Chapter 127 Untitled
"Don't persuade me to go home, I think my mother is too annoying.

Also, the environment where I live is not bad, and people treat me very well.

The most important thing is not to spend crystal nuclei, I don't have to suffer from the cold, why should I go back to your place to suffer!

But, your sister, I also said the ugly words first.

Don't make any other plans, I don't have the ability to take over our family. "

As soon as Han Xinuo spoke, the waiter brought these two bowls of noodles over.

"Okay, I get it now!
It's fine if you don't want to go back, the place we live in is pretty messy, you look so juicy or have water abilities.

If you meet a power mutant who knows kung fu, if he robs you and takes advantage of you, there is no place to cry. "

Han Handong is not stupid, his sister, a water-type supernatural being, is actually better with those big guys.

What about living with your own family?If this is really snatched away by those arrogant people, the loss outweighs the gain.

Maybe it's because my sister really awakened her abilities, she looks like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

Now she looks like her brother.

What's more, it is said that not everyone can enter this area b, even if he wants to go there casually, he will be blocked by people.

In this damn end times, people are divided into three, six, and nine classes.
"But sister, our mother has had a hard time here, and she is honest and knows that it is not easy to earn food outside.

By the way, aren't you a supernatural being?I heard that this supernatural person can use his identity to find a decent job for the family members of ordinary people.

This mother also wants to go out and do something now, but what do you think she can do, I think this job of sweeping the base is not bad. "

Han Dong looks at this bowl of noodles but is not willing to eat it

"Han Handong, this matter is easy to handle, and no one uses my identity. I'll go and tell the base, but it's too cold to sweep the street now, can my mother bear this pain?"

Han Zhennuo smiled, picked up the noodles, and tasted it. The taste is really indescribable, it's so unpalatable

"Oh! What time is it now, can the mother choose it? It's cold now, and it's warm to go outside and sweep the floor."

Han Guodong laughed at himself, wondering if he would take the noodles back and give his girlfriend and parents a taste.

Han Junnuo seemed to see that there was something wrong with his younger brother.

"Han Guodong, do you also see that the noodles are so poorly made, I just tasted it, it is really unpalatable!

Or let me see if they have anything else to eat here! "

"Don't, don't, sister, I want to take it back and give it to our eldest parents and my girlfriend to taste!" Han Handong blushed a little in embarrassment

Han Zhennuo glared at him, "Han Handong, eat quickly, I'll give you this bowl too.

In this way, I will give you some dried noodles and a bag of tomato sauce, and you can take it home and cook it!
Hurry up, how do you get this soup home?

Also, don't let your girlfriend know that I gave you that thing. I don't care if I cause trouble for you.

Don't point it out, I can save you when the time comes, I don't have any force myself.

This is the last time I went on a mission, people were very satisfied with me, and that's why they gave me an extra reward!

Just this kind of opportunity, I guess you will encounter this kind of meaning in your life, you should cherish it, don't let others take it away! "

"Oh oh, I see!"

Han Handong heard what his sister said, but his stomach was like a bottomless pit.

He slammed the tomato noodles into his mouth desperately, the taste was indeed a bit strange.

But now you don't even have many chances to eat salt, naturally in his mouth, this is endless deliciousness
What's more, when can I eat white noodles now, and can I still eat delicious ones and dare to choose?
"Sister, you really don't want to eat it!" Han Handong stared straight at Han Zhennuo's bowl of noodles.

"Hurry up and eat, they will take care of the food where you and I stay, otherwise how can I invite you out for dinner, hurry up!"

Han Zhennuo helped his younger brother push the noodles towards him again.

He took out his carry-on bag, and there was only a small cloth bag in this bag, which contained the two protective suits.

Han Zhennuo stuffed another handful of dried noodles and two bags of tomato sauce into it.After thinking about it, I threw two bags of salt over.

There is no way, the small cloth bag is too small, and it will not work if you throw more in it.

"Han Handong, aren't you very fast? Can you guarantee that your things will not be snatched away?"

Han Zhennuo looked at his brother hesitantly.

"Don't worry, if I'm still robbed at the base, then I won't have to live.

As for your little cloth bag, I can just stuff it in my arms, don't worry, people who often go out and do this have long been used to it. "

Han Handong slid the noodles and spoke in a slightly indistinct manner.

"That's good!" Han Qinnuo watched as he was about to finish eating and put a bowl of water for the bowl of noodles he ate before.

It is said that the noodles Han Handong eats are definitely quite clean. Just this bowl seems to be washed with water, which is called clean.

Han Guodong was also polite, and directly drank the bowl of water.

It's been a long time, but I really haven't drunk this water system, the water obtained by the supernatural being.

The main reason is that it is too expensive. Just such a bowl of water requires a crystal nucleus, which is a rhythm that kills people.

But this water is really delicious, sweet and sweet, I feel comfortable all over after drinking it.

Han Handong smashed his mouth and took out a mineral water bottle from his arms.

"Sister, give me another bottle of water, I'll take it home and drink it slowly!"

Han Zhennuo glared at him, took the mineral water bottle, and carefully filled it up for him.

"Do you have any empty bottles? If you have any, I'll bring them. Is there enough water? It's no problem to get you something to drink."

"Yes" Han Guodong hurriedly took out another empty bottle from his arms

He originally planned to go to the trading market to buy some purified water.
Han Xinuo...

But he still helped his brother fill up the water.

"What about you, take a break and leave quickly, take this thing home, and be careful when you go out on missions in the future.

Now those things outside are getting more and more brutal, but it won't work if you don't go out.

If you don't go out, you probably won't dare to run outside after a while.

It really can't survive! "

"Well, I know, anyway, I'm still a little mutated, I can run fast, it's really hard for ordinary people to live! Hey!
But sister, don't go out with other people to do missions in the future. It's just you selling water. Although you won't have a good life, at least you can live well. "

South Korean Dong sighed and solved the water-type supernatural being by himself, even if he went on a mission, it was just for others to use it as a water storage device.

Naturally, I don't understand how much danger I will be in!

"I see." Han Zhennuo stuffed a piece of peeled chocolate into his brother's mouth

"It was given to me by someone else!"

Han Guodong immediately wanted to spit out the chocolate and exchange it for supplies, but he had already painted half of it in his mouth, so he had no choice but to taste the chocolate slowly.

Just such a small piece of chocolate, if you go out to exchange supplies, you can exchange him for a catty of cornmeal.

At this moment, the communicator in Han Yinuo's hand vibrated.

Han Xinuo looked down and saw that this person was none other than Han Xiaochen who had disappeared for several days!
It seems that this person is finally willing to come back!
(End of this chapter)

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