Chapter 770

Qiao Qiancen thought he had a cold.Rubbing my nose, why is it that the weather is not very cold recently, and it has begun to show signs of warming up, why do I still feel like sneezing?Could it be that someone is missing him?Love Bell thought about it like this, but after a while, he laughed again. No one would miss him at this time. Everyone is busy with their own affairs. He is also working hard on his own business now. Support your dreams, only if you love yourself, you will have hope in the future.Only the dream of myself and my mother can be realized. They want a complete and beautiful home, so now they can only continue to work hard. No one should say that anyone is bad, but sometimes it is good to work hard in the right direction. of.

He practiced dancing in the dance studio, spinning and jumping over and over again, jumping up and down over and over again, and doing movements over and over again. He even had to manage his expressions very online, because he knew that he wanted to become a first-line girl group in the future, so all his efforts now It's all right, they have to do everything to the extreme, so that there will be no excuses, and no one will feel that they should not stand on the stage of this world.

Then it finally came to the day in the park. He didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance at the backstage of the stage, and she was a little stunned for a moment.

Probably because I never thought that they would meet again in this life, now the appearance of Stepping in has changed, I am no longer the same as I knew him at the beginning.

This person is a good sister who worked hard with her and Xia Han to make her debut...

Now he has completely changed his appearance, he is no longer the long straight black hair with little water in the soup.His hair was dyed purple, and his slightly curly makeup was exquisite, not at all like the plain appearance he used to be. Now he is completely a fashionable woman in the metropolis.

Qiao Qiancen was a little stunned, but after realizing it, he hurried forward. "Oh my god, I don't even recognize you. Back then we just finished the campaign and you left without saying a word. Xia Han and I kept calling and texting you. But you didn't even reply. We don't know what's wrong with you, we just think that you seem to be angry, and we are worried that something will happen to you, any accident, but now we see that you are standing here as if you didn't, and you have become so glamorous, I really feel relieved in my heart. By the way, what have you done these years? Why don't you come to see me? We have always missed you, don't you know? "

He stepped forward and grabbed her hand.I was shocked and pleasantly surprised in my heart, I didn't know that I would meet her in such a situation, and I didn't know what happened in the past, but now seeing him standing in front of me intact, I couldn't find anything but surprise in my heart. Without any other emotions, he was very happy for him. He was able to appear here, and he must have realized his dream in another way.

I don't want to comment too much now, he just wants to bless him, bless her former good sisters, as long as they can realize their dreams, he thinks they are amazing, not to mention they have struggled and worked hard together, and now each other Isn't it a very gratifying thing to have become who you want to be?
He was very happy in his heart, but he didn't notice the disgust in the woman's eyes. Before he could react in the next second, he shook her hand away and said very indifferently. "I'm sorry, I don't have any impression of you anymore. If you have nothing to do, please go away and don't make relationships here. I hate the existence of people like you the most by my side."

In a word, he is indifferent and ruthless to himself.Qiao Qiancen froze on the spot, unable to react, what was he doing?Why would a former good friend say that he doesn't recognize himself like this?

(End of this chapter)

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