Chapter 128
"Hey! Han Xiaochen, are you still willing to come back?

I thought you were going to nest among the zombies there! "

"Isn't this nonsense? Why don't I come back? You're still living there!
Hey, I got something good here again, don't you like mobile phones?I pulled a lot, and there are a lot of beautiful jewelry!
But I'm very tired now, come and accompany me! "

Han Xiaochen reluctantly lay on the big bed in the villa, and called Han Zhennuo.

That's right, she was pulled out of space only after being threatened and threatened by the bastard Mo Yan.

As for the damn reason, it's definitely not good to say that I stay in the space all the time, so what?
However, the temperature in this room is quite warm now. Although it is not as good as in the space, it is still quite warm.

"That's it, so many good things! But are you tired and confused, do you think I can get into Area A?"

Han Xinuo was a little moved, of course the most important thing was to see Han Xiaochen

"Don't worry, I have a big boss here today, I don't know if he helped me talk to the base, or what happened.

Anyway, if I want friends to come to see me, especially if you are the one who can come in. "

Han Xinnuo's space has become very large due to an accident, and it is still a precious, but water-type power user with little attack power.

Even this base takes extra care of her!

He even said that as long as it's Han Xinuo himself, it's fine to live in District A!
Han Xiaochen doesn't have anyone anymore, the wife of this base has some kind of utilitarianism, right?

"Hearing what you said, I feel a little flattered, then okay, I'll go and see you later!

But let me tell you in advance, I am greedy, I really want to eat fresh vegetables like tomatoes, which are delicious and can be used as fruits! "Han Yinuo grinned.
"Okay, no problem, here is what I spawned two days ago.

But you are too hateful, you want to enslave me even though you know that I am exhausted like this. "

Han Xiaochen got a satisfactory answer and hung up the phone with a snap

"Sister, are you leaving?" Han Handong saw that his sister was leaving, so he also stood up quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine anyway, so I'll go see a friend of mine!" Han Zhennuo also stood up

"Okay, since that's the case, I'm leaving too!"

Han Han Dong stuffed the thing into his arms, and his leg ran towards the direction of his house as if it was off the string.

In fact, I really want my sister to help me talk about it. Since I know people in District A, can I get some good jobs for my family?

But after thinking about it, I shut up again. My sister has no ability, so how can I ask for anything, and don't make trouble for her.

Han Zhennuo stared blankly at his brother running at a speed comparable to riding a motorcycle
This speed variation turned out to be so awesome!

And Han Xiaochen's bike is not as good as Han Xiaochen's, it is a racing bike
This bicycle is actually very light and fast to ride. This is the most basic standard equipment in the base in the last days!

It is definitely low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and it can also exercise, mainly because it will not be too cold in winter.

Of course you'll have to cover your head and wear reasonably warm gloves.

Han Zhennuo rode his bicycle to the gate of the end of the world, but was let through directly.

He didn't even stop him, and this was naturally due to Mo Yan.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, Han Xiaochen, you are so beautiful here, I just envy and hate this small villa!"

As soon as Han Xinuo came here, he exaggeratedly shouted

"Han Xinnuo, please keep your voice down, and be careful not to be sued for nuisance!

Also, don't put on an air with me, it's that Mo Shen's villa, it's magnificent, it's no better than mine! "

Han Xiaochen glared at Han Zhennuo, then dragged Han Zhennuo in quickly, it was so cold outside.

Han Xiaochen was worried that Han Xinuo, a road idiot, would not be able to find a door, so he went out to meet her.

It's just that Han Zhennuo just entered the living room and saw the man in front of him, and he was stunned!

Speaking of Mo Shen earlier, Zhao Ye and Ye Jun are considered the best among men, but compared with the man in front of them, they are much inferior!

This man, Han Yinuo, didn't know how to describe him.

Anyway, she just felt that every part of the man in front of her exuded a fatal charm.

She has a superb figure, and her gestures are full of dignity and elegance, but there is also a kind of elegance that is approachable!

"Han Xiaochen? Who is this?" Han Zhennuo looked at Han Xiaochen, then at Mo Yan

This seems to be rape! !The taste of love!
Could this be the boss behind Han Xiaochen?

"Oh, Han Yinuo, this is..."

Han Xiaochen hesitates how to introduce Mo Yan
This guy Mo Yan is also real, why do you always rely on me!

"Han Zhennuo, his name is Mo Yan, he was my former guardian!"

Han Xiaochen was worried that Mo Yan's speech would not be astonishing, and he would die endlessly.

Immediately thought of a more reliable statement.

"Hello Miss Han Xinnuo, our family Xiaochen has always been very naughty!
But I always have the best impression of you, and I often mention you in my ear! "

Mo Yan nodded to Han Zhennuo faintly, but anyone who is familiar with him will know that.

Han Yinuo's current treatment can be regarded as very high standard.

Sometimes Mo Yan would just nod his head slightly to people who are basically very high-status people, basically he can't even say a word!
"Oh! Hello, Mr. Mo!" Why did Han Qinnuo feel that he felt so stressed when he spoke to Mo Yan?

"Han Xinnuo, ignore this person and leave the room!"

Han Xiaochen bared his teeth at Mo Yan and dragged Han Qinuo to her bedroom.

But Mo Yan meaningfully raised his eyebrows at Han Zhennuo's back
This little girl is actually very lucky!
Looking at the spatial abilities of this little girl, she awakened very early, even earlier than the first batch of awakenings in the last days.

This is definitely a great opportunity for her who was born in an ordinary family

What else is in that space?
He even obtained a space artifact by accident, and the most important thing is that it fits so well.

This little girl is about to become God's own daughter.

Possibly, the little girl herself doesn't even know about the bracelet on her wrist.

It is the energy that continuously provides the purest energy for cultivation. This kind of bracelet is hard to come by.

This kind of bracelet can absorb the surrounding energy, and then transform it into the purest kind, slowly nourishing the owner of the bracelet.

Moreover, this kind of bracelet is not easy to use to identify the owner in any way, but I can only get this bracelet. It turns out that it is a sincere gift from the real owner, and I have to separate a little bit of my soul power to use it.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, this bracelet is just a bunch of ordinary bracelets, and it will not have any special effects.

But what kind of idiot is willing to give his fetish to this little girl willingly and sincerely!

Even if this person is dying, most of them are not willing to sincerely hurt their own soul power and give it to whom?

These are the relics of those elders who are willing to give themselves the most caring and most proud younger generations!

"Han Yinuo, don't you like mobile phones? Do you also like these beautiful clothes and jewelry?
I can get a lot of them, come and pick them! "

Han Xiaochen is generous, anyway, she can't use so many beautiful clothes and jewelry.

And if you go to that interface to sell jewelry, you won't be able to sell so much. Han Xiaochen is still worried that if a large number of people sell there, who will pay attention to it!
(End of this chapter)

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