Chapter 787

time flies.In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the performance. They stood on the stage and took pictures of all the audience under the eyes of their fans and friends, Qiao Qiancheng.There are some unspeakable emotions in my heart.It has been a long time, he has worked hard for a long time.How difficult it is to be able to get to where he is today, he is very clear in his heart.It's just that after all, some lost things are irretrievable. They are staying in this place now, as if they have been given for many, many years, and they have used a lot of courage to have such an ending.

When Mid-Autumn Festival came to this point, no one blamed him, and no one wanted it.He only felt that he had worked too hard in the past, so that now his heart is full of bitterness. Thinking about the day when he never felt happy before, could it be that this is his fate after all?

He thought with some doubts in his heart.But now the audience here are all fans and friends cheering for them, and there are many people who like him.What reason does he have to abandon himself here and feel that all this is not worth it?If it was the past, I must have been ecstatic, and already felt that it was just a dream that I couldn't ask for, and I must have felt that I was still immersed in fantasy and hadn't woken up yet.But now this has become a reality, all of this is not a dream, but a fact that really happened in front of him.

After all, she didn't say a word, she calmed down and looked at everything reluctantly, she just felt that some tears filled her eyes, she had worked hard for so long, and now she finally reached this point, could it be that they didn't work hard for a long time ?
After all, she figured it out, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, feeling extremely happy. Many times he couldn't understand why many people put so much energy and effort into accomplishing one thing, but she finally understood it until today, because Standing on the pinnacle of the finish line is a wonderful feeling. People who have never stood up before can't understand this feeling. Just as he worked so hard before to achieve such an ending, why should he be discouraged now?

Without thinking about it, he smiled slightly, hiding his middle school emotions, and then, as if he had rehearsed countless times, that version skillfully picked out the dance, picked up the microphone and sang their team's song over and over again.

This stage is full of people cheering for them. There are many people who like him here, so she should perform well, show the best of herself, and show what they most want to see is the most important thing to do The thing is, even though he gave up on himself many times, they never gave up on him, so what right does he have to say sarcastic remarks here?
Every dance is done to the best and every lyric is sung to the correct pitch. After all, everyone is looking at her. After all, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, knowing their hard work and sweat, and knowing all this. It was not easy, so at this moment, they all looked at her, looking at her shining on the stage, without inferiority complex or any redundant emotions.

Finally, after the performance of several lyrics, she and her teammates smiled and bowed to everyone to express their gratitude.

The audience cheered, and some had tears in their eyes.Every teammate was expressing their testimonials, and when it was Qiao Qiancen's turn, she felt very calm, as if she had anticipated such a scene countless times.

(End of this chapter)

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