Chapter 769

For some reason, he seemed to see a figure among the queens. It seemed that he had returned from back then, still wearing simple and plain clothes, sitting in the living room looking at him like a girl next door, smiling without saying a word, But I already feel that it seems to be what I want to pursue most in my life.

With him looking at him, his heart seemed to gradually warm up. Some thoughts wanted to be a little bit pleasant. He didn't know how to describe himself. After all, he felt too happy at this moment. He was so excited that he couldn't say a word. His trembling hands wanted to hug her.

"You are back, right? I knew you couldn't be so cruel. You have always said that you would not say that you would leave me. Now that you are finally back, we can go back to the past Now, right? Then I won’t be so sad anymore, after all, there are still so many things between us, so many good things that have not been implemented, the vows we once made, now we all have not forgotten, right? I only know that the breakup you said at the beginning was a lie. Well, now there is no need to quarrel between the two of us, let us go back to the past, and there will be no misunderstandings and quarrels, okay? My dear Qian Cen?"

He spoke carefully, with a touch of sensitivity. After all, he didn't say anything. The girl just sat on the sofa and looked at him with a smile, and nodded obediently when he finished asking.

Looking at him, I felt ecstatic in my heart, jumped up a little unconfidently, and rushed forward to hug her.

"It's great, it's great, I didn't expect you to forgive me, and we can finally go back to the past."

She was so happy that she almost forgot everything, but he didn't expect that when he really reached the edge of the sofa and opened his arms to be hugged by him, he disappeared directly from his face, hugged an air, After all, she stared blankly at her hand as if she was stunned, looking at the original seat where there was one person who was late. At this moment, she realized that she just saw a fantasy just now, because she missed As a result, he has become unconscious,
"How is it possible? How is this possible? I don't believe Qian Cen, where are you? You just knew you were here."

He yelled in pain and sorrow, and looked at how empty everything here was like a hotel where the incident happened, as if another person had never appeared, but he clearly remembered it so fresh, he once said This is his happiest place. With him, staying here every day has a carefree thought, just like an innocent child.He doesn't need any troubles from G, and he doesn't feel pain and sorrow. He can be himself freely here, and he doesn't have to worry about anyone dissatisfied with him, and he doesn't need to look at anyone's face to live directly.

This is clearly the place that makes him feel the happiest, but why does he feel a little sad when he sees this place at this moment.The place he loved the most, but in the end he didn't continue to stay here, and the place where he thought it didn't matter, as long as there was him, but in the end he was the only one left.

He doesn't know how to describe it to make it appear that he is not so hypocritical, but looking at all the empty rooms and living rooms in this world, he will feel as if he had a dream, a dream that will never happen. Maybe the dream of waking up, from the beginning to the end, since the protagonist in the dream is only her, and that she is just a fantasy of her own.

Qiao Qiancen.After all, he followed his beautiful dream, but he was the only one left here.He has no way to leave, let alone go out, he is the only one who feels sorry for himself in this difficult situation.

My heart sank and I didn't know what to do to make it work.

(End of this chapter)

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