Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 278 Curiosity Will Kill the Cat

Chapter 278 Curiosity Will Kill the Cat
Han Xiaochen still frowned deeply, "Li Na, why do I think this is unreliable!
Such an awesome man?Will there be no women around?
Why don't I believe it!This person is either glass, or the kind with countless women around him!

There is nothing good about men in this world! "

Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth and looked at Li Na viciously.
Li Nale covered her face, "Han Xiaochen! Why are you looking at me like this?
I'm doing this all for you, okay?If you are willing, you are willing, if you are not willing, you will be pulled down!

Thanks to my sisters, you have supernatural powers, otherwise I'm afraid that you will be taken alive by you!
Let me tell you, this Bao Jingming is really good and excellent, and now, he is the head of the first official mercenary regiment of our base!
This is brainy, organized, and capable. There are indeed many female supernatural beings interested in him!
But Bao Jingming doesn't like any of those women! "

Li Na shook her head, thinking that her silly daughter, Zhang Yueying, is married and has a husband, and she has a very good relationship with her husband.

Otherwise, I want to match Zhang Yueying and Bao Jingming together
It's just that these two people have very bad tempers, and they can't be matched together if outsiders can match them.

Han Xiaochen pursed his lips, he was resisting the blind date in his heart!

Li Na stood up and patted Han Xiaochen's shoulder heavily.

looked at her earnestly and said,

"Han Xiaochen, aren't you very reluctant to accept Mo Yan?
This is not easy to handle, if there are other men around you, he will be embarrassed to come to your side again, won't he? "

Han Xiaochen...

Li Na smiled softly, "Han Xiaochen, let me tell you, this shop will disappear after passing this village, let's talk about it!

The two of you can meet and chat occasionally!
How about this, you occasionally go to the official mercenary group of this base to go around!

Everyone is in the same base, so there is no need to be so divided!

You are the largest space in our base, and the supernatural beings can't just help your friends out to pack supplies occasionally, right?

This is too wasteful, as long as you have time, you can do more tasks, and you can exercise yourself! "

After saying this, Li Na patted the non-existent dust on her body, and walked out gracefully

Han Xiaochen stood up too, "Li Na, are you leaving now? Sit down for a while!
Let me think about what you told me?I don't know what you think, but you even thought of being a matchmaker!

Anyway, just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable!
Then if I think that person is okay, I can be a friend, but wouldn't it be strange if I can't be a boyfriend? "

Han Xiaochen is born after 00, so he naturally feels disgusted and old-fashioned about introducing a boyfriend to this kind of thing.

Li Na paused a little, then continued to walk forward and let out a laugh.

"That's what I said, Han Xiaochen, don't have too much psychological pressure!
I'm not asking the two of you to sit there on a formal blind date, but I just want to give you a trick because you look like you are struggling every day!

Also, sometimes this person does!It's better not to be too narcissistic!

This guy Bao Jingming has always had his eyes above his head..."

Han Xiaochen's face turned dark when he heard what Li Na said.

"Alright then! Li Na...

Why do I feel that you always want to cheat me!
We used to be so good, but your identity is growing upwards! "

When Han Xiaochen said this, he suddenly thought of a very important question.

Many people say that the identities of Li Na and his wife are quite mysterious, but they are definitely very powerful existences.

So what did Mo Shen do before?
It seems that Mo Shen is very powerful even without supernatural powers.

"Li Na, what did your husband do before?

And what did you guys do before?Are you all from big families?Then why only you and your wife are here!

And why do I think your husband looks very skilled, just like the kind of qigong that people used to say! "

Li Na didn't stop in her footsteps, she still walked out without haste.
"Han Xiaochen, be careful, curiosity will kill the cat!
You have to know that cats have 9 lives, because they will die if they are too curious! "

Han Xiaochen...

"Okay, okay, let's go! Hmph! If you don't want to say it, forget it!

But don't mention you guys, I don't even know the real details of that guy Mo Yan! "

Han Xiaochen curled his lips, thinking that even though he lived in a beautiful big house in those years, he had no worries about food and clothing, and had someone to serve him for everything he did.

But to be honest, I really don't have much freedom, and I don't know Mo Yan at all!

Now that I think about it, I seem to be a little house sparrow picked up from outside and kept in a cage as a golden bird.

But it happens that other people's house sparrows will be raised to death if they are kept in cages, but as for me, I am so stupid that I really think of myself as a canary bird.

Why!If that's the case, how can you possibly understand the owner's real life with this pet?

That's right, even if he is himself, he must not be with that bastard Mo Yan.

Wouldn't it be the relationship between the owner and the pet if I was with him again?


"Xiaochen, our new leader is really powerful. Just a few days after he came up, our base has undergone earth-shaking new changes."

On the second day, Han Qiannuo took Han Xiaochen to the trading market for shopping.

I don't know what the base thinks, not only a lot of things that people need for food, clothing, housing and transportation are placed in the previous shops.

Even in the ordinary trading market, there are people hired by the base to set up stalls here.

Of course, the quality of the stalls here is relatively low, but even though the quality is not good, it allows most people to maintain the lowest quality of life.

Like this cornmeal, right?It seems that the powder is not very good, it seems that even the leather is punched in.

But the price is beautiful, only 5 lowest-grade crystal nuclei per catty.

There are also sweet potatoes, potatoes, jicama, big radishes, or the ones that haven't mutated.

The price is even more beautiful, as long as a low-level crystal nucleus can be exchanged for a catty.

Not to mention that the weather is still very cold, they, there are still people selling cotton and various fabrics here.

This price is also the kind of price that ordinary people can afford as long as they are willing to go out and work hard to obtain crystal nuclei.

No wonder so many supernatural beings are desperately rushing here from other bases!

Han Xiaochen frowned, Moshen must be very courageous, but the key is that if there is such a planting space, can he grow so many things?
Ordinary people can use it. Are they not afraid of committing crimes and attacking other bases?
"Our leader is really capable. Aren't these things ordinary people and low-level supernatural beings most need?"

But how could they know?Li Na got a lot of good seeds from this interface before the end of the world.

They even paid a high price to buy all the materials on how to cultivate these excellent seeds and sent them to their era.

So it is normal for them to say that there is no shortage of food and such materials.

Not to mention that Li Na paid a high price for all the things that the 21st century thought were useful in the 70s.

Except for the high-tech core technology, which is very important to certain countries, they are unwilling to sell it to the outside world.

The remaining unimportant ones were almost all bought by Li Na and his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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