Chapter 727

In the dream and outside the dream, there is a feeling of despair, it is too painful, there is no way out, no one can understand her, and after all, they are tired...

None of them said a word, saying that she was not tired, but now, her heart was tired and sick.I can no longer bring up any strength, and now I even don't believe in the place in my heart. Is it possible that there will really be a beautiful existence?
Anyway, no matter what, I couldn't believe it in my heart.Anyway, the current situation had already been expected, silently suppressing all the emotions in his heart, no matter what, Qiao Qiancen was still unwilling to make any mistakes on the surface.

So now this situation, I know very clearly in my heart, there will never be any changes.

After all, this is unlikely to change

The rain wet the two of them. Qiao Qiancen and Fu Yanshen seemed to have lost all their strength. Standing together in the rain, there was no way out to choose. Faced with the current situation, their hearts felt empty. Gradually, Lost all thought and ability to...

My heart became more and more empty.Gradually.He never said a word, after all, there was no possibility to go back.

Qiao Qiancen looked at the man in front of him, and finally laughed out loud, just like the crazy and unscrupulous laughter when the two of them met again many years later.

At that time, God absolutely allowed them to meet again, it must be the fate of everything, but this time, it was a kind of relieved smile, everything has no meaning anymore, everything has developed to this point, maybe It is the fate of everything, maybe it is a dream that it is impossible to go back.

Between them, it may or may not be possible to go back. In the current situation, everyone is safe and not disturbing each other anymore. This is the most important thing and the most important thing to do.There was no longer any need for the two of them to meet again.

This is doomed and cannot be changed.

"You're going to get married soon. You'll be Yu Tiantian's husband. We won't be able to meet in private again in the future, you know?"

Qiao Qiancen looked at the man in front of him, and suddenly said in a different tone. The tone was full of sadness and helplessness. It seemed that they would never come back to this time. Now, they can only hold each other tightly and never No more trouble, everything is the real way home.

The rest is all nonsense!

Fu Yan listened deeply to Qiao Qiancen's words, but at this moment, she was stunned in her heart. From the beginning to the end, she kept silent and did not say a word lightly.

The current Qiao Qiancen makes him unable to understand, makes him feel confused and puzzled, he just feels like his whole heart is empty, there is no way to say anything, he can only stay in this desperate thing, can't find the exit and direction , Let this world gradually fall into nothingness, and from now on, never have any hope.

This is probably the final destination and the final scene between them. No one will say anything. Facing all this now, it is already empty. Facing this empty and hopeless scene, I feel I will also feel hopeless and hopeless in my heart, and I will pray, all of which are virtual images.

(End of this chapter)

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