Chapter 739

In the end, Yu Tiantian rushed forward angrily, and was about to grab Qiao Qiancen's neck. At this moment, her image was completely gone, and there was no such thing as a lady.

He only felt extremely angry in his heart, why is this Qiao Qiancen always so proud, why has she been able to easily reach things that he has never been able to touch?After all, who is wrong, in this world, I just want to be with my beloved.

What's wrong?Why is everyone unwilling to let her go, why did everyone push themselves to such a cusp?

When I think about it, I probably haven't done anything. Why does Qiao Qiancen now make her feel a little better and feel comfortable? Don't be so sad, she won't give it to her?

What did she do wrong? She is going to get married!Why didn't he give her a chance?All she needs is a complete, beautiful wedding.

She doesn't expect anything extravagantly, so he must be driving her crazy now? !There was a lot of painful feelings in my heart, and after all, Qiao Qiancen didn't have any emotions in his heart. After all, she had hurt him in the same way before, and now she is trying to ask her to be magnanimous
What's more, the person she is going to marry now is her boyfriend who has been with her for five years. How can she not break down in such a painful matter?He has tried his best to make himself look less embarrassed, why, she still has to do this?
"Hey, what are you doing, girl? Let me tell you, my daughter is pregnant now, if something happens, you will go to jail!" Li Yiyuan tightly guarded Qiao Qian behind him, not allowing anyone to hurt her .

At this moment, the faces of the Fu family and the Yu family were very ugly. After all, such an incident was too sudden.Like a sharp sword, it suddenly appeared out of the sky, which made them have no expectation at all, and brought everything to a desperate situation.No one can relax and talk about nothing. After all, the world is so helpless now. Once I worked hard, the final outcome may not be good. I didn't believe it.Do you have to believe it now?
Feeling extremely sad in his heart, Qiao Qiancen also wanted to be safe, and the whole family would bless him.No one would disturb the relationship, so at this moment Yu Tiantian described himself as pitiful, and Qiao Qiancen had no emotions other than wanting to laugh.

Could it be that she is very happy?In this situation, he himself is also a victim.She is also a person who has not obtained happiness, why in her Yu Tiantian's eyes, everything is as it should be.Everything is that she wants to be happy, but she herself can only be willing to suffer?
Is it too much for her to do this?I just feel ironic in my heart, I have worked so hard, what is it for?I used to not understand, I used to think that I can do anything, but now I am tired after all.

There is no chance to let myself feel relaxed and indifferent!After all, this is fate, after all, this is the unchanging law that cannot be changed!
The final ending between them is probably like this, but why does Yu Tiantian think so.Is this what work should be? !
(End of this chapter)

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