the script, so she turned on the TV directly, thinking that it would be a good choice to watch TV and relax.

But she didn't expect that when her TV was turned on, the first news was about this matter, and for a moment, she felt a little depressed...

Silently sinking her heart, it turned out that the whole world knew that they were approaching a good day today, and only she, an outsider, had been kept in the dark...

What a sad realization, she has no way to say a word, after all, this is the fact now, she has no way to deny this has been decided and will never change.

The current situation is like this, I have no way to say anything, I can only suppress all the sorrow in my heart, and from now on, I will never imagine or worry again...

Some things, as long as they are mentioned, will be wounds for a lifetime. Some people and some things are destined to be a secret that cannot be mentioned, because it will hurt in the heart, because the heart will feel sad and fragile...

She didn't want to admit it, she didn't want to accept it, and after all, there was no room for hesitation.

The current situation has already explained a lot of things. Is it possible that this is still a mistake?

I wish you happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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