Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 212 Han Xiaochen's Trouble

Chapter 212 Han Xiaochen's Trouble
If this gets out, those tech lunatics will have to go crazy and get you arrested! "

Although Zhao Ye gritted his teeth, he could tell from his expression that he was not surprised that Han Qinuo had awakened before the end of the world, with spatial abilities.

Because Zhao Ye knows that after the opening of the end of the world, it is impossible for those who awaken space abilities to have such a large space as Han Xinnuo, let alone those who can have extended attack capabilities so quickly.

"Yeah..." Han Zhennuo secretly looked at Zhao Ye with his eyes closed.
Zhao Ye seemed to have nothing to do with it, and it was nothing to be unhappy, and she was a little relieved to have bad intentions for herself.

"Okay baby, I've already told you such a big secret of mine, I can still trick you, but why did I find you, a heartless girlfriend!
Alright, alright, I think your food is almost bad, go wash it off, look at the smell on your body

I'm just anxious, let's see how your recovery is going, otherwise you'll think I'm willing to hug you, your body stinks! "

Zhao Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked at Han Zhennuo with disgust, but put a mobile phone in Han Zhennuo's hand.

"When you're free, take a good look, it's actually not good to keep saying some things out of my mouth.

All right, all right, let's take a shower! "

"I hate it, why do you dislike me so much? So what if people are stinky, besides, if I am stinky, will it be the smell of those stinky zombies outside?"

Han Zhennuo curled his lips, squeezed his nose and got into the bathroom of this bedroom

This guy Zhao Ye is quite powerful, in his mercenary group, this high-level ability user can take a bath at any time

Han Xinnuo washed himself very meticulously this time, and even put some supernatural water with healing power on himself.

In this way, I don't know how many times I washed it before I can be sure that I have no smell at all.
Han Zhennuo wrapped himself in a thick bathrobe, while wiping his hair, he turned on the video on the phone.

Sure enough, this video is the conversation between Zhao Ye and Mo Shen.

Han Zhennuo watched this video, bit his lip tightly, even bleeding under his lip, but didn't feel it.

But after reading it, Han Qinnuo smiled with relief, stretched out his finger and put it under his lips.

In an instant, a white light flashed, and she couldn't see any wounds on her lips.


"It's not easy, I finally reached level 7."

Han Xiaochen didn't eat or drink for two days and two nights, not to mention that the effect of cultivation is not bad.
"It's just that people are practicing so fast! If you say that the person who has the most things like crystal nuclei should be me, okay?"

Han Xiaochen was a little depressed, but he had just been promoted to level 7, and his body also stinks.

Han Xiaochen's bathing device is much more advanced than Han Zhennuo's, and he washed himself in a short while, and the fragrance was clean for nothing.

It's just that Han Xiaochen just got out of the bathroom when he found that someone was blocking him outside the villa door.

The key is this person, I don't know him, looking at this aggressive look, he is not friendly at all.

Of course, the most important thing is that these few people here are not only burly men, but also aggressive abilities.

I went, thunder type, ice type, and a poison type, the most abominable thing is that each ability level is above level 5.

Is this group of people going to form a group to destroy themselves or something?But I didn't have much fun in the base, who the hell!
What are you doing?Is this someone who is considered kind here and contributes to the machine?
Also, isn't this area A?Does anyone in District A dare to rob people openly?

Han Xiaochen almost died of anger when he thought of this, and he was even more angry when he heard what those people outside said.

Han Xiaochen is also very thankful that he has this real eye, otherwise it would be hard to say this time...

Not only were those people swearing, but they were also holding hot weapons in their clothes.

What is this for?Are you going to blow yourself up?

"Boss, this little girl hasn't come out yet!

I think let's just blow up this place. It's not so easy for this supernatural person to be killed, especially this little girl is said to be able to hide directly in the space! "

This burly man looked at the dark and tall man in his 40s, and his triangular eyes gleamed fiercely.

"No, this is Area A anyway, this movement is too loud, the base will not allow it."

The man they call the boss is a little fairer and more relaxed, with a Chinese character face, and he still looks like that person
But this person's body was full of evil spirits, and it looked like he had crawled out of that kind of corpse mountain and blood sea.

"Boss, what's the matter? Isn't it the base's intention that we can come here?

What does the base think?Why are you playing these fake things?Isn't this little girl's backer gone? "

Another villain with beards and black eyes staring at a pair of big copper bell-like eyes said disapprovingly.

"Brother Chen is indeed a member of the base, but Brother Chen can't have the final say in this base!
What's more, if we want to rob people directly, we will have a bad impression on the supernatural beings, which may cause a riot among those supernatural beings. "

The boss is obviously more rational and more scheming
"But Boss, are we going to guard here? That little girl is not only a space power user, but also a wood power power user.

If she wants to hide inside and not come out, let me see, it will be fine for a year or so! "

The villain with the beard and the copper bell-sized eyes was quite impatient.

"Oh! No, third child, bear with it for a while!"

The person who claimed to be the boss smiled slightly as if he had noticed that the people in the villa were watching outside.

"Han Xiaochen, you little girl, listen up, if you are sensible, come out quickly.

We're not trying to harm you, we're just here to discuss cooperation with you, you have to be obedient.

You can definitely follow us to eat and drink spicy food, and this ability can still find you good resources for you to upgrade.

But if you are disobedient, you probably won't be able to live here for a few days, and the base won't just drive you away.

But if you think about it in such a cold day, if there is no water and electricity here, are you sure you can live here forever? "

Han Xiaochen's complexion was as dark as ink, these people are too worthless.

Have you been working at the base a lot?It's just that these three people outside can represent the base?

It should be more or less representative, otherwise, I live in District A.

Most of the leaders of this base live in Area A, and they will not find that someone is making trouble for them at their doorstep.

But none of them come out, and they even watch their own excitement in secret, right?

It seems that the rumors are really not credible, the woman's memory is indeed biased.

But it's not difficult to understand, this is the end of the world, where can there be a real pure land?

In the past, those people didn't move themselves, because they felt that they had no use value for them, so they didn't bother to care about themselves, right?

Could it be because his spatial ability is stronger?These people came to trouble themselves in groups.

If they really cared about their spatial ability and let them serve them, shouldn't they treat each other with courtesy and discuss it carefully?

There is also this kind of blocking his door to disturb his cultivation, and even making a kind of attempt to take himself away.

Do you have the kind of posture of imprisoning yourself after taking yourself away, and using it as the space ring?
(End of this chapter)

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