Chapter 282
Zhao Ye learned that his careless woman invited Bao Jingming to be a guest in his group

Can't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, but looked at Mo Yan gloatingly
"Mo Yan, you're too useless, aren't you? It's been so long and you still can't get Han Xiaochen!
You see, you have a lot of long nights, don't you?
This woman Han Xiaochen is about to be seduced by that Bao Jingming!

Let me tell you, this Bao Jingming is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Tsk tsk, Mo Yan!I see why you want green leeks to grow on your head!

Tsk tsk, if you go out in the future, don't say you know me, I'm ashamed! "

Mo Yan had a dark face, looking at Zhao Ye's gloating look.

"Zhao Ye, I don't want you to gloat like this!

Bao Jingming?Who is Bao Jingming, can any cat or dog come and grab a woman with me, Mo Yan? "

Mo Yan naturally knew that the obstacles between him and Han Xiaochen would not be those men outside.

It was Han Xiaochen who held a grudge in his heart and was unwilling to forgive himself for abandoning her at the engagement ceremony!
In fact, even if Mo Yan wanted to get Han Xiaochen back, he knew that his way of chasing his wife would definitely be difficult.

But he didn't want to deceive his heart, and he didn't want to leave regrets for his future life.

He loves Han Xiaochen, this is the feeling he experienced after he really lost Han Xiaochen.

So no matter how difficult it is, with Mo Yan's character, he will never give up on Han Xiaochen.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Zhao Ye's arrogant laughter came from outside the window in the time room.

"Haha, Mo Yan is me, this is the Mo Yan I know!

Sitting outside and charging forward to point out the country, we are first-class experts, but we must not be fooled by grabbing beauties!

Whoever dares to let HLBE prairie grow on your head, I, Zhao Ye, will be the first to quit! "

It's just... It's just that Zhao Ye's words seem a little out of place, why does his smile sound so good, why does it still have that kind of gloating?

Mo Yan glared at Zhao Ye, but Zhao Ye had a bad smell, he still didn't know?


"Bao Jingming? I, Zhao Ye, feel very honored to have you come to the humble house, Chief Bao Da!
Come on, come on, sit down, sit down! "

When Bao Jingming and his group arrived at the door, Zhao Ye came to welcome them for some reason.

As far as he gave Bao Jingming's face, he gave it ample!

Bao Jingming...

Ha ha
Who doesn't know that Zhao Ye, the leader of the Ye Mercenary Corps, is the shrewdest and best at acting.

But ah!It's better to reach out and not smile than to come here uninvited, but to be disgusted by others, right?
It's just that Zhao Ye would really give such a big face to the bed warmer beside him that can also be used as a warehouse tool?

Yes, other people don't know Bao Jingming, but they know that Zhao Ye has the ability to heal, and it's very powerful!

"Chief Zhao, it's an honor for you to come to the door to welcome you!"

Bao Jingming followed Zhao Ye and his party inside with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, the huge living room has already set up a banquet for him.
"Come on, come on, sit down, sit down!

Han Xiaochen, you guys must be hungry after going out for a long time, hurry up! "

Zhao Ye's enthusiasm for entertaining people has caught up with that middle-aged aunt
Han Xiaochen twitched the corners of his mouth, how could this feel like a grand feast!
And it seems that this Hongmen Banquet is still open to him, an illusion!illusion!It must be an illusion!

"Husband, let me tell you, once our base is replaced with a new one, the base will have a new look.

There is nothing so safe in this base, the little gangsters dare to cause trouble!

Also, even many people without supernatural powers have found jobs. Although it is good that they can't live much, at least they can't die because of starvation.

The leader of our base is really amazing! "

The foolish Han Zhennuo didn't seem to notice the turbulent undercurrent between these men.

On the contrary, he hugged Zhao Ye's arm excitedly and said what he saw and heard today.

Zhao Ye had a doting smile helplessly: "Captain Bao, don't mind, I'm a woman, I'm spoiled by me, come, come, sit up!"

Bao Jingming...

Hehe, Zhao Ye, why do I feel that you are deliberately embarrassing me!
"Hehe, Chief Zhao, why are you being so polite to Bao!

Everyone sit down, sit together on Monday, and ah, don't need to call me the head of the old group leader Bao.

Why do you have to be with Bao in this way!

If you don't mind, you can call me Jing Ming, and I will just call you by your first name.

It also saves the awkwardness of adding a position like this, don't you see! "

Bao Jingming said with a half-smile, but the light in his eyes kept flashing.

"Haha, it's still Jing Ming, what you said is reasonable, I'll take care of you!"


Han Xiaochen didn't eat very well this meal, so he heard the two men's conversation mixed with swords and swords fighting each other!

In fact, Bao Jingming also wanted to have a good chat with Han Xiaochen, but unfortunately, Zhao Ye refused to give him this opportunity at all.

Han Qinnuo pursed his lips, Zhao Ye must have come out to stand out for Mo Yan.

But Mo Yan, a turtle with a shrunken head, didn't dare to come out to face the battle, it was so useless!

So Han Junnuo rolled his eyes and immediately covered his stomach, made a uncomfortable expression, and yelled
"Ouch! Ouch! Ye my stomach hurts so much, it hurts so much!"

Zhao Ye hurriedly gave Bao Jingming an apologetic look, and then came to see Han Zhennuo

"Nuo Nuo, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you!" Zhao Ye naturally found out that Han Qinuo was pretending to be sick.

"Ye, my stomach hurts so much, oh no, it's not just my stomach hurting, I feel like my internal organs are hurting!

I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore.

Go back to your room and show me! "

Han Xinuo pretended to yell
Han Xiaochen just wanted to cover his face, Han Xinuo, can you guys pretend to be like you...

"Did Nuonuo have a stomachache?"

Zhao Ye rolled his eyes in his heart, but sat quietly, caring about his girlfriend's expression.

Han Xinnuo: "I don't know if I'm unwell or if I have a stomachache? No, no, no, I'm in more pain!
I feel that the meridians all over my body are throbbing and painful. Did I go out and be plotted by someone? I was poisoned! ! "

In order to make the acting realistic, Han Xinuo really did not hesitate to do things that hurt himself.

Zhao Ye frowned: "No way, Nuonuo!"

Why is Han Xinnuo acting more and more like this?
Zhao Ye stretched out his hand to probe Han Zhennuo's meridian, and there was indeed some abnormal movement!

And even if this silly girl Han Xinuo is pretending, she can't pretend to be like this, is it?
When Zhao Ye thought of this, he immediately became anxious.

He immediately picked up Han Yinuo and walked out.

"Brother Jing Ming, I'm sorry, I've been with you for a while, there might be something wrong with this woman of mine!

You eat well, drink well!
Han Xiaochen, please help me treat Brother Jing Ming well! "

Bao Jingming's face immediately darkened, what tricks Zhao Ye was playing, at first it meant that he had to find a way to get in touch with Han Xiaochen.

And now why do you want to push Han Xiaochen into your arms!
Is it really Zhao Ye, the leader of the night mercenary group known for his fickle mind?
"Brother Zhaoye, hurry up, Mrs. sister-in-law's health is critical."

Zhao Ye had no time to pay attention to him, and went back to the room with Han Xinuo in his arms.

"Han Xinnuo, you've been able to endure you, and you didn't hesitate to hurt yourself just to put on a show?"

When Zhao Ye returned to the bedroom, he threw Han Xinuo onto the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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