Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 280 The Peach Blossom Eyed Man Arrives

Chapter 280 The Peach Blossom Eyed Man Arrives
When Tan Haoke talked about the accommodation conditions, he couldn't help complaining: "Yeah, I basically live in Area B, right?

The accommodation conditions in this army are too poor, anyway, I can't live in bunk beds with others!
I'm bored to death, and do you know how narrow the living conditions of this ordinary supernatural being in the imperial capital base are? "

Han Xiaochen: "What? But they don't need crystal cores where they arrange people to stay?"

Tan Haoke: "So what? It's okay for someone like me with some ability, I live in a bunk bed for 4 people, it's just such a small place!
If this is the most common supernatural beings and mutants, it is still such a big place, this room is actually on the 4th floor!

It's really crowded, do you think this person can sleep?How to practice!
In this way, there are still many people who are squeezing their heads, wanting to enter the mercenary group of the base! "

Han Xiaochen smiled lightly: "To put it bluntly, the mercenary regiment at the base is treated better, and the security must be relatively high!"

Tan Haoke: "By the way, Han Xiaochen, where do you live now? I see that you are doing well. Do you also live in District B?"

Han Xiaochen shook his head at him.

Tan Hao stared, "Han Xiaochen, you don't live in District A, do you?
Based on what I know about you, you definitely don't have the guts to live in another district! "

Han Xiaochen twitched the corners of his mouth: "Yeah, I just live in District A, I'm lucky, I bought a house in District A!

After a few months, the apocalypse broke out. Now that I think about it, I still have the foresight, and I have money!

Otherwise, life would be miserable!

But the conditions in Area B are not bad, are you worthy of gnashing your teeth like this?

Just like my friend, she has been living in District B? "

Han Xiaochen looked at Han Zhennuo who stared at them curiously but said nothing
Tan Haoke immediately patted his head, as if he had just recovered and felt that he was being rude

But in fact, he did it on purpose, he didn't know or have no interest in it, and he ignored all of them:

"Ouch, oh, look at me, look at me.

Little beauty, where do you live?

We may have to take care of it in the future! "

Han Xiaochen glared at Han Xinuo: "Tan Haoke, be honest, my friend's surname is Han, you can call him Miss Han or Sister Han!"

Tan Haoke immediately made an appearance of admitting his mistake: "I'm sorry, Sister Han, I'm used to being careless since I was a child!

By the way, you haven't said yet, where do you live? "

Tan Haoke actually looked at Han Xinuo's weak and weak appearance, and always felt that she was a pet kept by some man.

There is no way, who said that the water-type superpowers are still so weak and weak even at the advanced level!

Not only does it look soft and weak, but the more advanced it is, the cleaner it looks.

People who don't understand the situation look at Han Zhennuo's silent appearance, just like looking at a crystal clear baby.

The so-called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is nothing more than that.

Han Xinnuo smiled meaningfully at Dan Hao, this Dan Hao looked like he had a very close relationship with Han Xiaochen!
I don't know if it is possible to become Han Xiaochen's other half: "Mr. Zhan! I live in the necessary night mercenary group!"

Tan Haoke sat down and was a little surprised

"Sister Han, you are amazing, you can be in that regiment, I heard that the regiment is not so easy to get into!

Either the relationship has to be very strong, or you have to be very capable!
It's just that I don't know which aspect you are better at, Sister Han, to join the night mercenary group! "

Han Zhennuo was gritted his teeth angrily, but showed a meaningful smile, and winked at him ambiguously.

"Mr. Zhan, what do you think??

I won't tease you anymore, let me tell you, I didn't get in by ability, and I have no way!

But luckily I got in! "

Dan Haoke...

Why does it feel so weird, why does it feel that the man named Han Xinnuo is so scary!

"Hao Ke, didn't you say you want to go back and have a good rest? Why did you come to the trading market to pick up girls!"

A cool and refreshing voice resounded
Han Xiaochen heard the reputation and looked around, and at some point not far away, a man in a black combat uniform stood.

The man put his hands in his pockets, tilted his head slightly, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The man is very white, and he has a pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes that flicker from time to time!

But the cold and stern temperament around him covered up this gentleness.

This man is not easy to get along with at first sight.

Han Xiaochen looked up and saw that it was a man in a black combat uniform.

The man had a fair and clean face, under the two thick sword-shaped eyebrows, there was a pair of shrewd and sharp peach blossom eyes.

Obviously this person is not easy to get along with.

"Brother Ming, it's so boring to stay at home!

Just in time, I also ran into my old friend when I came out!

Han Xiaochen, let me introduce you to Bao Jingming, the head of the official mercenary regiment of our imperial capital and the number one mercenary regiment in the army! "

Bao Jingming's pair of piercing peach blossom eyes flashed brilliantly.

Tan Hao, but this idiot hasn't done anything yet!So carelessly, he shook his hole cards to others.

"Hao Ke, have you been itchy again recently?
But hello Miss Han!The famous swords and spears of the two Miss Han are like thunder!

If there is anything wrong with what Hao Ke said or did, I hope the two of you will forgive me! "

Han Xiaochen frowned. Is this the Bao Jingming whom Li Na wants to be a matchmaker for?
He looks like a dog, but he doesn't look like a good person. How can he describe this person?It should be good to give him the 4 words of gentle scum

"Is that right, Head Bao? I don't remember meeting you before. It's a great honor. You actually know us!"

Han Xiaochen said with a half smile

"Hehe, you two well-known spatial abilities, as the head of the army mercenary regiment, if I don't know anything about it, I should have stepped down long ago!"

Bao Jingming's peach-blossom eyes under his thick sword-shaped eyebrows flickered uncomfortably, obviously he had developed a deep interest in Han Xiaochen
But why do I feel like I was put on by the leader's wife!

But thinking of Mo Shen's doting wife and mad devil, think about it and decide this matter.

It's really difficult to raise only women and villains, but what is so special about this Han Xiaochen?It actually made the leader's wife look at her with admiration.

Isn't it just a super-large space ability that can only be used as a mobile warehouse?

And a useless wood ability?
And next to him, Han Yinuo is a useless and cowardly idiot who can only rely on men except for his good luck and a little healing ability.

This has the ability to heal, which may be amazing outside, but they already have people with healing abilities in the official mercenary regiment.

It's much stronger than the healing ability of the Fu family in Han Yinuo's water system!

What about these two women can impress the wife of the leader?

Could it be said that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, so the character of the leader's wife is similar to the two of them?
Tsk tsk, the leader's taste is also fascinating!

Han Xinuo doesn't like Bao Jingming's eyes very much, but he thinks this person...

How should I put it, it just makes her feel not very friendly.

"Bao, Captain, I didn't expect you to have heard of both of us!

But your eyes are so good, you can recognize both of us at a glance without seeing us!
(End of this chapter)

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