Chapter 229

All the team members took a deep breath. The densely packed zombies and animals around him, as well as the zombie birds flying above, were enough to bear.

The leader still has the ability, if there is no leader, everyone will have to be killed by these things.

For a while, all kinds of guns flew together. It seemed that this group of people had already gotten used to fighting this kind of zombie group.

Not to mention a wave of gunpowder, most of the zombies died.

The rest are probably those high-level ones, don’t be afraid of muskets and the like

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" With the deafening screams.

Flying down from the sky came a woman wearing what appeared to be an ancient Hanfu made of red silk and satin.

Han Xiaochen opened his eyes wide, this woman didn't know what method she used so she couldn't tell if it was a zombie or a human!
Seeing this, Zhao Ye smiled evilly at the two of them,
Then he flew down quite agitatedly, and started a fight with that woman who seemed to be very graceful.

But of course, in fact, Zhao Ye threw the venom at the woman desperately.

The woman seemed to dodge desperately, but as long as a drop was splashed on her body, there would be a hissing sound.

But that woman is not easy to mess with. With a flick of her sleeve, the car wobbles.

"Get out of the car! Enter an emergency battle, and I will deal with their leader."

It was the first time Han Xiaochen heard that Dao Zhaoye's voice could become so loud without using any communication equipment, almost resounding all over the place.

Han Xiaochen and Han Zhennuo also immediately ran down to fight the zombie.

Han Zhennuo saw that the speed of killing zombies with the water sword was too slow.

It happened that Zhaoyi came to Han Shaonuo.

"Zhaoyi, look after you." Han Zhennuo immediately sprinkled a lot of water on the zombie.

Zhaoyi immediately greeted the thunder and lightning to the zombie.

In an instant, large areas of zombies are exploding.
Only then did Han Xiaochen feel relieved and started to kill the zombies with self-control.

Only then did Han Xiaochen realize that he was really not suitable for killing such large and too many zombies.

However, Han Xiaochen entangled the zombie with vines, and some people used ice or fire to kill the zombie.

Not to mention that I haven't fought these people before, but they are very strong in terms of reaction ability and teamwork ability.

It was only then that Han Xiaochen discovered that Han Zhennuo was desperate to fight zombies, and she wasn't as brainless as she usually appeared
Not only are there zombies around you, there are even zombie birds flying in the sky!

Han Xiaochen feels that his attack methods are not enough. Now it is the vines mixed with the space ninja, and even occasionally a space confinement, and they are all together to deal with all kinds of opponents around.
"Han Xiaochen, find a way to chase away those zombie birds flying above!" Han Zhennuo suddenly shouted

Han Xiaochen didn't have any good solution, he could only use a large piece of bloody animal meat mixed with his own vines, and fill it up in the sky on the Internet.

Not to mention that this trick is very effective, these zombies and birds are really gathering here

Han Zhennuo immediately put the water ability to the maximum and rushed up, soaking these zombie animals, and even used a space to confine them.

That Zhaoyi didn't even need to tell him, the thunder ball scattered many points and hit it immediately.

In an instant, the zombie-like birds in the sky were screaming down below, and of course they were accompanied by minced meat and black blood.
Not to mention, this trick really works, and even leading everyone to cooperate to kill these things is getting smoother and smoother.

Han Xiaochen and the others are working hard!

He heard the sinister female voice screaming.

"Stop, stop, I surrender, I surrender!" The woman finally couldn't help it anymore, and stopped pretending to be a fool.

The most surprising thing was that the group of zombies stopped attacking once the woman's voice came out.

Han Xiaochen frowned. That woman should be human, right?

If that woman joins this team, will Han Xinuo still have a place?

This woman is too powerful, too strong.

This is Zhao Ye's rare helper!

But Han Xiaochen's worries are really superfluous

Where would she have thought that Zhao Ye just twitched the corner of her mouth cruelly, and this big palm mixed with huge toxins slapped at the woman in a manner that could not cover her ears.

The woman couldn't dodge in time, Han Xiaochen saw a very tragic and disgusting scene

The woman's head was broken into blood foam at that time.

This guy Zhao Ye is too ruthless, everyone surrendered, this is obviously a human being!

Even if this woman has surrendered, it will be a big help for you to join your team, okay?
And with the woman's death, the zombies started to attack humans again like headless flies, but they are now.

Just like the deserter, he was no longer the opponent of this mercenary group.

Han Xiaochen naturally joined the ranks of this battle.

It's just that Han Xiaochen looked at Zhao Ye from the corner of his eye and picked out a shiny crystal nucleus from the woman's head and threw it into the storage ring.

He even took out a sealed bag, put the woman's remaining body in it, and put it in the storage ring.

Han Xiaochen felt chills, how could Han Xinuo fall in love with such a cruel and merciless man!
It was said earlier that Zhao Ye's skills might not be as good as Mo Yan's, but this ruthless energy makes people frightened

When it comes to killing people, they kill them when they say they want to kill. They are straightforward and merciless, and they don't feel guilty at all.

You know, the group of zombies that attacked humans just now actually

There are also sporadic ones, I don't know which mercenary group or team is behind...

just press it straight

Suddenly, Han Xiaochen felt a thrust behind him, trying to push himself into the crowd of zombies.

Han Xiaochen immediately stood still and faced a space blade from behind.
Whoever pushes himself in this situation will be damned

But it seemed that the thing behind avoided it, and Han Junnuo also noticed it with sharp eyes, and was immediately imprisoned in a space.

Even the supernatural beings and zombies around did not move.

Han Xinnuo was not restricted by being a little far away from him, but he also grabbed the zombies.

They were all killed with the water sword, and the murderer who pushed Han Xiaochen was naturally exposed, and he still maintains this posture of pushing forward.

It's just that she didn't expect that the murderer who pushed her was a girl who looked weak at the age of sixteen or seventeen, but clearly felt a viciousness in her bones.

Han Xiaochen directly gave her a vine to make her sleepy
"Hey, why don't you want a woman, you think you have a good relationship with our leader's woman, so you can treat our team members like this!"

Some dissatisfied team members still picked up on Han Xiaochen, it seems that they have a good relationship with that woman.

"Shut up, Bai Liusu, this woman, is obviously trying to frame our companions, no matter how much she contributes to the regiment, this kind of person cannot be kept.

Han Xiaochen, this bitch, I leave it to you to dispose of me! "

After Zhao Ye killed the big guy, it was like playing with these little guys in his hands.

In just a quarter of an hour, Zhao Ye and the group of team members killed all the zombies.

Right now, some team members are cleaning up the crystal nuclei in an orderly manner.
"Brother Ye, save me, save me, Brother Ye, your woman doesn't like me, you think her friends are going to kill me!"

Bai Liusu was crying, looking at Zhao Ye with her big watery eyes
Don't think that Bai Liusu's pitiful appearance is weak.

None of the people who were able to come out to do missions today were incompetent, and this Bai Liusu was a level 6 ice-type supernatural being!

(End of this chapter)

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