Chapter 726

She was educated since she was a child to be a kind and warm person, but in the end, she did it, but was hurt by those who preached to her.

Because she found that she was the only one who did it in the end, she seemed stupid and stupid, but those who taught herself that way back then.But no one has done so.

after all.The relationship between them has reached the end of the road, and the feeling of a dead end probably means that there is no room for choice, no room and direction to go, and it is wrong to stay wherever I am, as if no place belongs to me.

She sighed with some sadness in her heart, she just wanted to live in peace, why is it so difficult, after all, who did she offend.

Who took away the happiness of her two lifetimes.What I once thought would never happen to me turned into a scar in the end. There is no way to forget it. I can only let myself stay here in silence.

There is only a desperate self here, guarding loneliness and loneliness, after all, there is no way out anymore.

And the others are still teasing here.Looking at her in such despair, it was as if she saw a fool, a funny fool who could let others laugh, play and laugh at her.

These endings are so realistic and pale, but now that I know the sorrow and pain, what can I do!

After all, I no longer have the ability to escape. After all, I have been led to this point, and there is no path to choose. At this moment, how to go and how to choose are all sad problems.

Between them, there is no compromise, only despair.

Never believed it.After all, it is powerless now. It used to be unable to do anything, and now it is after all, powerless to do anything.

Only silently put away all the emotions in my heart, and never feel sad again, this is the best ending between them.

The reason for the best ending is that they are freed, let each other go, and will never feel sad and sad again.

This may be sad, or ridiculous, but there is no way now.After all, being forced into such a desperate situation, what should I do and how should I choose.has become a very difficult thing.

The heart is extremely depressed, no one wants to play with the current scene and situation on the Internet, but there is no other way, she is also an innocent person, and so is he, neither of them is wrong, the reason why the two have fallen into the current situation, I don't have the ability to say anything more?

Forget it and never think about it again.Maybe.That's the best way to end, things between them don't need to be beautiful, let alone flowers and chocolates.

After all, it is impossible to have any opportunity for a turnaround. Is it best to silently accept what is happening at this moment?
They are already tired, and everyone is already desperate. Looking at all this in silence, their hearts are getting more and more empty, and they feel more and more powerless.

The beauty of the past, the abyss of this moment.

After all, the deeper they love, the deeper they fall. After all, they have no ability to get up again.

There is no way, no ability between them to talk about anything.Now, just treat it as a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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