Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 217 Dare to be brave

Chapter 217 Dare to be brave

"Han Xiaochen, are these bedbugs? Surrounding your door every day! How shameless!

If you are looking for trouble, if you have the ability to find the leaders of those big mercenary regiments!
Which one is not of extraordinary ability, but wants to trouble us girls, I really don't know what to say

Today my aunt will let you know why the flowers are so popular. "

Han Zhennuo snorted coldly, sucked a layer of moisture from these people, and then pulled Han Xiaochen into the car and drove away.

Don't look at just taking a layer of moisture from these people, but it's enough for them to suffer.

After all, the human body is inseparable from water, and the moisture on your body disappears in an instant, so don't mention the discomfort.

Of course, the most important thing is that these people can't go to the base to complain that you fought with him or hurt him or something.

"Han Xinnuo, I'm almost pissed off, these people in the base are too careless!"

Sitting in the car, Han Xiaochen was still aggrieved.

"What can I do? Although you are powerful, who told you not to join any team!

In fact, it is impossible for these people to completely fail to represent the base. When something happens, the leaders of the base can show that disgusting hypocrisy again.

This guy, that's the thing, it's the same reason I used to work in the factory.

Anyway, in this base, I think their thinking is that if you can win over, you can win over, and if you can’t win over
Losing you will not feel any loss to them, they always feel that this earth can turn around without anyone. "

Han Zhennuo sneered, this society has always been so bullying.

And those who are willing to form groups to bully people
"However, Han Xiaochen doesn't know how Nana is doing now.

Isn't Li Na's spatial ability similar to the two of us?The people in this base did not dare to trouble her. "

"Of course those people don't dare, let alone Nana's husband, Mo Shen, how cruel and powerful he is.

Let's talk about that Xiao Ye, whoever mentions her in the upper echelons of the base is not frightened.

This woman Xiao Ye is different from the two of us. This person is a cruel person who makes her feel a little bit unhappy when she makes a move. Who is not unlucky, who was born to die.

This has to make people suspect that this woman Xiao Ye has more insidious methods to deal with people
The people in this base are afraid of her again, and respect her again.

It seems that in the future, I can't be so kind, whoever dares to provoke me will definitely let them..."

Han Xiaochen now understands why people in District A are so afraid of Nana and the others!
What about the leadership of this base?That's the thing, to put it bluntly, the strong bully the weak, bully the weak and fear the strong.

Mo Shen and the others put on a very strong and very vicious posture, and everyone was stunned.

"Isn't that the reason! Then you go to live with us for a while!
It will be convenient for us to go out on a mission or do something at that time!

I don't think there will be any base missions in the future, why don't we go out and hunt for food by ourselves!

Sometimes I think that our ability is not bad, why should we hide in other people's bases!

If it really doesn’t work, just like what is written in the novel, we can develop a small base ourselves.

Don't think I don't know, your space is much bigger than mine!
I heard that there is a lot of that kind of sand and gravel in one place, and all kinds of things!

Otherwise, let's get all these things over someday, and then pick a good place, and we can build a small base too! "

Han Zhennuo's divergent thinking came again. Han Zhennuo sometimes has a good heart and is serious in doing things, but he is too naive when thinking about things.

"Your idea is okay, I'm afraid it's not that easy with the strength of your man's mercenary group, plus we want to build a base!

Speaking of other things, this defense is still too far behind the Imperial Capital Base.

But the suggestion you just mentioned is not bad, let's go there one day and put away all the things that we think are useful! "

Han Xiaochen thought that was all there was to it anyway, it would be better to expose himself to have a lot of space.

Anyway, the space ring came out now, so what's the big deal if my space is big enough!

Don't these people miss themselves?If that's the case, let's make yourself more capable.


"You two don't say that the wind is the rain, what kind of sand and gravel are you going to pack!"

As soon as Zhaoye came back, Han Junnuo told him that he and Han Xiaochen were going to pack some gravel materials and said they would save them for later construction of the base.

"Zhao Ye, don't stare, think about it, from now on, I think this kind of cement, messy things will definitely be useful.

Before anyone puts much effort into these things, we might as well get them first.

Anyway, I have a place to put it in this space, so why not! "

Han Xiaochen smiled slightly, feeling more at ease here at Zhao Ye than at his own home.

"Anyway, it's true! Who doesn't know that when you, Han Xiaochen, just started in the last days, the size of this space is unbelievable!"

As soon as Zhao Ye rolled his eyes, he immediately looked at Han Xiaochen meaningfully.

"Zhao Ye, what are you doing? It's all over. This thing was originally found by whoever found it.

I don't even blame you for finding someone to block me for so long! "

Han Xiaochen admitted directly that he had received Zhao Ye's shipment that day.

"Han Xiaochen, it's fine, you dare to do it!
Give me 2/3 of the batch of juns that you hacked me that time to my brothers, let's forget about it! "

Zhao Ye smiled elegantly at Han Xiaochen, but his demeanor was as black as ever.
"Okay, no problem, it's useless to me anyway, and I don't plan to build a base, set up some kind of mercenary regiment, and recruit troops." Han Xiaochen was very happy and agreed.

To put it bluntly, what is this called?This is called people have to bow their heads under the eaves
"Han Xiaochen, that's right, you are refreshing, not to mention that I don't want you for nothing, my woman is desperately trying to help you collect the best crystal nucleus of sawdust!

He even begged me to keep the crystal nucleus of this wood system for you as long as I got it! "This guy Zhao Ye has always known how to hit a sweet date with a stick!

"Zhaoye, thank you!" Han Xiaochen smiled slightly.

"Hey, what did the two of you just say? Why didn't I understand it very well!" After the two of them finished talking, Han Yinnuo asked unwillingly.

"It's no big deal baby. Where's your man? I had a shipment hidden in the basement of one of my old shops.

It was put in by Han Xiaochen when he went out to search for supplies, and he was caught by me at that time.

But it's a pity that she has enough space to get in, but in the end she let her run away. "

Zhao Ye hugged Han Qinnuo, and told him the story of that incident indifferently.

"Yes, yes, Han Xinnuo! You should thank me, if it weren't for me as a big media, you two might not know each other
If my predictions are correct, Zhao Ye must have come to the base of the Imperial Capital just to chase that batch of goods. "

Han Xiaochen pouted,
"Hehe, let alone Han Xiaochen, you are really smart!
Well, it's getting late at this time, let's take a rest after eating!

When there is peace, we must seize the time to recharge our batteries.

Baby, let's go, we both rested too, don't disturb your friend, don't you see that he is very tired? "

Zhao Ye was about to walk to their bedroom with Han Yinuo in his arms.

"Han Xiaochen, then you should take a rest too. By the way, this is the crystal nucleus I found for you. You are practicing here, and no one will dare to disturb you."

As soon as Han Xinuo said that, he threw the crystal nucleus to Han Xiaochen

"Han Xinuo, thank you, I won't bother you two anymore, you two hurry up!" Han Xiaochen waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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