Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 131 There Are Too Many Excellent Men

Chapter 131 There Are Too Many Excellent Men
"Han Xiaochen, I'll fuck you, but ah, I don't know why!
There is always a voice circling in my mind telling me, anyway, that’s what it means, that is, we girls, if we are the same as men.

The speed of this cultivation ability will slow down, which is not good for the body.

This is especially true for Mizuki's abilities like the two of us. It seems that our losses will be relatively large! "

Han Zhennuo wanted to mention Han Xiaochen, but her eyesight is clumsy, so she couldn't tell if Han Xiaochen was a girl?
"There is still such a saying, then when did you come to this idea, oh no, I mean when did the information in your mind start to hover?"

Han Xiaochen frowned, if this information is true, then he...

You are no longer a big girl, but you have been harmed by that bastard Mo Yan a long time ago!
"Do you remember? That time when I threw too many crystal nuclei into the space and the energy surged, I was rescued for no reason?

After that, I kept circling that message in my mind, and then I thought maybe what I said made sense, anyway, I didn't want to risk my life.

At least my ability has not reached a certain level, so I don't think about getting married, let alone with a man. "

Han Xinnuo is willing to tell the truth about Han Xiaochen except for the fact that he got the emerald house
"That's it, I think it should be reasonable, that person saved you so unconditionally, no matter what, it is impossible to harm your plan!

But you are too obedient, you are such a grown-up, and you are still a virgin!
Didn't this man talk all the time? If he wanted to find a place, this man would have to go to kindergarten to find him! "

"Han Xiaochen, clean up your stinky mouth, as for me, I never had a chance to meet men at home before.

Then I went to work in a garment factory. There were not many men in this factory. Besides, I had to work for dozens of hours a day. How could I have time to meet the opposite sex?

Let's not talk about that, I haven't even said a few words to the man!
Now that I think about it, it's kinda...

How can I compare with you, I think you must have lived a colorful life and know so many people.

There is no fitness coach anymore, and I can learn kung fu again, but I don't have that kind of opportunity, and I don't have money and I don't have time. "

Thinking about this, Han Xinuo felt that his previous life was too gloomy and monotonous.

Before I had time to enjoy it, the end of the world ushered in, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt sad!

"By the way, Han Xinnuo, look at your current situation, I think it's absolutely inappropriate for you to live with Mo Shen!
You are still a little girl, and it is terrible for a man who you don't understand to be a wolf.

In order to prevent you from being spoiled by him one day, I invite you to live with me.

This is because the person sitting in the living room has the ability to say that he can let you live in District A too!
In fact, I had this idea before, but I was so small that I couldn't help it. "

Han Xiaochen stated the main purpose of calling Han Xinuo here today.

"(⊙o⊙) What? Han Xiaochen, you are right, let me live with you, where should I live? Your villa is so small!
And I looked at the man in the living room looking very powerful, I was worried that I would be thrown out by him! "

Han Qinuo looked as if he couldn't stand the convulsion.

"Han Junnuo, fuck you? Don't pretend.

That person doesn't live here, he just comes to visit me occasionally.

Besides, if he hadn't hinted that I could find a partner, and the matter of the base, if he could settle it, could I make a request to you? "

Han Xiaochen looked at Han Xinnuo like a fool

Han Xinuo...

Why do I feel itchy hands, why do I really want to beat Han Xiaochen!

"But, I promised Mo Shen not to move out, but I moved to live with you again..."

Han Xinuo was a little moved, but also a little hesitant.

"Han Xinnuo, you are like this, you can stay with me for a few days first, and then you can live with me often, anyway, I also have a vacant room here.

Besides, those big men live in Mo Shen's place, don't you think it's inconvenient for you?
As for you, Zhao Ye, who looks weird and scary, I see you meet him every day, and I'm worried that this person will kill you! "

Han Xiaochen put more effort into it, since he had already been messed up like that by Mo Yan, he might as well bring his good friend over, so as to save Mo Yan from coming to trouble him.

And it’s easy for me to say that I’m going there. I just say I’ve cultivated, and I just say I can’t get out and don’t let people bother me, isn’t that all right?
What's more, Han Xinuo can also enter her space, so it's no big deal to say that it's no big deal to enter the space to practice.

"Well, then let me think about it, I guess it's not easy!"

Han Zhennuo was really moved, and it was true that Mo Shen beside him was always eyeing him, trying to take advantage of him when he had nothing to do, it was really not a problem.

Let's put it bluntly, this girl Han Xinnuo is just not enlightened!

"Han Xiaochen, have you ever been in love before? Then what do you say you like someone?" Han Zhennuo asked suddenly

"Ah? I don't know much about this. At that time, I just felt that that person was very kind to me, and I was very dependent on him. I didn't want to leave him for a moment, so I just told him...

However, it turns out that maybe it wasn't love at all, and I was just cheated when I was young and ignorant. "

The more Han Xiaochen thinks about it now, the more he feels that Mo Yan, an old cow, has eaten young grass
I don't know why, but the country at that time recognized that 18 years old is considered to be 16 years old and you can have sex with men.

And as long as it's voluntary, it's not considered a man is a ****.

Han Xiaochen now feels that he was taken over by Mo Yan at that time, not to mention that there was no law before the end of the world?Didn't you say that you can't buy and sell people?

Mo Yan's behavior at that time was considered illegal, he shouldn't have bought himself from his mother.

Oh no, it's okay for him to get himself out, but he should raise himself as a real adopted child, and then let himself live the life he wants.

Perhaps Han Xiaochen is right in theory, but how can there be so many selfless and caring people in this world?

Maybe there was, but that person was definitely not Mo Yan.

"However, Han Yinuo, what's the matter with you?

Do you think you haven't fallen in love with Mo Shen, or do you think you have thoughts and feelings for other men?
Don't you like the two soldiers who went on missions with us?Or do you like Ye Junzhi or Chutian?

Chutian definitely can't do it, he has a bright woman himself, and that woman is also a lightning-type supernatural being, and she is extremely powerful.

But it's true, now the men around us look pretty awesome!

You can't be blind, right?Do you not understand your own heart?
Ye Junzhi, don't even think about it, I don't think Ye Junzhi will stay for a woman.

You see, Ye Junzhi was originally involved with that Li Youruo, I think the two of them are definitely related.

And I can't see how much Ye Junzhi likes Li Youruo. I guess a large part of it is because Li Youruo's spatial abilities are relatively powerful, and even somewhat mysterious.

(End of this chapter)

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