Chapter 794

Qiao Qiancen knew what he had said, and knew that it was impossible to turn back. Now everyone was looking at him, waiting for him to take such a leap and shoot a brilliant scene to end this episode, so he It's time to stop talking about rejection.

Opening his arms slightly, he took a deep breath, until now he should know how to jump, everyone is looking at her, and the lighting engineer is also beside him misunderstood that he can't waste too much time when he is playing.

"On your marks, get ready! 123 jumps!"

Qiao Qianchen listened to the last three seconds of the assistant director's countdown, and immediately jumped into it.There is a bottomless abyss below, an abyss that no one can see, but he has no choice but to jump down without hesitation, because now it is filming, especially because he is an actor, he wants to film every molestation, it is best not to use any One person is disappointed and feels that he is not professional.This is his original intention, but he has always believed in the concept that only by being dedicated to his work and making good shots, can he be regarded as a truly qualified actor every time he molested himself, and he can truly realize his dream.The moment he jumped down, he wanted to close his eyes when he thought that this movie is about the heroine jumping down with her eyes open and mighty Lin Feng. If he closes his eyes at this moment, he will have to do it all over again. .After all, this is not in line with the image of the heroine described in the script, he has to open his eyes and look like he has no hesitation.

"It's great, it's the right way to do it. Now you have to stand in front of your eyes, don't look at the camera, just keep jumping down." The assistant director touched the microphone and continued to guide him. Any idea, his only idea is to perform this scene well and not leave any regrets.

But the wind kept whistling in his ears, blowing and blowing, making it impossible for him to calm down. At this moment, he was panicked and even more frightened. After all, it was such a high altitude that anyone would be afraid.

I don't know why this moment should not dazzle him, or what, he suddenly seemed to see a lot of money, and the pictures flashed in front of his eyes one by one, he suddenly became a little scared, his eyes widened, and he was nervous. Couldn't utter a word, and even forgot to scream.

She came from time travel, back to what happened a few years ago.Only he himself knows, and now it falls from a high altitude, many novels and movies are filmed like this, because it can travel back and forth, could it be possible that he went back to the last time?

He was so flustered that he didn't know what to do, but now he couldn't do a single thing in the air, he could only wave his hands and feet desperately, because in this way he could ask for help and get help.

But after all, there is no way, now he can't catch anything in the air, can't do anything, he can only fall and fall desperately trying to catch something, but after all, the only thing he can grab manually is air.

Why is this so? Why is the picture in front of him so real? Why did he see the picture where everyone was celebrating her death? !

I was both chilled and shocked. I didn't expect that these so-called family members would treat her like this at this moment?Treat her like a stranger!

(End of this chapter)

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