Chapter 226-Awakening
"Han Xinnuo, I have always regarded you as my best friend, let's practice hard!"

Even though Han Xiaochen was suspected that he might have the ability to purify crystal nuclei, he didn't want to spread the word so carelessly.

"Han Xiaochen, thank you!

You will always be my best friend, and I will never be the kind of person who will be greedy for profit. "

Han Xinnuo was so touched by Han Xiaochen that she was about to shed tears, but held back.

I have redundant expressions, which may not be very good to Han Xiaochen.

Her own man, Zhao Ye Han Xinuo, can't hold him!

"I want to give this superb water crystal nucleus to my mother, and see if I can awaken her water ability!
I have the ability to heal myself. If something happens to my mother, I can still heal her.

This mission will always become more and more dangerous in the future, who knows what will happen.

In this way, I can be regarded as repaying her the gift of childbirth! "

Han Zhennuo was silent for a long time, and only when he arrived at the mercenary group soon, did he throw out such a sentence.

"That's fine, your mother has the ability to support herself, which is actually better than giving him any material help!"

Han Xiaochen sighed softly in his heart, Han Xinuo is more ruthless than anything when he speaks, but in fact, he really has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart!

Wang Zhihua is so lucky to be able to give birth to such a kind daughter as Han Xinnuo

It's just a pity, Wang Zhihua has never liked this daughter, and even wants to transfer everything about her daughter to his son.

"Han Xinnuo, I will accompany you during your mother's awakening. I am also a Muxiyi. If there is an accident, I can help you a little bit!"

Not in case of an accident, it is so easy for this person to awaken his abilities.

Every person who used the best crystal core to awaken their abilities in the later stage, in fact, was close to death.

Of course, the water ability is the easiest to awaken, and it may also be the least likely to suffer damage among all abilities.

"Han Xiaochen, thank you!"


Wang Zhihua has a cold and is in a daze. He just finished taking the medicine
A Biao and A Hu took him to a very warm room without any furniture

"Han Xinnuo, you damn girl, if you want to come and see my mother, you can come to live with us directly, then what can you bring me here for? Scare me.

As for your mother, I am still very dizzy and in pain! "

Wang Zhihua was dissatisfied and complained, but he didn't dare to treat his daughter as grumpily as before
"Mom, you swallow this, and drink this glass of water!"

Han Xinnuo handed the top-quality water-based crystal nucleus to his mother, and condensed a glass of his own healing power into the largest glass of water for her.

"Isn't this a crystal nucleus? Such a precious thing! I don't have any abilities!"

Wang Zhihua's lips are rough, he doesn't know what to say, Wang Zhihua is not stupid, it's just...

"Mom, hurry up, I have to go on a mission tomorrow, fortunately I have the ability to watch you, maybe you can awaken the power smoothly

Even if you really can't awaken, I can compare the injuries you suffered due to the failure of awakening! "

Han Zhennuo frowned, still explaining patiently.

"Han Xinnuo, haven't you ever thought about letting your brother awaken his abilities?

You can't be so heartless as a sister, your brother will still support you in the future! "

Wang Zhihua still wouldn't forget his son, and even wanted to say, if you don't help your brother awaken his ability, I won't awaken it.

But the words came to his lips, and he finally didn't dare to say them.

"Mom, hurry up if you want, I don't have the ability to deal with your son.

He was already mutated, so it's not easy to awaken his abilities!
Also, it's not easy to get this top-quality crystal nucleus!
If you don't want to, then go back! "

Han Xinuo looked at his mother expressionlessly.

Han Xiaochen looked at the mother and daughter indifferently without saying a word
Wang Zhihua also saw Han Xiaochen, moved his mouth, but didn't speak.

Why!Wang Zhihua sighed.

Finally put the crystal nucleus into his mouth, and swallowed it along with the water.

In an instant, the body was in severe pain as if being torn apart,

Han Zhennuo took some purified water system crystal cores and placed them beside her.

It even radiated healing energy to Wang Zhihua to help her slowly nourish her body.

Wang Zhihua's body was empty for only a few seconds, and a large amount of black-red liquid exuding a strong stench oozes out.

"Ah!!! It hurts me to death, it hurts me to death!!"

Wang Zhihua was writhing in pain, and she and he made the room full of foul-smelling blood.

Han Xiaochen found two balls of cotton to plug his nose, the smell was so sour.

"Wang Zhihua, this is something that must be experienced when awakening a supernatural power. You are lucky to have the two of us watching over you!
You have to endure it, if you don't bear it, the ability will not be awakened, don't you want to have the ability?Don't want your husband to hang around you, afraid to look at other women?

When this woman is awakened, the power will not only extend her life, she will even become much younger than her actual age, much younger! "

Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, Han Xiaochen naturally knows what is the most important thing to Wang Zhihua?
"Yes, I have to endure, I want to become a supernatural being, I don't want to be looked down upon by others anymore!
I'm gonna rip those little sluts off! "

Wang Zhihua yelled hysterically, as if this would relieve his pain.

When Han Xiaochen looked at Han Zhennuo feeling a little overwhelmed, he got some of the softest wood energy to nourish Wang Zhihua's body.

In fact, the energy of the wood system is more or less helpful to the human body, but when it comes to healing injuries, it is not satisfactory.

The two of them switched shifts like this, and after another half an hour, Wang Zhihua's body was no longer torn, and he finally passed out.

Han Xinnuo stood up profusely in sweat, but he hadn't forgotten to grab a handful of water system crystal nuclei to absorb
"It's not bad, your mother's ability is awakened, but it's a little weaker!"

Han Xiaochen nodded in satisfaction, and opened the door for ventilation.

"Well, if she can persist for a little longer, this ability will be much stronger!"

After absorbing the crystal nucleus, Han Xinuo's complexion improved.

Walking into the bathroom with frivolous steps, he put water for his mother, and even put his little healing ability into the water.

Resigned to his fate, Han Xiaochen closed his eyes and went outside to find a tall female power mutant.

He carried Aunt Han Xinuo into the bathroom, even gave her two packs of compressed biscuits, and asked her to help Wang Zhihua clean up.

"Nuo, Sister Hua, I'm sorry to trouble you, this is shampoo and shower gel, it should be enough!
Please help my mother clean it and send it back to her! "Han Yinuo also took out these two bottles of shampoo and shower gel
He even took out a pair of loose and clean clothes and down jacket.

The rest is naturally given to that woman.

"Yes, Miss Han, I will work right away."

That sister Hua is also in her 40s and is about the same age as Wang Zhihua.

She immediately took off Wang Zhihua's clothes nimbly, and began to help Wang Zhihua clean up.

It's true that different people have different fates. It's good to have a good daughter.

Wang Zhihua, a lowly ordinary person, became a supernatural being just because he had a good daughter.


When Wang Zhihua woke up, he was light and refreshed.

Not to mention that she found that she was wearing neat clothes and had inexhaustible strength in her body.

With a slight movement between her fingers, small drops of water appeared. Her current energy is still very weak, and she can only condense a bottle of water at a time.

But even so, she was ecstatic!
(End of this chapter)

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