Chapter 227

"Haha, I didn't expect that, I, Wang Zhihua, am also a supernatural being now!"

Wang Zhihua burst out laughing, just laughed and cried

There is no supernatural ability, only she knows how cautious and depressing she is living these days.

My husband went out to have sex with women, but I didn't dare to say anything.

And his son often gives him a face look, and he even has to please his son's girlfriend.

This is really...

"Mom, what's your name! Didn't your daughter find someone to cure your cold?"

Han Guodong just came back at this time, but he felt that the eyes of the people around him were not right.

He didn't even know what happened to his mother.

"Who knows what's going on with your mother! She's the only mother who can't even hold her own daughter."

The voice of a disgusted young woman
"Yes, my daughter asked someone to cure my cold, and it was cured!"

Wang Zhihua opened the door with a happy expression, and the tone of his voice took a long time!
Her voice is much more cheerful than before, even with a little condescending meaning

"Mom, how come your clothes are so clean, and the material looks very good!

No, no, why does it seem that there is something wrong with you! "

Han Handong blinked, why does his mother seem to have lost a lot of weight, and her skin has improved a lot, why does she feel like she is 10 years younger?
"There's nothing wrong, I just awakened the ability of the water system!"

After Wang Zhihua said this, he immediately condensed another glass of water for himself, and he drank it slowly.

Tsk tsk, the water with this water ability is delicious, sweet and sweet!
Why!It's really delicious and comfortable, and I don't have to look at people's faces anymore.

Han Daguo's face turned green and pale, and it took several seconds for him to recover.

"Mom, Han Zhennuo gave you the best water system crystal core to awaken your ability, so did she bring it for me and my baby?"

"No, there is no extra in Han Yinnuo's hand, just this one, and I will awaken the power for Mom.

Besides, it's not like you don't know how precious this top-grade water crystal nucleus is!
You are so exhausted with this task, you can't even earn an ordinary crystal nucleus!
Didn't you say that?There was a small team that was not very capable and wanted to fight the best crystal core, but not only did not fight, but the group was wiped out!

Besides, your sister said that no matter what, I am also her mother, and no matter what, she is also obliged to make my life better.

But she has no obligation to you, my brother! "

Wang Zhihua sighed, she is awakened now, and the water ability is sensible now
Although she didn't see anything when she woke up, she knew how dangerous it was when she woke up, and her daughter and that girl helped her outside.

It seems to be some kind of healing energy or something. At that time, she knew that not everyone can awaken supernatural powers with this top-quality crystal core.

Seeing his mother like this, Han Handong was so angry that his eyes were as big as Tongling.

Wang Zhihua stood up and patted his son on the shoulder
"Son, stepmother won't be a drag on you in the future, although my ability is not very good, but at least your mother can feed myself with this ability!
You don't have to talk behind your back, I'm dragging you all down.

My old bones can support themselves now. "

"Mom, look what you're talking about..."


After Han Xiaochen finished tormenting Wang Zhihua, he returned to the room and began to practice.

It's time to talk about tomorrow. If you want to go on a mission, you must be fully armed.

After tidying up what needed to be cleaned up, he even put on the protective clothing for himself.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow?It's still better to be foolproof.

In fact, Han Xiaochen didn't understand Han Xinuo's behavior of repeatedly giving benefits to his family members who obviously hated his family members and didn't want to recognize them.

Especially Wang Zhihua, a mother, was really bad to Han Xinnuo. Before the end of the world, she treated her daughter as a cash cow, but didn't care about her life or death at all.

Just for peace of mind?Han Xiaochen shook his head, expressing that he did not understand.

Anyway, I will never forgive my mother Yang Chunfen

I will never forgive her, the kindest thing I can do is not to hurt her

"Han Xinnuo, you look weak like a dead fish, you can still go out on a mission tomorrow?
Say what do you think, once you come out, you come out! "

Zhao Ye squinted at Han Zhennuo who was still absorbing the crystal nucleus of the water system
"It's fine, it's fine, I know my body, and I can definitely go on a mission tomorrow!
That person is my mother anyway, and I didn't think about caring about her other things, just let her have the means to make a living.

This is always pointing at others to feed, it is really not good!Don't worry, I have a plan in my heart, I won't be led by the nose by my mother.

Maybe even after this time, I will hardly see her in the future! "

Han Xinuo said with a slightly downcast expression.

"Nonuo, after all, they are your parents and relatives, and I didn't want you to meet.

I'm worried that you will be tricked!

Did you forget that a few days ago, a female superhuman was drugged by her family after being injured, and sold to the base for research?

Don't you know how your parents treated you since you were young?
Do you have that confidence that they won't do that kind of thing?

Even if you believe them, I don't trust them! "

Zhao Ye's complexion is not very good-looking yet.

"Ye, I know that you are doing it for my own good, don't worry, I have a plan in my heart, you see how close my relationship with them is!
They just want to sell me, and I won't let them sell me, I won't give them a chance! "

Han Chunnuo smiled miserably, let's put it bluntly! !Han Yinuo is very insecure. It would be nonsense to say that he has no feelings for his parents, but he really doesn't believe them.

"Okay, I don't want to make you unhappy either! You can keep this crystal nucleus for now, and I'll help you replenish it."

Yes, the person who has the ability to heal can also replenish energy to the person with the ability!

But there are almost no cures for people with supernatural powers, just be willing to do so
"Ye, you're so kind!" Han Qinnuo didn't absorb the crystal nucleus anymore, and leaned into someone's arms, asking someone to infuse her with energy.
"The energy is almost replenished for you, so you just sleep well, and we will go out on missions tomorrow with good energy, understand?"

Zhao Ye also didn't know why he did this. At first, he just wanted to tease Han Xinnuo to adjust his life. At best, the kidney just walked away, but he didn't know when it started, and he lost his mind.


On the second day, it was not yet bright early in the morning, so it was only 2 o'clock!

Zhao Ye called a large number of powerful supernatural beings in the regiment to go out and raid

Not to mention anything else, just get several armored vehicles

Han Xiaochen was silent, Zhao Ye, is it really okay for you to be so arrogant?

This younger brother is really picking up the soft persimmons, he is so low-key, they want to make trouble for themselves.

Zhao Ye showed such arrogance and domineering, the base turned a blind eye instead

"Han Xiaochen, why don't you and Nuonuo sit next to me, we don't need to go to the gate of the base to take a car, just go out!"

Zhao Ye waved at Han Xiaochen.

(End of this chapter)

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