Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 155 No warm feeling, no amount of people

Chapter 155 No warm feeling, no amount of people

"Han Xiaochen, I'm here to find you on a business matter.

Just because there are some things you'd never want to mention, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Encouraged by your biological mother, your biological father is very interested in you!

But if you don't want to see them, I will find a way to prevent them from accepting you.

Although some things are not fatal, they are indeed as annoying as cockroaches. "

Mo Yan calmly told Han Xiaochen his new news
"What do they want? Didn't I have nothing to do with them long ago?

It's so annoying, and sometimes I really want to be thankful for things that can blow people's minds.

Sometimes I can't wait for it to end, this is men and women. "

Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth, but suspicious liquid flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Xiaochen, I didn't mean to bring up those sad things of yours. If you really have that thought, don't get your hands dirty. If I order it casually, someone will help solve those people."

Mo Yan calmly seemed to be talking about quite insignificant things.

"No thank you, I just don't want to see them, but I don't want to kill them either.

But the bugs really don't want to see them anymore. "Han Xiaochen felt a little lost.

"Okay, you won't see them again in the future, but Feng Biao is a little troublesome, but I will let someone warn him.

Don't have too high expectations of Feng Biao, a man like him who has nothing but himself in his eyes.

He will not have feelings for anyone, let alone you, a daughter who has never met and is not expected by him.

Don't be so stupid as to put yourself in a situation where there is no redemption because of the so-called father-daughter relationship. "

This is what Mo Yan is really worried about Han Xiaochen

Han Xiaochen can speak harsh words, but in fact he is softer than anyone else.

He Mo Yan raised the girl with his own hands, how can he still not understand?

"I know, besides, am I that stupid? I don't care about people who have nothing to do with me!"

What Han Xiaochen said was cold

"Yes, yes! Yes! I'm busy. Be hungry, come and eat something delicious!
This mutant beast has reached the third level, and it was caught with great difficulty. What's even more rare is that it is still of the wood type. It is good for your health if you eat its meat. "

Mo Yan smiled with a good temper, and helped Han Xiaochen put these dishes on the table in front of him.

Han Xiaochen's nose moved, and these dishes were indeed delicious, and he could still feel the energy of the wood system circulating in the dishes.

"Be good and eat, how old are you and still need to be fed?
I remember that when you first came to my place, you huddled together to eat, and you didn't dare to eat it.

Later, I coaxed you with great difficulty, so I opened my mouth and ate obediently! "

Mo Yan gently pulled Han Xiaochen to sit on the seat and handed her a pair of chopsticks.

Han Xiaochen stared at the pair of chopsticks in his hand, remained silent for a long time, then gave Mo Yan a hard look

I just started eating "Don't think that I will accept you after eating, and tell you that it is completely impossible.

If you treat me well in the future, you will treat me in vain. I won't let you be fooled by this guy. "

Han Xiaochen ruthlessly chewed the meat of the mutated beast in front of him, which didn't taste particularly good.

It was like eating the flesh of Mo Yan.

It is true that the meat of this mutated beast is chewed in its mouth, and its energy is absorbed by its own body by the way, and it still feels very comfortable and comfortable.

I feel that using this energy is softer and easier to be absorbed by the body than using the purified crystal nucleus!

"Hehe, eat it!"

Mo Yan's cold and handsome face had the same gentle smile as before, and the deep eyes that looked at Han Xiaochen were as gentle as water.

Mo Yan has always believed in not talking when eating and not talking when sleeping.

He also found himself a pair of chopsticks, and elegantly ate the dishes in front of him.

This is something that Han Xiaochen can't do even after several years of dining etiquette, this kind of elegance.

"Mo Yan, who said, what kind of base of yours still sells space rings, I have a friend with fire abilities, why don't you give her one."

Han Xiaochen said casually while eating.

"Han Xiaochen, if you want a space ring, ask someone to bring you supplies. This is a rule, and even you can't break it.

And the ring I gave you, you'd better not show it, be careful if you show one, others will think you have a lot, even friends. "

Mo Yan said calmly, but his tone clearly showed that there was no room for relaxation in this matter.

"I'm not stupid, and the capacity of the ring is not small, so it's not good for me to give it away for nothing.

But isn't your base also producing a lot of small-capacity ones?Mo Yan, you cheapskate! "Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth

"Hehe, do you know what kind of precious materials this interspatial ring needs, and what kind of price is paid to make it?

Do you think it is so easy to get the space ring?
Besides, your friend who is an ordinary fire-type supernatural being, if she really has such a thing in her hand, it will bring her a fatal disaster.

There is space in this space power user, and the energy fluctuates.

Even you can feel it yourself, there is no spatial fluctuation in this body, but there are spatial products, and it cannot be retained without sufficient strength.

Don't say that your friend will use it carefully, as long as it is used, it is impossible not to reveal any clues.

Silly girl, you are not helping others, you are harming others!

They clearly attack the supernatural beings with a fire element, and if they go out step by step, they will become strong in the future. If you make such a fuss, you will harm them. "

Han Xiaochen curled his lips and stopped talking,

"I'm going out in two days in Xiaochen, do you want to come with me.

It's the end of the world, it's not okay to stay in the base all the time, not to mention that even the base of the imperial capital can't guarantee that it will always be a comfortable nest, do you understand what I mean? "

"I do have the idea of ​​going out to upgrade and fight monsters, but going out with you, I feel that I can't show my ability."

The irony in Han Xiaochen's eyes is self-evident
"Don't worry, I will definitely give you a chance to exercise. Now this mutant beast has already reached level three or four. Are you sure you will be able to get out of it after you get out?"

Mo Yan still smiled so calmly, he didn't even give Han Xiaochen a look, just focused on cutting the flesh of the mutant beast in front of him.

It seems that Mo Yan ate the meat of this mutant beast as a steak
Han Xiaochen frowned, thought for a while, and decided to wrong himself this time and go out with this guy to have a look.

Self-esteem and other things are not important, what is important is to improve one's own strength.

"Mo Yan, what do you think about this powerful man opening a harem?"

"Oh! So what if there are more people around? If there is no warm feeling, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

I have always believed that one heart can be exchanged for another heart.

Of course, you have to make sure that your sincerity is worthwhile, and that the other party is indeed worthy of guarantee, not the kind of white-eyed wolf who is only good at asking for it. " Mo Yan laughed mockingly.

I gave Jia Ningxiao my sincerity before, but what I got in exchange was...

But that's okay, at the last moment, I realized that the person I really love is not Jia Ningxiao, a duplicity woman.

(End of this chapter)

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