Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 132 Like the Devil Zhao Ye?

Chapter 132 Like the Devil Zhao Ye?

"I can even see that Ye Junzhi doesn't really care about women, and developing his strength is the most important thing for him, you will suffer a lot if you follow him!
I think that if Ye Junzhi becomes more powerful in the future, he might be the kind of man who raises many women! "

Han Xiaochen frowned and felt that his friend's status was not right

"Han Xiaochen, what are you talking about? I don't mean that to Ye Junzhi.

What's more, he could let Li Youruo run on me back then, how could I like him! "Han Zhennuo glared at Han Xiaochen angrily.
"That's good, that's good, what's going on?" Han Xiaochen was very curious now.

"Han Xiaochen, what do you think of Zhao Ye?"

It's just that the sentence thrown out by Han Zhennuo scared Han Xiaochen.

Han Xiaochen was startled, his fingers were trembling, and he couldn't help pointing at Han Zhennuo.

"Han Yinnuo? What's wrong with you? You're fine, why do you think that evil man like a devil is pleasing to the eye!
how?You started with him?Zhao Ye and Mo Shen get along just like wearing a pair of pants, you can't do that? "

Han Xinnuo was almost driven mad by Han Xiaochen's remarks, she broke off Han Xiaochen's paw impatiently

"No? Nothing happened, and Zhao Ye and I didn't say a few words.

But don't you think Zhao Ye is very mysterious, full of that evil charm?

how?How should I put it, is it attractive? "

"No, I don't think he's attractive, but I think he's dangerous.

And it's still the kind of danger that will kill you if you touch it, and you have to stay away from him! "

Han Xiaochen shook his head in horror, I'll go, it really is a woman living in a closed environment.

To have such a strange idea, come on?How could Zhao Ye have charm?
Isn't it normal for this person to be as evil and dark as a devil?

"Han Xiaochen, what are you doing?
Besides, I just had a little bit of that feeling, and I didn't say I liked him. "

Han Zhennuo couldn't stand it and gave Han Xiaochen a blank look
"Han Xiaochen, if you want to do this again, I will leave now. You are too annoying, tell you a little secret and you will be like this!"

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, Han Xinuo, you have to stop thinking about it?

I can't say what Mo Shen is like, but Zhao Yeren, you must definitely keep him at a respectful distance.

Zhao Ye is definitely not something you can control, and I've heard it said before.

Zhao Ye's behavior is very cruel. He has never broken with women around him, and there are even several at the same time!
And the women who were abandoned by him ended up miserable, either with disabilities or something, and some even went crazy. "

Han Xiaochen shook his head unbearably when he thought of Zhaoye, this person is too scary, is there anyone?

Especially since she has been hacking Zhao Ye's stuff, she still feels that Zhao Ye just stares at her as if he has nothing to do

Although she felt that Zhao Ye was unlikely to recognize her, but as long as Han Xiaochen could, he would definitely stay away from the devil Zhao Ye!

"My God! Is Zhao Ye so scary?

But he's okay with me, he just looks so powerful and mysterious, with a slightly cold look! "Han Zhennuo covered his mouth and exclaimed

"I hope Mo Shen won't be like him. It seems that I have to be more careful in the future!"

"Han Yinuo, it's good that you know!

By the way, Han Xinnuo, have you contacted Yu Momo?I contacted her and found no one. "

Han Xiaochen felt that he should not keep talking about the two men and change the subject.

"No, I haven't contacted her either, but she seems to have gone on a mission with Ye Junzhi and the others. This fire-type power user has attack powers and is very popular!
But even if you have to take the lead in everything, it is quite dangerous! "Han Xinnuo thought for a while and said.

It seems that Yu Momo and the others went out just as he left on a mission!

And these two people were chatting vigorously, Mo Yan was very virtuous and knocked on the door, and brought them fruit.

Han Xiaochen...

What happened to Mo Yan recently?Is it possible for someone to wear it?

How come there is such a big change?It's really unbearable!

Han Zhennuo looked at Mo Yan very complicatedly, and Mo Yan abandoned Han Xiaochen after coming back for that first love.

Shouldn't he be forgiven for wanting to turn back now?
This guy knows people but doesn't know his heart, Mo Yan actually has such an unknown side.

But if it weren't for Mo Yan, Han Xiaochen might have been crippled, or gone crazy, or something?

Mo Yan raised his eyebrows and directly met Han Zhennuo's undisguised gaze, and said elegantly.

"Little girl, stop thinking about me, I have someone I like!"

"Hou, Mo Yan, don't put gold on your face, I won't like you!

Let me tell you, if you dare to bully our family Han Xiaochen, or dare to do anything against his will, be careful, I will destroy you! "

As Han Qinuo said this, he waved his small fist uncontrollably.

Mo Yan was teased by Han Zhennuo, but he was still happy. If he wanted to argue with this kind of stupid Baitian who didn't understand anything, he would have to be pissed off.

"Little girl, keep your fists for yourself, don't accidentally let someone break them off one day.

But, Han Xiaochen and I are on good terms, and the things you worry about will not happen. "

"That's good!" Han Qinnuo nodded in a serious manner

"Mo Yan, don't tease Han Zhennuo, she doesn't know how to tease!"

Han Xiaochen suddenly felt a little headache.

"Hehe, how about you two girls talk?
This food has already been prepared for you and put in the kitchen. You can eat it anytime then.

I still have something to say goodbye to! Mo Yan shook his head helplessly and walked out.

"Han Xiaochen, if this man had no criminal record, he would definitely be a model husband!
Even though I think he has done such bad things before, why do I think he is not bad?

But don't get me wrong, I don't have any feelings or thoughts about him! "

Han Xinuo quickly covered his mouth for fear that Han Xiaochen would have other thoughts.

"Am I so narrow-minded? But Han Zhennuo, I think you should be careful yourself? Don't do that kind of thing where you step on two boats."

"Don't worry, am I that stupid? What's more, Zhao Ye doesn't even give me an extra look!" Han Zhennuo pursed his lips
"Han Xinnuo, it would be nice if I take you to see that room on the first floor over there.

Live there, and there is a small heated kang to live in, so it is warm.

I don't care if you live with me in the future, anyway, this room and that room are reserved for you. "

As soon as Han Xiaochen said that, he showed Han Xinuo a tour of the room excitedly.

Not to mention that the room looks small, but it is very warmly furnished. The most important thing is that it is very easy to keep warm.

"Han Xiaochen! You are too thoughtful, you even built a heated kang here, and it looks quite beautiful.

As long as we have spatial variation, it is not easy to go outside to pick up some branches of those mutated plants.

When the time comes, use that as firewood, it will definitely be warm enough!
Han Xiaochen, you are so kind, I love you so much! "Han Zhennuo said that the wolf hugged Han Xiaochen involuntarily.

"Han Zhennuo, if you go crazy again, be careful and I will beat you. Anyway, I am stronger than you now, and you can't beat me." Han Xiaochen couldn't stand it and avoided it.

To be honest, she still feels very tired now!
Han Xinnuo seemed to have also noticed, "Han Xiaochen, are those things outside getting stronger again? Why do you feel like you haven't slowed down yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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