Chapter 784

In the past few days, Qiao Qiancen and the others have been preparing performances for the first anniversary of their debut.They danced from morning to night every day, and they had memorized the lyrics by heart, but some dance moves still needed to be pondered. Just as Qiao Qiancen was practicing dance in the dance studio, her manager Jessie came.

He stood at the door of the dance studio and waved at him, his complexion not very good.Qiao Qiancen made several flashes in his mind, but he didn't show any emotion, and couldn't carry it out.

He understood that he didn't have any schedule at this time recently, and sister Jessie would not come to him.Then he suddenly came to him now, it must be for that matter.

He knew it in his heart, but he also walked out. "Sister Jesse, are you looking for me?"

She looked normal, as if nothing had happened.And after these words fell, Miss Jessie's face changed immediately.

"What did you ask me? Don't you know what happened? There has been a lot of trouble recently. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have to go to the company. "

Qiao Qiancen lowered his eyes.He knew what he did was wrong, and he also knew how much trouble his incident had caused Jessie and the company.But at this moment, there was nothing he could do.I don't want to become like this, but some things are beyond his expectation after all, what he can do is to minimize the damage as much as possible and minimize the loss.It was the only thing he could do.

"I'm sorry Miss Jessie. I don't want to do this either, but the matter has come to this point, no matter how much I say, it's tantamount to sophistry. I just want to say that this is my own choice. The company once had a contract stipulation that during the contract period You are not allowed to fall in love, I am very clear about this matter, but now it has developed into this way, I can only say sorry and sorry. Thank you for your trust and help in me for so long, but now this matter has developed into this way I have nothing to do, if the company wants to punish me, then just punish me. I just hope that you don't lose too much."

He lowered his head, and said with some guilt, he finally understood how much a person's loss in the entertainment circle was to him if his relationship was exposed, and a lot of the whole process was changed because of this.

But after all, he doesn't want to do this matter. Someone is persecuting him, and he is also persecuting himself. They don't care about anyone, and they can't easily separate themselves from this matter. He can do it.This is to minimize the loss and not to hurt anyone or anything.

Jessie was worried about him.It's not that I want to blame him, but what a blow this incident will be to his future career!After all, he couldn't see it. He was supposed to go on a good road, but he ended up going downhill because of it. This was unfair to her and everyone. He didn't have any blame in his heart, he just felt very angry. Why did she ruin her future like this?
"Qiancen, I don't want to be like this, but now that things have developed like this, you should do your best to recover. For example, you can find an opportunity or hold a special press conference to explain that this matter has nothing to do with you. You It can be said that all of this was forced by him, and it can also be said that all of this was a show of last resort, in short, there is no need for you to let this matter develop to this point!"

(End of this chapter)

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