Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 230 The Great Army

Chapter 230 The Great Army
"Bai Liusu, our rule here is that you can never lay hands on those around you!
From the first day you came, you knew my Zhao Ye's rules.

Also, hurry up, get in the car after digging out the crystal nuclei, and a larger group of zombies will be attracted in a while, don't you really want to feed zombies here! "

"Zhao Ye, let me deal with this woman, right? I won't kill her, but...

Han Xinnuo, as soon as I come to you, there will be women who want to deal with me. You are not enough friends! "

What Han Xiaochen didn't understand, that woman was jealous of Han Zhennuo, but she didn't dare to attack Han Zhennuo, so she came to vent her anger on herself

"Bai Liusu, don't you just fall in love with my boyfriend? But he doesn't like you, you are like a black hand!

You have the ability to fight with me! "Han Zhennuo was unceremonious, and used the auxiliary ability of the water system ability to extract water on the woman.

Han Zhennuo pumped 4% of the water for this woman, and then crippled the woman's abilities with one palm

"Brother Ye, look at who the woman you like is so cruel!

Brother Ye, can you let me go?You forgot about my brother, I promise I won't come back after I leave. "

Bai Liusu felt that he was going to die, and felt that this death would not make Han Xinnuo feel better.

My Bai family is also very powerful, I don't want to just die here.

"Put the woman Bai Liusu in the trunk for me, and leave her to attract zombies later.

You all remember my rules, and you are not allowed to break anything. No matter who dares to lay hands on those around you, it will end like this!
Don't refuse to give me a look here! " Zhao Ye flicked his sleeve.

For some reason, the scene just now appeared in the sky, and it was precisely the action of Bai Liusu pushing Han Xiaochen.

Now the members of the mercenary group gasped, this old lady is too powerful.

"Okay, hurry up and tidy up, hurry up and leave!
You remember for me, no matter who you are, no matter what your previous identities were?But if you come to my mercenary group, you have to abide by my Zhao Ye's rules! "

After Zhao Ye's cold order, the man quickly dug out the crystal nucleus, and even piled up the zombies in an orderly manner.

In the end, Han Yinuo made a big water ball snow, and all the zombies were drenched.

Zhao Yi hit a thunder ball, and the zombie immediately burst into flames.

"Han Xiaochen, how do you look exciting?"

Zhao Ye sat lazily on the back seat of the car and picked up a handkerchief to help the slightly sluggish Han Zhennuo wipe his face.

"Energetic, extremely energetic, no wonder you can be the leader, you are really powerful and ruthless!"

Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth. At this moment, he was so tired that his whole body was about to cramp, okay?

This side is absorbing the crystal nucleus, and at the same time, it has to fight against Zhao Ye
The most irritating thing is that Zhao Ye is still in high spirits, the woman he killed must be a controlling supernatural being.

That crystal nucleus is definitely priceless!
Is it possible that Zhao Ye absorbed the crystal nucleus, and even awakened that controlling ability himself!
I have heard of controlling abilities before, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes.

This is simply too frightening. Who can bear the guru commanding thousands of horses to deal with you?

Han Xinnuo slowed down a bit, and began to absorb the crystal nucleus of the water system

It's just that the face is still very ugly. The next zombies belong to Xiao Bo'er, so they don't need to go down, just use the hot weapons on the car.

"Zhao Ye, why do you have so much ammunition!
What was your house used to do? "Han Xiaochen couldn't help being a little curious.

"Han Xiaochen, don't you know that curiosity can kill a cat?
But it’s not a big deal to tell you, our family does this kind of business internationally, let me tell you, we still have licenses! "

Zhao Ye sneered coldly, Zhao Ye is the heir to the famous arms dealer!

Then why did you come to Dongsheng country?Aren't you afraid you won't be able to go back?
How many arms have you hidden in our country? "Han Xiaochen gasped

"Han Xiaochen, what do we want you to do, and what do you know?

Our family is also very important in Dongsheng Kingdom, okay?That is to say, you, an ignorant earth leopard, don't understand!
As far as your country is concerned, you have come to our arms group to buy various thermal weapons in large quantities! "

Zhao Ye glanced contemptuously at Han Xiaochen
Han Xiaochen...

Zhao Ye, what's so great about you, isn't it just that you have a great background?

If it wasn't for your strong background, how could your ability grow so fast?
Let me tell you, what kind of evil abilities are you talking about?
Han Xiaochen was very troubled that his real eyes couldn't see through this bastard Zhao Ye!

I am too aggrieved to go out on this mission, and I have a headache because I was bullied by Zhao Ye, a dead man!
This dead girl Han Xinnuo really despises friends because of her sex, and she doesn't help to teach this bastard Zhao Ye a lesson.

"Pay attention to me, another group is coming outside!"

Suddenly, Zhao Ye's cold voice was transmitted to each car through the communicator
Han Xiaochen was a little terrified now, he was really unlucky, why did he come out on a mission this time?
After 5 seconds, all the large dog-headed bats flew outside. Their wings spread more than 5 meters, and they are extremely aggressive. They can bite off the neck of a human being with one bite. Scrapping is a veritable "dog's head guillotine"

There are thousands of bats in this large group

And all of them are blood-sucking red flying bats.

With countless bats flying all over the sky, the atmosphere is very eerie and strange, as if the god of death is here in person.

"Sitting and waiting for death is not the answer, use all your housekeeping skills, this bat is afraid of fire and lightning." Zhao Ye's cold voice came
"Zhao Ye, you lunatic, do you want everyone to open the windows?
Are you going to let this team member die? "Han Xiaochen screamed in horror.

"Our window can't stop the bat for a few minutes. If that's the case, why not..."

With Zhao Ye's order, all heavy weapons will attack these bats for free
But this effect is not very good, the air is filled with thick gunpowder accompanied by a strong sense of blood and destruction-like horror.

Zhao Ye's team members were brave, and of course many of them fell down forever in an instant.

But these sacrificial team members freed up the hands of those who came later, and all kinds of abilities flew to attack the bats.

Han Xiaochen closed her eyes. The most she can do now is to confine the bat with space, so that the bat can fly a little slower, so that the team member can free up his hands to kill it.

Still an old trick, Han Xiaochen first used space to imprison the water-type supernatural being.

Splash water on the bat, and then the person with lightning abilities will attract lightning to the bat

It's too late to say it, and the whole action is completed in less than a second.

In less than a minute, Han Xiaochen warned him with his pale face.

Han Zhennuo immediately connected, and used this space to imprison
"Han Xiaochen, hurry up and hide in the space, there is no need for such a meaningless sacrifice now!" Han Zhennuo shouted at her

But Han Xiaochen didn't go in, took out the vine seeds, and while desperately absorbing the crystal nucleus, threw the seeds into the sky, trying to tie the bat up with the vines.

Fortunately, this vine cage is quite useful, but seeing that it can't hold on for a few seconds, it can be knocked away by this bat.

Han Xiaochen closed his eyes, desperately teleported into the space on the vines and went there.

(End of this chapter)

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