Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 220 Feng Biao is also making up his mind

Chapter 220 Feng Biao is also making up his mind

And when you become famous, you will find that everyone around you is a good person

To put it bluntly, there are no good people in this world, but they all seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

It's just to see that you are capable, and I am rushing to curry favor with you, to curry favor with you.


"What? What? I got it, okay, I got it!" Zhao Ye frowned slightly and hung up the phone

"Ye, what's the matter? Who can make you unhappy!"

Han Xinnuo snuggled into Zhao Ye's arms as if no one else was there

Zhao Ye looked at Han Xiaochen with complicated eyes.

"Zhaoye, what's the matter? Is it about me? Tell me if it's okay, I can stand it!"

All the people here are Zhao Ye's confidantes, and at this time they are discussing to go outside to collect supplies!
But it happened that Zhao Ye received a call at this time, and it seemed to be very important.

"Han Xiaochen, your reputation is really great!
Several people have already come to visit you, but I stopped them all at the door!
Don't worry, since you have a very close relationship with our Nuo Nuo, I can always protect you.

Also, just this time, I guess it may not be easy for you to figure out the gate of the base! " Zhao Ye looked at Han Xiaochen and chuckled softly

"Ye, what are you doing? You are still laughing. What's so funny? The people in the base are too much, right?"

Gritting his teeth, Han Zhennuo ruthlessly twisted Zhao Ye's thigh
"Nuo Nuo, be good, don't make trouble! I'm just laughing at those people who can't control themselves. Han Xiaochen, if you plan to be imprisoned by them, isn't it useless for them to use this method?

Han Xiaochen, when the time comes, you can get in our car and go straight into the space!

Even if they know that you have gone into space, those people can't do anything about you!

But these people are so blocking you should have other things!

As for why, don't you know very well?
But I won't tell you, Han Yunuo, Han Yunuo, Han Yunuo
Han Xiaochen, since the day the base was established, the Imperial City Base has been far from being as peaceful as it appears on the surface.

The water here is very deep, really, even I have to be more careful! "

Zhao Ye twitched the corners of his lips mockingly, it's messy, the more messy the better.

The more chaotic it is, the more troubled waters you can fish for yourself, but Han Xiaochen can purify the crystal nucleus, which is amazing!

Han Xinuo blinked his eyes, it seems that his good friend still has great skills.

But why was it discovered by the base so accidentally?

If you want to talk about being angry, Han Qinnuo won't do it, after all, he didn't even plan to tell Zhao Ye, his favorite, about his emerald house!
The reason why this secret can become a secret is that no second person can know it, just like the secret of my emerald house, I decided to bring it into the coffin in the future!
"These people are simply too much, making me want to leave the imperial base and never come back."

Han Xiaochen also gritted her teeth with hatred, but she still felt aggrieved if she really left here.

Why?Why did I put so much effort here to get acquainted with people, and this house and so on, I spent a lot of energy to get it in the first place.

Why should I leave here because those people have bad intentions for me? If I really just leave like this, it would be too embarrassing.

"Han Xiaochen, you don't have to do this, the matter has not reached the point of irreconcilability!

Some people are like dogs, the more you are afraid of him, the more he will chase and bite you!

But recently, the situation at the base is a bit special, so it's better not to do anything in the base!

But this is going out of the base, the mountain is high and the emperor is far away, so no one can say what can happen!
This time you want to go out with me, you just do what I say, and I will let you out when you leave the base! "

Zhao Ye said while running along the hair of Han Zhennuo in his arms.

"Actually, it's not just you, but our Nuonuo, those people also covet her very much. I don't care about it, they dare not find fault."

Han Xiaochen was a little moved, but when he remembered something, he hesitated
"Zhao Ye, if I go out with you like this, will it cause you some trouble, especially since all the people in your group won't leave here!"

Zhao Ye smiled mockingly, "Don't worry! Those people like Han Xiaochen don't even have the guts to measure them!"

"That's good, that's good, I don't want to cause any trouble for your regiment because of me, and then especially bring disaster to those who are not very capable in your regiment!" Han Xiaochen patted his chest

"That's not true, I see who dares to come to my regiment to make trouble, as long as anyone who joins my night mercenary regiment, no one has ever been bullied outside.

Of course, I have always strictly asked them not to go outside to find trouble.

But there is one thing you have to be careful, that is, Feng Biao, who is the head of the Biaofeng mercenary group, has been very close to the base recently.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Feng Biao said that you are his seed.

It's a little troublesome, in case you get hurt.

If Feng Biao can prove that he is really your biological father, he will have more power over you than others.

Of course, the most important thing is that if you are really related by blood, he can also extract energy from you!

It even said that using a very inhumane method newly researched by the base can strip the supernatural powers from you!

Han Xiaochen, think about it for yourself, I can feel it too, you barely know that man

And what is this man's attitude towards you, I can't think well! " Zhao Ye seemed to understand everything.

"Zhao Ye, what nonsense are you talking about? Han Xiaochen and Feng Biao have nothing to do with each other.

I don't think that Feng Biao is a good thing. Seeing that Han Xiaochen is so powerful now, and he is still alone, he must have a bad idea.

As for Feng Biao having a woman, it is disgusting. At that time, Han Xiaochen looked very much like his daughter, and he wanted to take advantage of it!

But in fact, it has nothing to do with it! "

Han Zhennuo glared at Zhao Ye

Zhao Ye rubbed his chin and smiled, "It's fine, I just remind Han Xiaochen!

Han Xiaochen, do you think so?Anyway, I am kind! "

Zhao Ye smiled meaningfully
Han Xiaochen frowned, that damn girl Han Xinuo had already seen who she was, but she just pretended not to know anything.

But I should thank Han Xinnuo, for such a long time pretending to be ignorant, I saved enough face for myself!

"Han Xinuo thank you, Zhaoye, I thank you too!
Don't worry, I will be very careful and won't let anyone plot against me! "Han Xiaochen thanked the two people with a pun.

"Han Xiaochen, what are you thanking me for? I will never forget the things you did for me.

If you hadn't taken me in back then, with my useless ability, maybe I would have become a pile of meat in the mouth of that zombie outside.

Don't worry, the sky won't fall, those people, they are waiting, we met him outside, let's see how to deal with him!
One by one is so capable that they can't go outside to fight zombies, mutated animals and plants, but keep their eyes on the same kind as themselves
There are such people in the imperial capital base, how can they be carried forward?

(End of this chapter)

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