Chapter 786

"Well, if you want to be like this, then I can't stand you, but you have to be clear, this is your decision, no one can change it, but in the end, if these things are still exposed, then I have no way to say anything more. After all, this is your own decision. You have to bear the child alone. I am just your agent. Be firm in your decision, then I have nothing to say, goodbye."

Sister Jesse seemed helpless, but also seemed to be angry with him.Asking him to turn around and leave without looking at Qiao Qiancen.

And Qiao Qianzhang didn't say any more words, and lowered his eyes silently, he knew very well in his heart that if he didn't see this matter clearly now, it would eventually turn into such a consequence, he knew very well in his heart.

It's just that now Jessie is willing to come to think for himself, to give advice or be kind to himself, he is already very grateful in his heart, he bent towards his back, bowed and said thank you , you don't say anything anymore.

At this time, everyone misunderstood him and felt that he shouldn't do this, but in his opinion, he had tried his best. If he still couldn't achieve the result he wanted, then he could only give up after all, right? ?Everyone said it was right and said it was bad, but what difference did it make to him?He's just doing what he can, no one can say a word, and he wouldn't choose such a result if he could.

"Qiancen, are you still not coming back to dance?"

Besides, the dance teacher poked his head out of the dance room, looked at her lonely back and asked a question.

And after hearing that Qiao Qiancheng didn't say anything more after all, he nodded his head, said something, came, then turned around and went in.

Now at this time, many things are not suitable to say more after all. How do they handle everything silently and don't bother with it? This is the most important thing between them. There are so many things that don't matter, and now there is no shortage of this one.The most important thing is to do the things in front of him right now, such as June [-]th, for example, his debut, these are the most important things for him, some things are the first anniversary of their debut, many fans are waiting to see their performances, she It's also not suitable for delaying everyone by whining at home.

Back in the dance studio, she continued to practice dancing.

Looking at every movement of himself in the mirror in front of him, every movement he made with ease, every expression was very well controlled, he only felt that the behavior in his heart might be due to the progress and hard work of monitoring for so many years, isn't this what he said he won As for the result, so many things I failed to achieve the desired expectations in the end, but the dance and expression in front of me are all controlled very well, right?
In the operation of the Korean drama Inquiry, she turned around and took off, and every step was as light as a dancing butterfly. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled slightly and said to herself in the mirror, "Come on, Qiao Qiancen."

Many things seem to be unnecessary now, and many things that he insisted on again, and he is unwilling to let go, after all, look like a scourge, and after all, there is no way to escape it, only to face it again and again Facing these difficulties, pretend not to care, pretend that you can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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