Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 215 Your current attitude is the reason

Chapter 215 Your current attitude is the reason
The fresh and tender cabbage and rapeseed grew up.

However, the seedlings of cucumber beans are not very tall, and Han Xiaochen only gave them a little wood-type ability to grow them out.

However, Han Xiaochen planted more than a dozen of these tomatoes, and they will be urged directly at that time, so they should be a little ripe.

Not to mention, the small villa became full of life all of a sudden.

Do you need to buy these ordinary vegetables yourself?
A little seed has everything!
Han Xiaochen didn't know what he thought of, and he even got some apples and pears and planted them, slowly giving birth.

Not to mention that even this kind of saplings will slowly grow.

Han Xiaochen looked as long as a finger, and it stopped giving birth after it grew.

After all, there was no such thing in this yard before, and it would be ridiculous if a tree suddenly grew and it was still a big one.

It's just that Han Xiaochen, who has eyes and ears, heard that Zhang Xiaojie seemed to be scolded by his mother in Yuanyuan's villa.

Say what?shouldn't come out, what happened

Han Xiaochen shook his head and could not help but smile wryly.

Now this interface is frightening, but I can understand it!
But what else can it do besides being understandable?

It seems that if I want to take a good stroll in this interface, I'm afraid it's not good.

If that's the case, why don't you go back yourself?

Just when I had this plan, my mobile phone was blown up by several strange numbers.

Han Xiaochen frowned, it didn't look like a harassing call.

But she didn't answer, but someone sent her a message.

"Chenchen, I've paid attention to you a long time ago, I like you very much, and I don't care about what you did to me before!" It turned out to be a message from Hua Zekai, a young man with a heart.

To put it bluntly, Han Xiaochen still got his personal information by Hua Zekai, a playboy.

"Hua Zekai, you scumbag old lady doesn't like you, don't let me see you, let me see you once in the future, and hit you every time I see you!"

Han Xiaochen sneered and sent the message, blocking this number too
When Hua Zekai saw the reply message, his face turned dark.

What's wrong with me?Is there that fee slightly inclined?How could he fall in love with this tigress?
Why! ! !
But to be honest, I really didn't have the guts to go find her!
This woman doesn't know what to think, she is not afraid of living in that kind of haunted house.

The most important thing is to redecorate that haunted house, it is like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Why!Could it be that such a cruel woman still exists?Persecution paranoia?
Han Xiaochen naturally didn't pay attention to what Hua Zekai was thinking, after she slowly put all those things into the space.

Then I went back, and there were still some people blocking the gate of my villa.

They are all those powerful supernatural beings!

Han Xiaochen smiled mockingly, but to be honest, if these people went together, and if those people used to deal with him together, he really couldn't say what would happen.

Of course, the most important thing is that Han Xinnuo sent himself a message, telling himself that it seems that the base has recently researched some kind of supernatural inhibitor.

Han Xiaochen really didn't understand why the base had to develop such a preparation that made it impossible for people with supernatural abilities to use their supernatural abilities.

The idea of ​​some people in this base is really evil.

The zombie mutant animals and plants outside are becoming more and more powerful. Instead of thinking about how to deal with foreign enemies, you are thinking about how to deal with the supernatural beings around you.

It's still the kind that wants to keep all these supernatural beings in captivity and serve them obediently. It's simply too scary.

It seems that this imperial capital base has also changed. Han Xiaochen knows the characteristics of his own space, can enter the space instantly, and can kill those people.

But to be honest, Han Xiaochen didn't want to be an executioner covered in the blood of his compatriots unless it was a last resort.


As soon as the news of Han Zhennuo's paid treatment was released, Mo Shen really had the cheek to come to Zhao Ye and ask Han Zhennuo to treat him.

The reward Mo Shen gave was indeed very attractive. These three top-quality water-type crystal nuclei and 4 top-quality wood-type crystal nuclei.

Han Zhennuo curled his lips, it seems that Mo Shen is really rich enough!
It's just that when I was with him, I felt like I was being squeezed all the time!
Sure enough... huh

But it doesn't matter, it's good to have crystal nuclei to make money, no matter who he treats!
"Han Xinnuo, your healing ability is really good, even more comfortable than that simple healing ability!"

During Mo Shen's treatment, those deep eyes kept staring at Han Zhennuo

What annoyed him the most was that Zhao Ye was so outrageous that he even sent two bodyguards with strong speed and strength to stand at the door.

Who does Zhao Ye think of himself?
Wouldn't Han Xinuo feel uncomfortable if he was being watched like this?
This woman, I just can't get used to it, if only I could treat her so closely back then.

Han Xinnuo couldn't run even if he had 8 feet, let alone dumped himself and threw himself into the arms of others.

Why was I so stupid back then and lent Han Xinnuo to Zhao Ye to pretend to be some damn supplies for him.

If it hadn't been for that time, if these two people were alone together, no matter how big of an opinion Han had on him, he wouldn't have dared to cheat on Zhao Ye, right?
"Oh! How is this possible, but in terms of healing power alone, it is far worse than them!"

Han Xinnuo didn't want to say more, let alone she knew how much she weighed.

However, when a single healing ability heals a person, because the energy is too sufficient, it will make the patient feel very painful during the treatment.

But the effect of the treatment is just now, it is definitely fast and good.

"Nonuo, is Zhaoye treating you well?"

Sometimes you don't want to talk to people, but it doesn't mean they don't move their mouths.

"Mo Shen, Zhao Ye and I have been on good terms and have been very happy!"

Han Xinnuo didn't think such words would distract him from treating this person.

It's just throwing healing energy at him.

"Nonuo, if Fei Yingying hadn't happened, wouldn't the two of us be fine now!"

To be honest, Mo Shen regretted it now, but he just found a woman to solve it, so why did he bother at that time.

Go and be with Fei Yingying in front of Han Yinuo!

"Mo Shen, does Fei Yingying have anything to do with our separation?

I can now tell you responsibly that without Fei Yingying, I will still be separated from you. "

Han Zhennuo said indifferently on this face, but besides the sting like being pierced by a steel needle, there was still a trace of joy in his heart.

Sometimes it will be much more comfortable to say what I have been depressed for a long time.

"What did you say? Could it be that you were with Zhao Ye before?"

Mo Shen's eyes widened and he almost didn't need to hug Han Qinuo to heal himself.

"Isn't your current attitude the reason? You never believed me?

What's more, is it a big deal for the two of us to break up, Guan Fei Yingying?

Not only did you live with Fei Yingying, you also revealed all the secrets about me to your subordinates.

What has my space become? It has become a warehouse that you can use at will, right?
And even if there is no Fei Yingying, I think with your personality, there must be Zhang Yingying, Wang Yingying, and Liu Yingying.

(End of this chapter)

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