Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 216 Clean up the rats in front of the door

Chapter 216 Clean up the rats in front of the door
Because you don't care about things like this between men and women at all, but you don't care, I care!
After I came back that time, I felt that something was wrong with you. I am an honest person, and it is true that sometimes I react slowly.

But it doesn't mean I'm stupid, but the key is that your people's attitude towards me has changed obviously, do you really think I can't feel it? "

Han Zhennuo smiled mockingly, the healing energy on his body was almost used up, and he began to slowly call it a day.

"Mo Shen, is it interesting to say this now?

There is such a saying, I have always liked it
One is different and two are wide, each life is as happy as the snow on the mountain, and as bright as the moon between the clouds.I heard that you have two ideas, so you come to make a decision. "

This is a poem in "Baitou Yin", which is also my idea. I always think that love should be as pure as the snow on the mountain, as bright as the moon among the clouds,
But if you have two hearts, I must break with you.

That's what I thought of you at the beginning. In fact, we were wrong from the beginning, and I never knew you, didn't I? "

Mo Shen looked at Han Zhennuo steadfastly, and Han Zhennuo didn't know whether it was because his power level had risen or what was going on.

This person's appearance has actually changed quite a bit. Han Yinuo used to look a little short and fat because of sitting and working for a long time, but now he has lost all the fat.

On the contrary, looking at her whole body is very slender, even the skin has become as pleasing as icy muscles and jade bones.

This woman, whom I didn't care much about at the beginning, changed so much after leaving me.

And he never knew that this was Han Yinuo who hadn't studied for many years.

It's not necessarily that you don't understand anything, and you haven't read any books.

Sometimes education is not everything.

But because she didn't go to school much, although she didn't show it on the surface, she cared about it in her heart.

Mo Shen actually knew that his so-called obsession with Han Yinuo was that no woman had ever dared to dump him or betray him directly.

This made him feel very shameless as a man and very angry.

It's just that this woman who left her without looking back at the beginning now has the current height.

Even if it's just that the water system with no offensive ability can reach level 9, it can make all men look at it

This means that in the entire base and even in the world he knows, there are not many women who can reach level 9!
"Han Xinnuo, the only thing I misjudged was that.

I really shouldn't have asked you and Zhao Ye to collect some supplies alone.

You are simple-minded and don't understand anything, maybe Zhao Ye will take your soul away in just one trip! "

No matter what happened to Mo Shen, he still felt very regretful at this moment, and he suddenly remembered it now.

In the past, Zhao Ye, as long as he had any plans for any woman, he seemed to just hook his finger casually, and that woman would rush into his arms like a moth to a flame.

It's just that Zhao Ye has never cared about women, and when he achieved his goal, he kicked her away.

It's just interesting and ironic that none of the women Zhao Ye dumped scolded him, but they still remembered him.

Han Xinnuo, a silly girl, doesn't think she has met true love, does she?
Will Zhao Ye really love any woman?hehe!
How is this possible, but the silly girl Han Xinnuo is still useful to Zhao Ye now!
Han Xinuo was silent and did not speak. She only had a little healing energy left, so she called it a day.

After all, if all the healing energy is released, she herself will be very uncomfortable.

"Mo Shen, what I said is very clear, and I don't think we have anything to talk about.

If I really have any regrets, it is that after I took you back to the base when I took the post, I shouldn't have any interaction with you, that's right!

Did I have fantasies about you at the beginning?But it's a pity that it was shattered too quickly!
And don't think about yourself, I was just staying with you for a while.

It didn't matter that Han Xiaochen lent me her apartment for so long, you men's minds are really scary!
Well, your injury is also healed this time, it's almost gone, you have to do it again next time, it should be almost healed!
I'm going to rest, so walk slowly! "

Han Xinnuo made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

Mo Shen held back his anger, took another deep look at Han Zhennuo, and went out without looking back.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Han Yinuo's cell phone rang.

"Han Xinnuo, what are you doing!" Han Xiaochen thought about it after coming back, and decided not to confront those people head-on.

It doesn't matter, since that's the case, she decided to call Han Yinuo.

"I just treated a neuropathy for an injury. Now I have nothing to do. How are you doing now? Have you upgraded?"

Han Junnuo said while absorbing the water system crystal nucleus.

"It's okay, I didn't feel much after I reached level 7.

Now outside my door, there are a lot of rats blocked again, it gives me a headache just looking at it, sometimes I wish I could kill all these rats directly! "

Han Xiaochen stretched for a while, and then packed all the things that could fit into the space in his house.

"That's it, that's not bad, this wood system will be very powerful when it reaches level 7, okay!

But those people I heard from Zhao Ye tell me that some of them have quite a background in the base, if they are killed in the base, it may be a little troublesome!

In this way, I will ask Zhao Ye to find some people to pick you up, and I will go there together!
Anyway, sisters, this ability is very popular now, and many people are thinking about it, it's normal for me to bring a few more bodyguards when I go out!
You wait for me, don't fight with them! "Han Zhennuo hung up after saying this, disconnected the phone and walked out

Han Zhennuo didn't need to say hello now, as soon as he said he wanted to go out and talk to the people outside the door, he took a few people and drove to Area A in a modified Hummer with 7 people
Zhao Ye didn't know what kind of pass they got, they can go to Area A now, it's as simple as visiting
"Han Conuo? Han Conuo! This damn girl hung up the phone before she finished speaking!"

Han Xiaochen was a little bit reluctant, and took a look at his villa, and it seemed that it was impossible to live here for a long time in the future.

The leaders of this imperial capital base are too careless, it's really faster to turn faces than to turn books!
You bastards are waiting for me, don't fall into my hands someday.

Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth and thought, could it be that he was too talkative, so Mo Yan went crazy just after leaving these people.

Han Xiaochen also gets angrier the more he thinks about it?But the fact that this space can enter people is really crazy.

No wonder Mo Shen told his subordinates that Han Xinuo was able to enter the space.

Han Zhennuo made up his mind and left Mo Shen without hesitation, and even found a stronger backer!
It seems that I am still procrastinating, and I have to become more powerful and unkind in the future.

This is the end of the world!I really can't tolerate your kindness, or your slightest weakness!

As soon as Han Xinuo's car came to Han Xiaochen's door, Han Xiaochen came out immediately after watching the surveillance.

"What are you doing? What do you people do? Don't you know that good dogs don't get in the way?"

Han Xiaochen just scolded those people, before they reacted?
Even the direct confinement of this space imprisoned those people.

 Xie Chaoyun, stand still and update after 12:[-]

(End of this chapter)

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