Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 203 4-legged gold-swallowing mythical beast

Chapter 203 Four-legged gold-swallowing beast
"Don't mind me, everyone! I have spoiled this girl, Han Xinnuo. It seems that this upgrade must be difficult and even make her suffer.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so aggrieved, crying like this after the upgrade! "

Zhao Ye smiled helplessly at these few, he doted on her with a glass heart!

"Zhao Ye, don't show off to us here!

If this can be promoted to level 9 with a little bit of suffering, everyone is willing! "

Seeing that nothing happened, Mo Yan also made a joke
"Haha! Baby, did you hear that? Let's stop crying. If you want to cry, I'll hold you when I get back. Let's cry enough, okay?"

Just for you, Han Xiaochen helped you jump up and down, looking for crystal nuclei everywhere.

You are so anxious, and Mrs. Mo has helped you a lot!

If Mrs. Mo hadn't generously donated those 5 top-quality water crystal cores at the last moment, you might not have been able to do anything! "

That's what Zhao Ye said, but he still hugged Han Yinuo dotingly and didn't let go.

It seems that my baby was really frightened this time, and really suffered a lot!
I can even smell a faint smell of blood on some parts of her body!

It seems that this upgrade is really dangerous, if it is not that my baby has the ability to heal.

Maybe this level 9 can't survive it!
"Hmm..." Han Qiannuo stopped crying after crying for a while.

"Han Xiaochen, I don't want to thank you for this great kindness, so I can't thank you any more. In fact, I was at such a critical juncture, and I felt a little bit about what happened in this living room.

If it weren't for your help, I don't know what I would do?

This upgrade is really dangerous. If I fail to upgrade, not only will my ability drop, but I will suffer a lot!
Even this time, I didn't know what was going on, so I ran towards the threshold of level 9 out of nowhere. It's also my fault that I don't have much experience! "

Han Xinuo looked at Han Xiaochen with some annoyance, and wanted to give Han Xiaochen a big hug.

But Han Xiaochen quickly covered his nose and hid.

"Han Xinnuo, if you want to thank you, just thank you silently in your heart, don't hug me, you really didn't wash well in the shower!"

Han Xiaochen looked at Han Zhennuo that nothing happened, so he was naturally in the mood to make a joke, not to mention that he didn't tell a lie, she really didn't wash too clean.

Although it can't be seen that it is dirty, it still smells bad!
"Han Xiaochen, you are annoying, I don't bring you like this, I have been washing for a long time, and I have used a lot of shower gel and shampoo!"

Han Zhennuo gave Han Xiaochen a hard look, then turned to look at Li Na sincerely.

"Li Na, thank you, thank you so much, if I don't have your crystal nucleus at the last moment, all my previous efforts will be in vain!
In this way, I will give you all the good things I have in the future, and there are more!
I mean, if you want to use me in the future, just come to me!

Although it seems a bit unlucky for me to treat people, but no one can guarantee that I won't get hurt every time, right?hey-hey! "

Han Xinnuo scratched his head in embarrassment, is he too stupid to speak well all the time.

"Han Xinnuo, it's okay, I know you mean it well, don't worry, if someone around me is injured, I will definitely bother you in due time!"

Li Na was also amused by her funny appearance.

It seems that whether this woman is lucky or not, even if her personality will change for the better, it really depends on which man she will be with!
Although this Zhao Ye seems to have deep thoughts, but Li Na can feel that he is absolutely pampering Han Yinuo

"Han Xinnuo, you little idiot, haven't you noticed it yet? After all, you can be regarded as Jiuxi's water-type supernatural power, okay?

As for Mrs. Mo...

Forget it, I won't say it! "Mo Yan sighed.
The two silly girls Han Xiaochen and Han Zhennuo are too stupid to feel it now.

Although this Li Na doesn't know how to cover it up, she is a real light-type supernatural power user!

This light-type power user can not only purify the crystal nucleus, but also has a great effect on healing people.

It is much, much stronger than the healing power of Han Yinuo, the water system wearing eyes.

But since Mrs. Mo is willing to hide it, she should not expose it, after all, although she and Zhao Ye can see it.

But other people in this villa don't have the ability to see it!

"I know, I know! I've known Nana for a long time.

There must be no shortage of me, a person with healing ability in the water system, to help.

But no matter what, I also have the same heart. Is there anyone else in their family? "Han Zhennuo glared at Mo Yan with some dissatisfaction.

Even if Nana really has some secrets that you find out, if you, Mo Yan, tell them, it will be quite useless.

However, Li Na took a meaningful look at Mo Yan. It seems that this guy is a bit of a Taoist, and he can see that he is a light-type superpower!

"Okay, darling, please treat everyone to have a good meal, okay?

I don't even know how to thank them for worrying about me, but also working so hard.

So this glorious and arduous task is entrusted to you, okay? "

Han Zhennuo jumped into Zhao Ye's arms again and acted like a baby.

"Okay, my little heartless, do you still need to say that?

But I just think that you are spending too much crystal nucleus, do you know how much you used for me?

After you get home, you will obediently pack the supplies a few more times and come back, do you know?
It also saves the people in our group from talking, do you know what you are?

Before the end of the world, some people described that child as a four-legged gold swallowing beast.

How about you?You are a little beast with four legs that swallows crystal nuclei! "

Zhao Ye hugged Han Xinnuo like a child. Although these words were offensive, they were extremely doting.

Mo Yan straightened his eyebrows when he saw this. Didn't many people think that Zhao Ye is made of glass?

Although this rumor is not credible, Zhao Ye wondered if this woman really cared.

Look at how much he loves this woman!
I want to spoil this woman so much that she can even ride on his neck!
"Let's just skip the treat. I still have some things to do here. Our family will get together again in the future."

Li Na smiled and didn't want to have dinner with these irrelevant people or anything.

The little girl Han Xinnuo wanted to have a good chat with her, but she could tell.

Han Qinnuo has not rested for a long time. Although he has been promoted to level 9, this person is still very tired physically and mentally.

It is quite necessary to sleep for replenishment and self-cultivation.

What's more, she has just been promoted to level 9, and she still needs to consolidate her cultivation, not just a short while ago.

"Nana, don't go, are you unfamiliar with them and don't want to have dinner with them?"

How about this, one day I will find you, I will kiss you well, tell you, there are still a lot of delicious food in my space! "

After Han Qinnuo said this, he yawned fiercely, lying in Zhao Ye's arms, and fell asleep instantly.

Li Na...

I said yes, right?
Zhao Ye felt a little embarrassed, "Let's forget it, we don't need to find a place to eat, just stay here with Han Xiaochen.

(End of this chapter)

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