Chapter 202
"Mrs. Mo, thank you so much for your generous donation to our Han Xiong Nuo Neng.

In this way, Mrs. Mo, our night mercenary group is quite capable.

Don't know what you need?Rest assured, as long as you bring it up, we will do our best to complete it.

And we also have a lot of precious top-quality crystal nuclei in our hands, and even the precious food supplies.

Naturally, we have a lot of weapons in our hands, what do you need?

I can pay 10 times the market price. "

This guy Zhao Ye is actually a very righteous person, but there is a premise that you don't cheat him.

Li Na was so happy to bring so many precious crystal cores of the water system at the critical moment of her woman.

He gave it to his own woman without even saying the price.

Zhao Ye is naturally not the one who picks and swishes

"Mr. Zhao, you don't need to be so polite, you can give me the same crystal nucleus according to the market price and that's fine.

But, I really like those precious jewelry before the end of the world, if it is convenient, help me collect some! "

Li Na has no intention of taking Zhao Ye off the hook, and it's not like she's incompetent, so why would she want her to stay at home 10 times!

"Mrs. Mo, you like those things, it's very simple for me.

I don't want to thank you for this great kindness, and I can see that, Mrs. Mo, you also despise these small favors.

But now I can only use these vulgar things to express my gratitude, don't worry.

What I said will always be effective, as long as there is something that I, Zhao Ye, can help in the future, please say it. "

Zhao Ye put this posture very low, which can be regarded as giving Li Na full respect
The Xiao Ye next to this Mrs. Mo is considered a top expert, but he can only play the role of a servant and bodyguard in front of this Mrs. Mo.

"Really? That's good! Then I will remember what you said!
By the way, I remember that Han Zhennuo seems to have got a family named Li Wenwen into your mercenary group.

I still have a little relationship with their family. If possible, can you help me take care of their family a little bit?

You don't need to take special care of it, I know the rules.

As long as it doesn't affect the specific rules of your mercenary group, as long as they can be safe and have a bite to eat, that's fine! "

How can you let go of this blood relationship sometimes!

Even if you say unfeeling words, you can't help but care about those people.

"Oh, that family you are talking about! This is easy to handle, they are already quite safe in my mercenary group.

Don't worry, although I won't give them any rights, I will definitely let them in our regiment ensure that they can live comfortably and not let them go on dangerous missions. "

Zhao Ye smiled slightly, what does it matter to me to raise a few ordinary people!

But fortunately, this Mrs. Mo didn't tell her to promote those people, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

"That's good. I know what abilities or tempers their family has.

As long as Chief Zhao, you are willing to give them a bite to eat, and they will not be specially bullied but not particularly dangerous, and they will be fine. "

Li Na sighed softly in her heart, there is only so much she can do for them

"Don't worry, Mrs. Mo as long as our Ye Mercenary Corps exists for a day, and as long as I, Zhao Ye, are the leader here.

That family will live safely in our regiment as you said! "

Zhao Ye solemnly assured Li Na.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Ye gave Han Yinuo's parents a slightly better treatment than ordinary people, but they would not be bullied.

And this time Zhaoye also plans to give that family the same treatment as Han Xinuo's parents.

Li Na was about to say something more, and suddenly the energy of the water system and the energy of the healing system in this villa became more intense.

There are even villas in this villa, and there is a very comfortable and joyful drizzle outside
But there is a little stench coming from this villa.
"It's done, it's done, the discharge of this impurity proves that this stinky girl, Han Zhennuo, has really risen to level 9!

This stinky girl is too stupid, she doesn't have enough crystal cores, but she still wants to upgrade herself, she is not afraid or afraid, what if she can't get it? "

Han Xiaochen was stunned for a moment and knew what was going on.
Although Zhao Ye was still sitting with the old god, he was obviously relieved, and his whole person was filled with the feeling of satisfaction and complacency

"Zhao Ye, is your luck really good enough?

Your wife's water system has been upgraded to level 9, and her healing ability is getting stronger and stronger!
I think those capable people have to hurry up and beg to join your mercenary group! "

Mo Yan patted Zhao Ye's shoulder in relief.

I have to hurry up and urge Han Xiaochen to upgrade myself. Really, this girl doesn't know how to be anxious, how can she be happy just watching others upgrade?
"Not bad, it's indeed level 9!

After looking at it, who would dare to say that the water ability has no attack power! "

Li Na carefully felt that the energy emitted was much purer than before.

When this water system power reaches level 9, it can only release water for people.

There will even be some other offensive abilities. Although Li Na is not of the water type, she can feel it.

This water system has reached level 9, and in a battle with a human, the water system user can drain the water from the opponent's body.

What a powerful and terrifying ability this is!Does anyone still dare to say that the ability of the water system is useless?

Han Xinuo successfully entered level 9, and after consolidating for a while, he couldn't take it anymore and went into his own space to take a shower.

Han Xinuo originally wanted to take a shower in the bathroom of this room.

But after I upgraded, I also made the most terrifying discovery, that is, these big bosses in this villa, because of their powerful abilities, all have the function similar to that of clairvoyance.

They can see clearly what I do, and Han Yinuo's face turns dark when he talks about it, since he just drilled into the space like this, right?
Han Zhennuo found that it was really difficult to wash this morning, and he only took a rough wash after two bottles of shower gel and shampoo.

But he couldn't wait to put on his clothes and got out.

"Night! Night! Woohoo"

Han Xiaochen was almost pissed off, this shameless Han Zhennuo ignored everyone and threw himself into Dao Zhaoye's arms.

"Nuo Nuo, what's the matter? Don't cry, don't cry! I knew my baby is very powerful, and we are already the most powerful bosses at level 9, so don't cry!"

Zhao Ye took advantage of the situation and hugged Han Xinnuo, and patted her on the shoulder in a funny way.

The most important thing is that the noses of the supernatural beings, especially the high-end supernatural beings, are very sharp.

Didn't this stinky girl, Han Xinuo, take a bath and wash it up?It still smells bad!

So at this time, Zhao Ye's stiff and somewhat complicated expression in relief made everyone happy.

"Ye! You don't know how scared I am. I'm always afraid that Jing Ke won't be enough, and I won't be able to level up, and then I won't be able to level up again! Huh..."

Han Zhennuo buried his head in his arms, still crying.

How strong is this upgrade, do these people know?Anyway, it was very difficult for me to upgrade, and I vomited blood several times, and my internal organs were injured.

And I don't have enough energy to upgrade, it's extremely uncomfortable to get stuck there.


(End of this chapter)

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