Rebirth, warm marriage and sweetness

Chapter 725 She Wants Light Too

Chapter 725 She Wants Light Too
The sinking feeling in my heart is as if I have been suffocated. The current situation is such a sad ending. Even if I don't believe it, even if I think it doesn't matter many times, it is impossible to believe and agree. Accepted.

Qiao Qiancen had never done these things before, why would he do it now?It has become a strange unsolved mystery, what can they do besides accepting this fact?

Qiao Qiancen felt a little sad, and didn't know what the right choice was, but in the end, he was no longer able to do it.

No matter how helpless I feel in my heart, no matter how painful and wronged I feel, it's just something I don't want to believe in.

They are helpless, they are down and out, and this is the most helpless ending in this world. What should be done has become an unsolved mystery?
When and where is the most suitable for you?It doesn't matter anymore, after all, I won't believe it in my heart, after all, it has become a painful ending in my heart?

What should be the most correct way, now my heart is empty, I also understand that nothing is more important than myself, why should others affect my mood?

Qiao Qiancen enlightened herself in her heart, she lived alone, she didn't need to feel sad and unhappy because of others, but now, she really had no way and no ability.

After all, if you learn to love yourself, then someone will love you, otherwise, this situation will always be like this, and it is impossible to change it.

"There is a voice in my heart guiding me, Fu Yanshen, do you know? There has always been a voice telling me not to continue. Now this situation should be stopped, there is no need to continue Do you know? But there is no one in my heart to speak, and I don't want to believe it myself. I feel that I have misunderstood, and I feel that this is our ending. I really..."

Having said that, Qiao Qiancen's tears couldn't be controlled all of a sudden, the pulley came down, and fell directly into his mouth, unable to hold back half a point.

"I always thought that being a kind person would have a good ending, but I was wrong, I was really wrong, the current situation is simply too ridiculous! I want to keep the things I want to keep No, I will never get what I want to touch, and what others say, you are a good person, you are a good boy, is actually too hypocritical, but it is just another excuse to want you to do it Free labor."

"You know. It's the kind of fool who is stupid and stupid and doesn't need any labor skills, that's it." Qiao Qiancen laughed when he said this, "I, I really have had enough, why should I Bear this. Why is it so difficult for me to just want to be a person worthy of myself?"

After all, Fu Yanshen was stunned. He had never thought that Qiao Qiancen had such a side, which shocked him.Such despair and sadness, speaking like this, is like a clown who has reached the end of the road again, after all, he has no choice and ability to leave.

Between them, it was as if they were completely hopeless, and there was no longer any ray of sunshine to look for.

If possible, she also wants light...

(End of this chapter)

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