Chapter 279

Naturally, the productivity of that era also increased quantitatively, and Mo Shen was the largest farmer in a certain country.

There are tens of thousands of acres of arable land alone. With high grain yields, cheap labor, and mechanization, isn’t there countless grains?
What's more, they can go to places that are underdeveloped but have a lot of arable land to buy a lot of cheap food!

"Yes! Yes, the leader of our base is really capable!
But then again, how can someone be a leader if they don't have the skills?

Don't say that we are just a small gathering place in the last days, even in a peaceful age.

People in any country who can live and work in peace and contentment and have a full stomach will highly support those leaders!

But it seems that now you wood-type supernatural powers are not as popular as before, so you don't practice desperately and practice to an advanced level.

If you can go out to play crystal nuclei, the treatment will plummet compared to before! !
Especially the kind of mutated sweet potatoes that our base has still researched. Although it is said to be unpalatable, ordinary people can buy it for a small price.

The life of those wood-type abilities is even more difficult.

Han Xiaochen glared at Han Zhennuo, "Han Zhennuo, do you still dare to speak of me, will your water-type abilities be better?"

When Han Xiaochen said this, he suddenly remembered that the water was not that cheap. Although it was cheaper than before, it was not there yet.

Like in the past, you can buy a bottle of mineral water for a few dollars, such a cheap thing
Nowadays, the water that is the size of an ordinary bottle of mineral water needs a crystal nucleus after it has been purified.

If this tastes good to drink, it will be better than tap water before the end of the world.

One bottle needs two crystal nuclei!

Of course, the price of water blown out by a water-type supernatural being like Han Xinnuo would be even more expensive.

How should I put it, like myself, a high-level supernatural being, in fact, if he only uses the spawning vegetables, his life is no worse than that of a water-type supernatural being.

But the price of this vegetable is really much cheaper than before.

Anyway, no matter what, as long as the water-type and wood-type superpowers are low-level and have no combat ability, their treatment is much worse than before.

"Hey, give me 50 catties of cornmeal, and I want 50 catties of sweet potatoes, and 50 catties of potatoes!"

Han Xiaochen and the two were chatting, and a big man came to round up the goods sold at the stall in front of him.

"Mr. Holly!" The salesman promptly applauded the profuse Khan for the items he wanted and handed them to him.

"Hey, are you also a member of the base? Do you have enough supplies?" The big man asked curiously

The salesperson took back the crystal nuclei given by Da Khan, counted them carefully and put them away.

Then he laughed and said, "The superiors told me that all the supply of goods is sufficient now!

However, each identity card with limited purchases can buy up to 500 catties of grain per month, and nowadays, like potatoes, sweet potatoes and jelly potatoes also belong to the category of grain!
But if you buy more, you need to add crystal cores. After all, our leader also spent a lot of effort to help everyone get them outside! "

The staff member answered with a straight face
"Tch, I've seen the devil. If you buy more, the price will increase, but forget it!"

The big man looked at the seller unwillingly and left.

It's a pity that I don't have the ability, but it would be great if I had the ability to grab these things!

But it won't work. Last time, there was a lightning-type superpower who went to grab supplies, but was caught by the base and executed immediately!

Let everyone watch the scene at that time!Looking at myself, my heart feels cool.

It's really three fires for new officials to take office!This thunderous method shocked those people who were about to move.

A few gangsters here also tested the bottom line of the base, tried to grab the supplies of the old, weak, sick and disabled, and molested a few beauties.

In the end, the chicken who was carrying the base on its back and used it as a monkey was chopped off in front of everyone.

At that scene, it can be said that blood flowed like a river, and many people applauded. Of course, many people thought that this piece of noodles was worse than anything else.
It is said that the food is cheap now, but the zombies outside are not easy to fight. If you are not careful, you will die, okay?
Just spending so many crystal nuclei this time, he felt so distressed.

"Han Xiaochen? Are you Han Xiaochen?" Han Xiaochen and Han Xinuo were standing in front of a stall selling dried sweet potatoes to choose from!

A man in a brand new combat uniform called them in surprise.

Han Xiaochen looked up suspiciously, why does this person look so familiar?
Baby face, white and handsome.

"You are?
You can't be the one who knocked me down just that time, right? "

When Tan Haoke called out, Han Xiaochen recognized him.

I was so excited that I almost didn't cry, but I grabbed Han Xiaochen's hand
"Han Xiaochen, it's so rare to meet you in the base!"

Han Xiaochen shook off Tan Haoke's hand calmly, but he was actually very surprised.

"Tan Haoke, aren't you in city a? This a is thousands of miles away from the base of the imperial capital, how did you get here?"

Tan Hao didn't know if he was really sad, or just pretending, but he was still crying

What a pity, with his outfit, Tan Hao is too embarrassing for the army at the base


Han Xiaochen, I was miserable, and I was separated from my elder brother before the end of the world, and I ran to Jinbei City!
And within a few days after arriving there, the apocalypse broke out. I don’t know how much I suffered, and I almost died! "

Han Xiaochen curled his lips: "Tan Hao, you are almost ready!
I don't think you look like you have suffered. How did you get into the army at the base?

Are you an army member who was at this base before?Why didn't I see you! "

Tan Haoke shook his head: "No, I've always been at the base in Jinbei City!

My luck was not too bad. I was awakened at that time, with the ability of the gold system, and I have been staying in the Jinbei base since then!

Later, didn't this person say that you are treated well here?Just in time, we came out to do the mission and came here!
Sure enough, the new leader of your base is powerful. The zombie is still so big outside, but the supplies in your base are cheap!

In terms of survival, your survival here is much easier than the base in Jinbei.

I just don't know what happened to my elder brother, and I haven't contacted him until now!
But now the communication is severely paralyzed. It is impossible to contact the base in the south without using that kind of special high-end one. "

When Tan Haoke talked about his elder brother, he boasted.

Han Xiaochen: "Tan Haoke, you don't have to worry too much!
As far as your elder brother is concerned, I can see that he is a very capable person, and nothing will happen to him.

When the outbreak just broke out in the end of the world, the people who were infected and became zombies were not all the old, weak, sick and disabled people with particularly weak resistance.

Your eldest brother is not in that ranks, and your family is considered powerful in that area, so you can definitely do well! "

Han Xiaochen can only comfort Dan Hao like this
Tan Haoke sniffed and smiled, "Han Xiaochen, can I lend you a good word?
But I can see that you are having a good time!With a ruddy complexion, one can tell that she hasn't been tortured by this life!

And you still seem to have supernatural powers, where do you get rich now! "

Han Xiaochen: "I didn't get rich anywhere, so I just messed around like this!

By the way, are you still living at the base now? "

(End of this chapter)

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