Chapter 788

And she knew and understood in her heart that this moment has finally become a reality, but she didn't know what reaction and emotion to use to face it, so she hid everything in her heart and didn't think about it so much anymore.

Qiao Qiancen held the microphone and sighed slightly. He seemed to want to speak, but his voice choked up for a moment.Seeing him like this, fans and friends couldn't help applauding with distress, wanting to comfort him and encourage him, but at this moment he finally cleaned up his mood and looked at the audience in front of him again.

Wei Wei bowed and said "thank you"

"A lot of people seem to have high expectations of me all the time, and the master thinks that I am such a person. People who come out of No.1 in the draft must have something different, and they must have something to hire, but I am sorry to let you Disappointed, but I have been working hard to get better and make progress. I believe fans and friends who like me can already see it. This journey has been very difficult. I am very grateful for your company, if not for You are here, I don’t think I can hold on anymore.”

He covered his head and smiled slightly, sighing a little. "I'm sorry but also grateful. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be so obsessed with my inferiority. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to persevere. So I am really grateful along the way. With you, if I If it weren’t for your existence, I wouldn’t have thought about it, I would have stopped making progress, and I’m really thankful to you all this way.”

As he spoke, his tears couldn't help but slipped down, and he wiped away the tears with his hands, and regained his courage to speak. "I have always known that I am the most tired and lost a lot of people. I come and go and stay around me. In the end, you are the only ones left. I don't know how to express my emotions, but at this moment I want to say thank you for staying." I will not resent those who have left, because I have the ability to say what I want to say on this stage, and do what I want to do because of your support. Qiao Qiancen is the best today. Thank you in the future, no matter what, I will give my life and your expectations a satisfactory answer. I also hope that you can give me more support. In the future, I will definitely live up to expectations and bring you Come to a better Qiao Qiancen."

The light shone on his face. At this moment, her face was illuminated so beautifully, but she shed tears in the end, because it touched everyone’s company and touched my persistence. After reaching this point, tears welled up in his eyes after all.Pan Xia hugged everyone, told everyone who supported him, heard that he lived up to his expectations, and finally stood on this stage.

But at this moment, he didn't know that there was a person guarding him in front of the TV, so he just looked at the TV screen.With tears in her eyes, she felt pity in her heart, how she wished that he could appear by her side at this moment, give her a hug, and tell her that I have not left, and that I have been here to guard you and wait for you.

But in the end he couldn't do it.Now they have gone farther and farther, and it is very likely that they will encounter a different life, go to a different place, and meet a different scenery, so in the end he knows that he can no longer be entangled.

(End of this chapter)

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