Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 156 A Difficult Student Grade

Chapter 156 A Difficult Student Grade
Jia Ningxiao is the kind of woman who is self-righteous, thinks she is very capable, can open a harem and have many men?

But Jia Ningxiao didn't think that the man beside him was not as stupid as he imagined, and after knowing her true face, he left her without hesitation.

Although Mo Yan didn't want to clean up Jia Ningxiao by himself, but Jia Ningxiao, a woman, had come to the capital to make things difficult for him. If he didn't move at all, wouldn't it be too...

I just revealed Jia Ningxiao's situation to Zhao Ye in a small way. Zhao Ye has suffered a lot of losses. I guess he has started to entertain Jia Ningxiao now, right?

"Mo Yan, when I went out to collect supplies, I got a very good chain crossbow by chance, but sometimes I worry that the original owner of this chain crossbow will find it."

Han Xiaochen's mind moved and the chain crossbow appeared on the table.

"This?" Mo Yan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled meaningfully

"This weapon is not bad! Since it was collected when you collected supplies, it naturally belongs to you.

What is the original owner?No matter he didn't keep it himself, he was snatched by you, or he was hidden somewhere and dug out by you.

Now the rules of the last days are in your hands, they belong to you, and naturally you have to be able to protect them.

Zhao Ye won't bother with you about such a small matter. If he and I did something to you, I would have already done it to you. "

Sure enough, Mo Yan had already seen everything.

"What? Can you use this chain crossbow?
If I remember correctly, this chain crossbow has a background. Zhao Ye put a price of [-] million on this chain crossbow!
But the main reason is that Zhao Ye didn't research the real purpose of this chain crossbow. "

"I think I can use it. I even got a lot of small swords. I think it's a good idea to attack from afar." Han Xiaochen pursed his lips and smiled
"Use it if you want to use it? Zhao Ye has already guessed that your space is much larger than you show.

But now with me here and Zhao Ye, he has got a space ability user he wants.

Coupled with our previous relationship, he has no reason to fight with you. "

What Mo Yan didn't say was that in order to appease Zhao Ye, he even gave Zhao Ye a 20 square meter space ring!

"Oh! I see. Hearing what you said, why does it feel like my friend has jumped into the fire pit." Han Xiaochen nodded but couldn't help feeling a little worried

"What is a fire pit? For a spatial ability user who can't protect himself.

Finding a strong team that can protect her and a man she likes is a mutual benefit. "

"Maybe what you said makes sense? I have to practice this chain crossbow well in the past two days, and I want to let it see the light of day again!"

Compared with other people's affairs, it is better to improve one's own strength.

After all, my own space and the attack power of wood-type supernatural powers are not that good!

"Xiaochen, don't keep that top-quality wood-type crystal nucleus, use it quickly!
You have to remember, this is the end of the world, you really use it for yourself, your strength has improved, this is all you can have.

You use it now, I am here to protect you!
Otherwise, the attack power of wood-type abilities is too bad. If you want to upgrade slowly, you may have been harmonized by those outside before you have time to become stronger. "

Mo Yan brought up the matter of the ultimate wood-type crystal nucleus again.
Han Xiaochen was a little surprised, didn't he think that this top-quality wood-type crystal nucleus might help some unfeeling ability in the future?
Forget it, what Mo Yan said is also reasonable, it is more important to improve one's own strength.

As soon as Han Xiaochen said that, he took out the top-quality wood crystal nucleus that he had purified.

Mo Yan took it over and looked at it carefully, then nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad, the purification is very clean, without any impurities.

For this, you can put it directly in your mouth, so that it can be absorbed faster. "

"En." Han Xiaochen nodded, and slowly stuffed the crystal nucleus into his mouth.

Sure enough, the crystal nucleus looked very hard, but after putting it in his mouth, it slowly melted, turning into a warm current and entering his throat.

This is really the best wood crystal nucleus, it feels different.

Soon Han Xiaochen felt a warm current in his stomach flowing in all directions along the meridians, very comfortable and comfortable.

Following this warm current, Han Xiaochen felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring all over his body.

When I felt that warm current swimming around along the meridians, but at this time there was a change.

Han Xiaochen suddenly felt that this retention was starting to boil, and the fiery feeling was filled with discomfort like being roasted by electricity.

"Han Xiaochen, if you persevere and want to upgrade to level 5, this is what you have to go through. You have a wood-type ability. If you want to upgrade to level 5 with other abilities, you will experience more painful hardships than this.

Unite your mind and mind, use your mind to follow this energy as it travels through your meridians. "

Mo Yan sneered coldly, and called back Han Xiaochen's attention that was wandering because of the pain.

At this time, Han Xiaochen felt that the temperature in his meridians was still rising.

It was as if he was in a furnace that was about to be incinerated.

Suddenly a cool energy came to him, and Han Xiaochen felt much more comfortable in an instant.

But at this moment, a sharp stabbing pain came again, as if she had been stabbed by something all over her body, and her skin felt like it was going to be roasted.

And just when she couldn't take it anymore, a chill came over again, soothing her meridians a little.

It's just that there is a special warm current in the feeling of ice and fire.

And Mo Yan's performance was not as calm as before, fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Han Xiaochen knew that he was still gritting his teeth and persevering at the critical moment.

Suddenly Han Xiaochen felt his dantian tremble, and the energy that erupted like a volcano rushed towards his dantian.

Then, waves of heat rushed to the whole body, and Han Xiaochen felt that the wood energy in his body became quite pure.

"Han Xiaochen, congratulations that you have entered the ranks of the extreme wooden supernatural powers.

In the future, you will no longer be that wood-type supernatural being who can only protect yourself a little and can only give birth to plants. "

Mo Yan smiled gently, not at all disgusted with the stench emanating from Han Xiaochen's body, and even wiped her face with a sticky handkerchief.

Han Xiaochen opened his star-like eyes, and felt that the world in front of him was different from before.

It's like your myopia of thousands of degrees, suddenly the eyes become 2.0, it's not too good.

A watermelon seed appeared in Han Xiaochen's hand, and when he added a little sawdust energy, the seed germinated and blossomed into several large watermelons in an instant.

Han Xiaochen sorted it out, took back his wood energy,
Use your finger as a knife to cut open the big watermelon. Sure enough, the big watermelon is fully ripe, and the red one still looks like sand, which makes people move their index fingers.

Han Xiaochen took out a piece and tasted it, it was really sweet, and even contained a touch of wood energy.

"Hehe, you kid is just naughty, now is not the time for you to give birth to this, in the future get some powerful mutated plants to give birth to a powerful weapon for you.

Who said wood-type abilities aren't powerful, but if you use that bloodthirsty vine as your weapon, you won't be afraid.

Although you could use it before, but it can absorb most of your energy once it is spawned, it will affect your battle too much, and it won't happen in the future.

In the future, the bloodthirsty vine will become your powerful weapon, and even help you collect sawdust energy. "

(End of this chapter)

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