Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 213 Drive Those Mice Away

Chapter 213 Drive Those Mice Away

Han Xiaochen's face turned darker when he thought of this, so forget it, anyway, he is also upset now, these people don't dare to tear their faces too much because of face, they dare not break in directly.

But, they just want to break in, I'm afraid it won't be easy, right?
Unless he didn't use that kind of fairly large heavy weapon and blew up this place into ruins, otherwise the kind of bomb that those people held
Hehe, you spent so much money when you were old, and later spent so many crystal cores, are these defenses for nothing?
If that's the case, I'll go over there by myself, it's really annoying.

However, when Han Xiaochen left, he sent a message to Han Xinuo to tell her.

I entered the space to practice, and there are many annoying rats outside, which is very annoying.

Let Han Xinnuo not come to visit me for these two days!
Han Zhennuo was stunned when he received this message. It turned out that Han Zhennuo just wanted to go out to find Han Xiaochen

"There are a lot of nasty rats outside the villa! What's going on?

Isn't Area A quite flat now? "Han Zhennuo frowned.
Zhao Ye took her very seriously, and said that because of his healing ability and that space ability, he could enter the whole body by himself, so many strong people came up with their own ideas.

Originally, I thought it was Zhao Ye who was narrow-minded, worried that I would go back to Moshen or something?

But those people outside are too much, right?And what is Mo Yan doing?

Just because Han Xiaochen didn't want to go back with him, did Mo Yan become angry and let go?
Could it be that someone is looking for trouble at Han Xiaochen's door, and Mo Yan is still playing tricks in it?

These men nowadays have a lot of ghosts, sometimes they are very hateful!

Now that Han Zhennuo has experienced the benefits of being able to advance to level 9, he naturally wants Han Xiaochen to advance to level 9 as soon as possible.

But to be honest, just like the top-quality crystal nucleus, it is really hard to find, and my life was hanging by a thread last time!

Thinking of this, Han Zhennuo went out to find Zhaoye, and it happened that Zhaoye just came back from outside with a strong smell of blood

"Ye? What's wrong with you? Why didn't you call me when you went out on a mission? You won't get hurt, right?" Han Zhennuo immediately became nervous
"No, I don't think the people in our group are too busy recently, take them to exercise!

But some people in our regiment were slightly injured, you go get some healing water and I'll have someone distribute it to them! "

Zhao Ye waved his hand, walked into the bedroom to take a shower, Zhao Ye's physique is different from ordinary people, in such cold weather, he always takes cold showers!
"Oh, it's not easy!" Han Zhennuo said as he threw several large buckets out of thin air, and put healing water with 6% healing power in them.

After a few barrels were filled, people were recruited to distribute them to the team members.

"If you are injured like this, give more than the amount of the two bottles of mineral water, if you are not injured, give the amount of a bottle of mineral water.

Also, distribute this water quickly, otherwise the healing power will evaporate after an hour. "

Han Xinnuo is very good at commanding people now, especially commanding these mutants of the power system.

The strange thing is that my father came over to help carry these buckets today.

It's just that my father didn't say anything, but his face was a little complicated, so he hurriedly left with those people

Han Xinuo frowned, was he a little too much?
To be honest, I still feel very uncomfortable to let my father work for me.

But my father is not too young, and he can't go out on missions anymore. He is worried that there will be accidents. If he doesn't do any work in the regiment's back office, it is indeed a bit of that.

"Ye, don't let my dad come to work in front of me in the future, I feel uncomfortable just looking at it." Han Zhennuo said to the sound of rushing water in the bathroom.

"Okay, it's fine if you just say no, you don't need to tell me about such trivial things." Zhao Ye's voice came from the bathroom

"Ye, do you have that top-quality wood crystal nucleus in your hand?"

"No, this time I went out and didn't reach the ultimate level of wood-type mutant animals.

Didn't Mo Yan give some of them to Han Xiaochen last time? "

"Oh! Zhao Ye doesn't know who has that superb wood-type crystal nucleus!
You see, my healing ability has been exposed anyway, so there must be wounds that need to be healed.

I think if we don't have any missions, we can earn more money. It would be even better if we can get some of these top-quality water and wood crystal nuclei. "Han Zhennuo stroked his chin and made up his mind.

"This!" Zhao Ye paused slightly.

"Nuo Nuo, Moshen, the best crystal nucleus of the water system and wood system, is there.

Nowadays, the base seems to be a little afraid of us large mercenary groups. At least so far, Mo Shen has not found this healer to heal his injuries!

Although his injury would not damage the foundation, it was still very troublesome.

If you're willing, I'll let Mo Shen talk about it.

Don't think too much about it, it's just a fair deal. This couple who have been divorced before won't shy away from doing business if they have cooperation projects.

As long as you correct your behavior, I won't think too much about it.

Of course, if you want to have this kind of thinking, I will also let the wind out to see if there are any in other mercenary groups. " Zhao Ye paused for two seconds and said
Han Zhennuo bit her lip and remained silent for a few seconds.

"Mo Shen? If that's the case, it's not impossible. If he wants to, you can see what price he offers. If the price is right, let him come. I'll heal him in our group!"

Zhao Ye slightly rubbed the corners of her lips, put on her bathrobe and came out.

"That's right, Nuonuo should be more generous, we are big things!"

Han Xinnuo curled his lips, "You are the one who does great things, not me. Han Xiaochen has been my noble person since before the end of the world, and he has helped me so much since then."
I'm not the kind of ungrateful white-eyed wolf, I really want to help her!
Oh, and these crystal nuclei I earned, can I distribute them myself? "

When Zhao Ye heard the words, his eyes were full of smiles, "That's natural, but there must be a premise, that is, you can only earn extra money when the people in our group don't need you."

"Understood, you domineering guy!" Han Qinuo gave Zhao Ye a white look

"Zhaoye and Han Xiaochen hid in the space to practice, saying that there are many people outside the gate of her villa to harass her!
Please help drive away those nasty mice! "

"Those people dare not enter the villa, don't worry?

Besides, do you know who those are?

To tell you the truth, those are all hard stubbles that have a lot to do with the base!

If one group is driven away now, there will be another group. If Han Xiaochen wants to come out, he is afraid.

Come find me when the time comes, and I'll find someone to pick her up.

You man, I just set up a mercenary group. This imperial capital base is not as simple as you imagined!

Don't worry, those people can't make a fortune, and they don't dare to take things too far.

At least he didn't dare to arrest Han Xiaochen blatantly. "Zhao Ye patted Han Zhennuo on the head.
"Han Zhennuo, what are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and help me brush my hair and give me some eyesight."

"Hum..." Han Zhennuo resentfully picked up the hair dryer to help someone dry their hair.

If I don't have to use this guy, I don't care about him!
"Han Zhennuo, I know what you are thinking while gnashing your teeth?" Zhao Ye grinned evilly.
"But you have to know, Han Xiaochen or that Mrs. Mo only gave you so much, and helped you too much!
You are so grateful to them, but why didn't you think about treating me well?
As for me, didn't I give you most of the crystal nuclei?This man can't be so heartless, why don't you let me blow my head! "


(End of this chapter)

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