Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 221 Mom Is Sick

Chapter 221 Mom Is Sick

This imperial capital base can usher in a zombie siege, can't it usher in a second time?

When I saw it, the supernatural being didn't think of a way to run away, let's see who else is willing to give them a full-scale confrontation! "

Han Zhennuo gritted his teeth when he said this.

"Han Xiaochen, look, what our Nuonuo said makes sense!
You heard her right, don't worry, those people in the base can't make waves.

If you don't say anything else, you can't do anything special if you are upset with them.
Just a bunch of rabble, but well, our base chief is a capable guy.

But I don't know what happened recently, it's very sluggish, otherwise the base wouldn't be disturbed by the group of people below! "

"It's okay to just go out like this, but I feel too aggrieved!" Han Xiaochen closed his eyes and decided to admit it this time.

Don't you all say that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, so I have to find out which bastard is targeting me like this, and I will never let him go.

I haven't used space to kill any high-end supernatural beings yet, so I'm going to try this time.

"Han Xiaochen, you are right to think so! Clean up well, and we will go on a mission tomorrow!" Zhao Ye smiled slightly

"In that case, I'm going to buy some things and go to the trading market to see if there are any good things!"

Han Yinuo immediately jumped off someone's lap

"Then you go, let A Biao and A Huzi follow you!"

Zhao Ye helplessly smiled at her own woman, who was feeling overwhelmed in the group, and wanted to go out for a walk!
This A Biao and A Hu are Zhao Ye's confidantes and very powerful supernatural beings.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that these two burly men with evil spirits can have a strong deterrent to people.

Not to mention that Ah Biao has reached level 7 of the fire system, and Ah Hu has reached level 6 of the ice system.

What's more, these two people were very good at this skill before the end of the world, and they were even relatively well-known internationally.

"Han Xiaochen, let's go, let's go, let's go out for a walk, Laos is not doing anything in the regiment, those people really dare to do something!"

Han Xinuo pulled Han Xiaochen to go out.

"This..." Han Xiaochen hesitated.

"It's okay, you two go, if someone dares to do it in front of the public, then just kill them directly!
Don't worry, my two brothers are good in all aspects, and no one wants to provoke you without thinking. "

Zhao Ye waved his hand, he still has a lot of work under him, and he is very busy, how can he have the time to always accompany Han Xinuo!
Fortunately, now that Han Xiaochen is here, he can distract Han Xinuo's attention.

Otherwise, in addition to treating people and freeing up a little space for others, Han Zhennuo would be pestering himself all day long!
Han Xiaochen also seemed to see that when Han Zhennuo said that he wanted to go shopping with him, Zhao Ye let out a breath
That's what the so-called sweet burden is all about!hehe! !
"That's fine, Han Yinuo, I'm also very aggrieved here, and I have to go out for a walk.

Just like what Zhao Ye said, if anyone dares to do something to us after going out for a while, we can just beat him up.

Anyway, if someone else strikes first, we'll beat them to death. "

Han Xiaochen smiled slightly, feeling eager to try.

"Then you two go quickly, remember, don't go to places with few people!" Zhao Ye dropped these words and hurried away

Han Junnuo curled his lips and pulled Han Xiaochen outside.

"Han Zhennuo, you said that you don't cultivate well, why do you keep pestering him? Be careful, this person can tell, the closer you look at it, the faster you run!"

Han Xiaochen felt a little bored on the road and teased Han Xinnuo maliciously

"Hmph! I've encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation recently, and it's meaningless to practice. This guy Zhao Ye controls me so tightly that he won't let me go out!
I can't let me have some fun by myself, he won't let me go out to play, and he can't be at ease anymore, so I will pester him! "

Han Xinnuo arrogantly raised a sheep's head, just like being spoiled

Han Xiaochen chuckled, can love change a person's character?
Han Yinuo is much more lively and cheerful now than when he saw her just now!
I am a little envious of Han Xinuo for having a man who treats her so well and loves her so much

"Sister, you have to go out!" Han Zhennuo just got out of the regiment and was about to get in the car.

Her younger brother Han Dong rushed over.

Although they were all in the same mercenary regiment, Han Guodong never saw Han Yinuo at all.

Although A Biao and A Hu who are beside Han Yinuo now made him a little jealous, but he still bit the bullet and came here.

"Yeah, Han Dong, didn't you go out today?"

Han Chunnuo didn't know how to deal with his younger brother.

This boy Han Handong always looked down on him at home, and his words often made him feel unhappy.

So I have always kept a respectful distance, and will not contact him until necessary.

At the very least, if you really quarreled with Han Guodong, everyone would see it as a joke, not to mention that none of my parents would speak for me

"Sister, Mom, I have missed you these two days, but we have been unable to contact you."

Han Handong is actually very dissatisfied with his current situation, obviously his sister is so powerful.

But the life my family lives here is just enough for food and clothing, and even my family just wants to see Han Zhennuo!

They were also told that they were not qualified!

"What's so good about me, why is Mom looking at me again?

Don't put it so nicely. When I was working, my mother called me and scolded me when my salary was over and I didn't send money home on time. She never contacted me!
By the way, what's more, if one month's salary is too low to send home, my mother will call and scold me if it is too low! "

Han Zhennuo smiled mockingly, his family can live comfortably here without paying any big price, what else do they want to do.

"Han Zhennuo, why are you so cold-hearted now.

Is it true that you are so good, no matter what, you are born to your parents, and you are not afraid of everyone poking your spine! "

Han Guodong was pissed off by his sister's words. He obviously looked down on his sister all the time, but now he doesn't look at his family seriously.

"Poke whatever you like! Anyway, I was used to being scolded by my parents since I was a child. If I cared about these things, I would have hanged myself by smearing my neck a long time ago!
I have nothing to do, so I left, and I finally made room for it! "

Han Xinnuo shook his face and was about to get into the car

"Han Xinnuo, mom is sick, aren't you the one who heals the supernatural powers? You cure her!

Why is your mother also your own mother, how can you do this? "

Han Handong was a little anxious and told a lie, but his mother did have a little cold.

"What's wrong? You can just say it straight!" Han Qinnuo didn't want to go back, and what would his mother do if he went back!

"Mom has a serious cold!" Han Handong is not good either, he is talking too much, after all, there is nothing in this group that can be hidden from people.

"Well, I'll ask the doctors in our regiment to take a look, and then I'll pay for the medical expenses.

It's not that I can cure everything. Nowadays, this cold medicine is still available. "

As soon as Han Xinuo's words fell, A Biao asked people to arrange a doctor to see Han Zhennuo's mother

(End of this chapter)

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