Chapter 793

If this was in Chongqing, he would not have worried about these things, and he would definitely have the courage to tell the customer service about these things, but today's area is different, it has a child in its belly, and he can't do it. such strenuous exercise.

It's just that at this moment, he is thinking that it is impossible to regret it. The assistant director has reminded himself of this matter just now, and said lightly that there is no problem, and he can do things according to the original arrangement. If he suddenly said that he would regret it at this moment , wouldn't that slap him in the face, and he will get a bad reputation in the future, I'm afraid.

He felt a little heavy in his heart, he didn't know how to choose, but now he saw that all the staff were ready and waiting for him, waiting for him to come and finish the filming of this molestation, and then proceed to the new one. process.

There was some embarrassment in his eyes, but now that everyone is ready, he still has to struggle in his heart. He doesn't want to miss everyone's work schedule, but it's useless what he's talking about at this moment!

Everyone knows about this matter and they are all watching him, waiting to get up on this stage now.Mid-Autumn Festival is very entangled in his heart, but at this moment, he can't help him to think so much anymore. Everyone is looking at him. If he delays like this, it will delay everyone's progress and the entire crew's shooting schedule. He has no choice After thinking for too long, he finally took a deep breath and stood directly on that stage.

"Thousand layers, if it's too difficult for you, you can tell me if you're afraid, I'll help him find a substitute now, you don't need to be brave, this matter is already difficult If other actors would do the same, you don't need to feel guilty."

When the assistant director looked at him, he could see clearly that he must be afraid, and he knew in his heart that such a scene would scare any man, let alone a delicate girl like her.

But when the words fell, Qiao Qiancheng refused without much thought. He shook his head and said helplessly. "This thing has to be done by someone after all. If I don't do it now, you will have to spend time finding a substitute, and what I am afraid of will definitely be afraid of others. Why should I let my pain sleep on others Go? I don’t think it’s right to do this, it’s fine if I have to do the filming myself, thank you for your concern and care as the assistant director, I have to do these things myself.”

He insisted on saying that the assistant director has no choice after all. After all, it is really difficult to find a stand-in actor temporarily at this time, and all the small Hengcheng are in a hurry. If I delay it like this, it will definitely affect them. They can't. Now that the actors have said that they have no problems and can overcome them, there is no need for him to insist on something after all. After all, the time for filming is relatively tight now, so he has to do this.

"Well, just do it like this, but if you really can't get along, you can tell me quickly."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and forgot about it. The other staff signaled to the martial arts instructor to tie up the wire for her, and they spoke to everyone through the microphone. "Get ready for the shoot to start."

(End of this chapter)

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