Chapter 740

Qiao Qiancen knew that there was something in his heart that he wanted to protect, and she was the same, but why could he feel so confidently that she should wait for her answer?

This is obviously too ridiculous!They are all ordinary pots, no one has one, no one is noble, now, it is impossible to wait for her at this time!

The feeling of being lost is so clear, after all, they are incapable of making any decisions. The current situation is unexpected and expected.

After all, no one has the foresight!

My heart is already empty and I understand that in this situation, no matter how much I refuse, no matter how much I feel that I don't want to accept it, after all, I have exhausted all my strength and there is no way and ability to change it.

I used to not understand in my heart, but now is there anything I don’t understand?

Have you become clear and understand in your heart?

I feel a little depressed. After all, there is no possibility to change. I used to feel empty in my heart, but now I know it. I know that there are too many things between the two of them, but now that I am pregnant, it is unexpected after all. Unexpected things?

I don't know what else to talk about but now, Yu Tiantian is so relaxed and complacent, I just can't get used to it, there is no reason, but I have no obligation to spoil him!
"Mother-in-law, this, this! What is this? You are about to get married. Now that your son already has a child, what else can you do? My daughter is a clean and innocent girl. How about you?" What do you want?"

One of Yu Tiantian's mothers couldn't bear it, she couldn't help but questioned after all, it doesn't matter if Fu Yanshen treats Yu Jiapen coldly or not.But now, even the children have come out, how can they accept it, won't it become a joke in the upper class?
How could they accept and forgive easily, but Fu Yanshen's mother felt embarrassed and dissatisfied when she heard this sentence at this moment, and it was the first day she knew about this and the matter. Well, why did he just question her like this? As if she deliberately hid it and didn't tell them?
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, at this moment, it was not difficult in his heart, but on the surface he could only admit it. "Oh dear mother, I don't know what's going on. Can I promise now? I'm sure I'll give you an explanation when the matter is cleared up. Besides..."

Speaking of her heart, she deliberately moved closer and said, "You know, she is an inferior person. It is normal for her to do anything in order to cross the class. We have no way to say anything, we can only pray to God, this amount The thing is false! Come on!"

Fu Yanshen still feels dissatisfied in her heart. In the current situation, they have no ability to change anything, and after all, if it is really her grandson, of course she wants it, but the Yu family must be stabilized right now. Be careful, otherwise everything will be a big deal!
The Yu family listened to her words.Some believe and some don't believe in my heart, but at this moment there is no way, after all, it has reached such a point, I can only believe for a while, now there is no way to say anything.

"Well, let me believe it. But don't lie to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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