Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 281 You are not qualified

Chapter 281 You are not qualified

This is indeed a person who can be the head of the regiment, but it is not ordinary. I think you are too talented to be the head of the regiment. It is more suitable to be a 007! "

Han Xinnuo unceremoniously picked up Bao Jingming
Bao Jingming...

Bao Jingming's face immediately turned dark, and he wished he could give Han Qinuo a good meal.

But he understood that although he was the head of the first mercenary regiment, he was quite powerful in the eyes of those people.

But it's really different from Zhao Ye, Han Yinuo's current gold master, who set up a large mercenary regiment by himself.

After all, his mercenary group belonged to the base, while Zhao Ye's mercenary group belonged to him.

Of course, the bigger reason is that the night mercenary group organized by Zhao Ye is no worse than his mercenary group!
At the beginning, I was plotted by someone to work hard for others.

I used to think that the former base leader had stepped down, and the position of the base leader was now me.

I think I can wait until that day sooner or later, but who would have thought that this machine has not been established for a long time, and it will be cut off by Mo Shen.

If he hadn't acted rightly and sat upright, he might have been taken away by Mo Shen directly!

"Nuo Nuo!" Han Xiaochen pulled Han Ying Nuo dissatisfied.
"Captain Bao, don't mind me, my friend likes to joke around with others, he's used to it!

But for the two of us, we have finished shopping, we are going to die, you two are busy! "

Bao Jingming was taken aback for a moment, then smiled enchantingly

Does Han Xiaochen look down on her, or is she playing hard to get?
"Don't mind, Miss Han, I think you should know what the leader's wife told you!
Since the leader's wife has such kind intentions, why don't we give it a try? "

This time it was Han Xiaochen's turn to turn dark, but he immediately smiled and pretended to dislike the poor and love the rich

"Bao Jingming, right? I'm not very interested in trying with you!!
This man who can get along with me, Han Xiaochen, is too bad, I don't like it!

It's just you, a little weak, although you can be regarded as the team leader, but in fact, you can also be regarded as working for the base!
Tut tut! ! "

Bao Jingming "I..."

As long as I'm still weak, who does Han Xiaochen think he is, and she despises me?
"Miss Han, do you mean that if I want to set up my own mercenary group and have such a large scale, will you be willing to be with me?"

Han Xiaochen's face turned cold when he heard Bao Jingming say this, looking at the shrewd look of this man.

Han Xiaochen didn't believe that he still couldn't understand what he meant, but he was so shameless.

"Bao Jingming, will you set up your own mercenary group, does it have something to do with me?

so to speak?Miss Ben, I think you are not my type!
I don't like the kind of man who is shrewd, arrogant and inferior to be my boyfriend. Even if the ability is very powerful, he can't do it if he is powerful!
But ah, with your appearance, you are indeed very attractive, but it's a pity that we are separated by decades! "

Han Xiaochen had a flash of inspiration while talking, and a prank came up.

Bao Jing frowned his pretty eyebrows, but suddenly felt a very bad feeling

This dead girl Han Xiaochen is tricky enough, I can't help but say

"What a pity? Why is it decades away??"


Han Xiaochen laughed recklessly, which vividly expressed the image of an arrogant and domineering female supernatural being:

"Ha! Ha! Ha! What if after decades, I still haven't met a man I like by my side!

If you find someone of your style to accompany you, it may be a bit interesting.

Tut tut tut!Look at your little skin, even though it is in the last days, it is still so white and tender, it is estimated that you can squeeze out water with just one pinch!
And these eyes are also beautiful, just this sparkling peach blossom eyes, I don't know how many girls can be fascinated!

The nose is quite straight enough, tsk tsk, and the lips are thin enough, no matter what, your appearance is indeed quite rare, hahaha
But at present, this lady has no plans to raise a man, and no one is old and young!What about you, what should you do? "

"Oh! Really? So Miss Han, you think so!
Tsk tsk, there is no way, this appearance is given by my parents, what can I do if this little girl likes me!

But what do you want to do, Ms. Han, before there is no one in your head?
Taking advantage of his good appearance, how many more people do you want to hang out with? ?
Why is it useless to have a goal now, don't help me introduce two to you! "

Bao Jingming looked at Han Xiaochen with a smile, but what he said made people think more and more...

Yes, Bao Jingming has always been a vengeful man with a vicious tongue, okay?
"Hehehe! Chenchen, why are you two bickering when you have nothing to do?

If you look at the two of you this way, you are really destined!

If you pinch them when you meet, isn't that the old saying that you don't know each other without a fight? "

Han Zhennuo's brother's smile made the two of them tie up
"Captain Bao, right? It's so rare to meet you here, why don't you give us face and come to our night mercenary group to sit for a while!

There are many people in our group who admire you very much!

You also tell them about your combat experience...

How about this, I have invited you for dinner today! "

Bao Jingming...

Now her face is even darker, what does that woman Han Xinuo want to do?

Also, does this woman Han Xiaochen think that a higher level of supernatural power can make her become the only one?

As for these two women, Bao Jingming just didn't want to argue with them. If he wanted to, he could crush them to death with his fingers.

I have to say that Bao Jingming took it for granted, and underestimated Han Xiaochen and the others too much.

"Hey, Han Xiaochen, you two are not interesting, this has left me alone for a long time!
Just say, please go to your mercenary group as a guest, you can't invite one, and leave one?

I don't care, I don't care, anyway, we are old acquaintances, how can we do this! "

Tan Haoke will jump up and call out his grievance when the time comes.

To put it bluntly, right?Dan Hao just wanted to ease the atmosphere for them.

Han Xinnuo: "Okay, no problem, you go with us too!

I will be the head of the house today, and I will treat you well in our night mercenary group!
Captain Bao, I don't think you will refuse the invitation of our night mercenary group, will you? ? "

Bao Jingming gritted his teeth, Han Xinuo, what are you?Do you think you can represent Zhao Ye?

But thinking about it again, Zhao Ye seems to be spoiling this woman, Han Xinnuo.

In addition, he really wanted to get to know Han Xiaochen better!
What is so special about Han Xiaochen? This is worthy of the leader's wife's praise!

I'm really interested!
"Well, since you invited me so sincerely, it's not appropriate for me not to go!
Then I, Bao Jingming, would rather be respectful than obedient, and go to your night mercenary group for a walk!
Although I haven't had much contact with your team leader Zhao Ye, I still have such a feeling of sympathy! "

Bao Jingming's words are really not a compliment, the strong always pay attention to the strong.

And in his eyes, there are not many men who can sit on an equal footing with him and can communicate with him calmly!

As for those who are slightly weaker, he feels that they are not qualified to talk to him.

But there are indeed a few strong people outside this army, he is also very interested and willing to make friends,
Zhao Ye counted as one, Mo Yan counted as one, and they were even interested in Mo Shen.

However, the mercenary group outside has always maintained a strong sense of vigilance against the mercenary group in their army.

He is not good either, he is too rushed, now this is also an opportunity, just right!

(End of this chapter)

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