Chapter 792

The next day, Qiao Qiancen was on the set.

She had already changed into her clothes and put on makeup on her face. She was sitting on the seat watching the script and reciting the lines in it.At this time, the assistant director walked towards him. "Qian Cen, today's scene may be a little difficult, if you can't take it, you must say it. We will find a way to solve it for you."

Now Qiao Qiancheng has been exposed to be related to the two big presidents, and they are both big figures in Yuncheng. Those two people belong to the characters who can make the whole Yuncheng tremble three times when they frown.They didn't dare to offend at all, so when facing Qiao Qiancen now, almost the entire crew was respectful.

Qiao Qiancen was a little stunned when he heard the words, he didn't expect that event would still affect his life after all, in the past when he was filming, no one would specialize him.Just do whatever you want, and now after that incident is exposed, it seems that everyone is afraid of the power of the so-called two people behind her.

Qiao Qiancun felt very distressed. After all, she had nothing to do with them. What happened that day was just a farce after all. But no one would listen to her explanation now. She just felt extremely annoyed.

As an actor, the most important thing is to be professional. If he specializes himself now, the only thing is to put on airs.What is the difference with some big-name celebrities outside?After all, he is the actor who hates this kind of actor the most. Since he hates it, he will definitely not do it.

After thinking for a while, he still said directly. "You don't need to specialize it for me. Next, you can shoot whatever you want for Market's Knee, and just follow the crew's arrangement."

He smiled, and said with a very easy-going expression, but after hearing this, the assistant director was stunned after all.She didn't expect Qiao Qiancheng to be so easy to talk to.After all, a woman who is liked by two big bosses will have a little arrogance and pride, but he didn't see these two points in him, he seemed to be just an ordinary person, nothing happened and nothing happened and he didn't need to mind And caring so easy-going and humble.In his heart, he only felt that he liked the personality of the girl in front of him. This is the real actor, not the so-called "star"!
"Hey, good! Since Ms. Qiao is so sensible, then I don't need to be so cautious and caring. From now on, we will be a team of crew members. We will all take care of each other. Don't embarrass anyone. This is the most important thing. Good cooperation."

Qiao Qianchen nodded to express his understanding and understanding.This is also the result he wants the most. He doesn't want any human being, but he may feel that he is an unattainable person. He just wants to be an ordinary person, realize his dream, and be himself I want to be a good actor who wants to act.

After a while, the acting officially started.The part to be filmed today is the scene where he falls from the sky and falls to the ground, while her body needs to be tied tightly with Wia, flying down from a very high place.

In his heart, he was very confident in himself, and felt that no matter how hard it was to take drugs, he could overcome it, but at this moment, when he was running and standing in the sky, and there was a gloomy land under Wangdi, he felt a little bit troubled in his heart after all.

(End of this chapter)

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