Chapter 783

The man said helplessly that at this moment, they don't want to do this either, but sometimes they have no choice but to continue like this after their dreams. They just hope that they don't check too much in the end!

It is very complicated in their hearts, they have lost all countermeasures and methods between them, and when they wrote this, if they don't restore and make all this change, they will have no way to change anything.

Listening to this sentence, after all, no one said anything between them, and none of them wanted this situation, but what could they do after all?

Yu Tiantian bit her lip sadly, in her heart she just felt that it was terrible, if it was possible, she wouldn't want to play like this!It's just that the current mood is too bad, and there is no way to change and influence it.

If he could, it would be impossible for him to restore the current situation after all, because he might as well die for him!Anyway, the man I love doesn't care about me, and won't give me the slightest chance, so what hope and hope do I have for living? !

After all, I feel sad and disappointed in my heart. Now I am like a lost fool, abandoned in this place. No one pities me, no one is willing to give her a chance and any leeway.

She was clearly driven to a desperate situation, but in the end, she couldn't get anything!

After all, she is already tired. If she can, if she has the ability, she would rather destroy all of this.
Anyway, what she can't get, no one else can get it!It's over between them, and it's impossible for anyone to say anything to change the situation!

After all, Yu Tiantian's mood was complicated, so he didn't say anything.After being silent for a while, he still said to the man "Don't meddle in other people's business next time" and left directly.

I was very angry with the man just now. After all, he was kind and wanted to do a good deed, but in the end he got nothing after all, and was forced to stay here after all.

Shaking his head helplessly, he also left directly angrily, but Yu Tiantian didn't know that after she left, there was a man who had been looking at her with deep eyes and had never left.
At this moment, everyone dispersed.As if nothing happened just now, as if I have been talking to myself all the time.

The man watched everyone leave here, after all, he felt a little funny in his heart, and he curled his lips slightly. Looking at the situation, he still has an advantage. After all, no one is willing to accept his current situation, and it is reasonable for him to do so now , he also wants to do something good to make everyone happy...

"Yu Tiantian, don't be impatient. You just want Fu Yanshen to marry you. I'll help you."

He said with a chuckle, his tone full of indifference and sarcasm.It seems that he is talking to himself alone, and it seems that he is telling others how he will deal with this matter in the future.

In short, he has already started to have a plan in his heart, and no one can influence or change it. These are all plans that he has carefully thought out.

A tight net was drawn down toward him, with nowhere to escape.No one will be innocent in this matter!
(End of this chapter)

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