Chapter 701

Chapter 1

It was as if something in my heart had been shattered little by little, and I had no ability to do anything else, after all, I could only swallow all my emotions in my heart.

How ironic, the person I thought would be together for a lifetime, thought that his promise would not change for the rest of his life, but now everything is like the north wind, constantly whistling on her face, making her suffocate, It made her unable to breathe and pant, and made everything come back to the end. It turns out that this is how it feels to bless her ex with a smile. It's really not a good feeling...

After all, now that he is holding someone else's hand, maybe he will live a loving and happy life every day...

Qiao Qiancen thought sarcastically, now that things have come to an end, it's better to forget it, some things are destined to end without a problem, and some people are destined to only be able to accompany him for a while.

There is nothing to be reluctant to part with. Once some things are confirmed, there may never be a chance to change them in the future and there will be no changes.

Even if you don't want to admit it in your heart, even if you feel that there are too many emotions that you can't forget and change, you can only calm down, try to forget and stop thinking.

After all, this is a dream, a nightmare that hurts my heart, but there is no way to save and cure it!After all, I can't do anything in my heart. Isn't this environment so real and so decisive.

The game between the two of them has been completely over. Even if they don't believe it, even if they think it shouldn't be like this, there is nothing they can do.

After all, Fu Yanshen and Yu Tiantian are already getting married, and their engagement ceremony is just a week away. Soon, the man who once swore to him forever will enter the palace of marriage with another woman.

At that time, even if I couldn't bear and accept it in my heart, there was no way I could save myself after all.

This is the ending, a status quo that was unexpected, but after all, there is no need to regret and change your mind.


After an operation and treatment, Qiao Qiancen's mother, Li Yiyuan, was finally discharged from the hospital. Qiao Qiancen only felt joy and joy in his heart. This was the best thing that happened during this period of time.

She tidied herself up briefly, and came to the hospital full of joy, but she didn't expect to see a person in the hospital that she didn't expect at all——Fu Yanshen.

She was holding the flowers she bought from the flower shop downstairs, and she was standing at the door of the ward in a daze. Looking at the man who also stopped at this time and looked at her motionless, her heart seemed to be revealed in an instant. A lot of emotions came out, the eyes moved slightly, and it was expressed on the face.

She didn't know why Fu Yanshen came to the hospital at this time, and it happened to be at her mother's door. She didn't believe that she didn't come here specially!

Her heart sank a little, she pressed her lips tightly, and finally made up her mind, and said directly, "What are you doing here, you are getting married, and you have nothing to do with us anymore, now, please go back .”

Qiao Qiancen was very gloomy in her heart, and her words were without emotion. At this moment, she was not in the mood to face him at all.

What's more, the two of them cashed out like that in front of the media a few days ago, and now they are meeting in private again, what is it?
(End of this chapter)

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