Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 292 Getting Married

Chapter 292 Getting Married

"Really, really, then I'm going to try it on and see how comfortable the material is!
Hee hee, Nana, I love you the most! "

Han Xinnuo didn't feel ashamed, so he just put the underwear on his body
Not to mention that the clothes here are just right, they are really comfortable.

"Han Xinnuo, can we be more reserved! But the clothes are really good, as if they automatically fit your body!"

Han Xiaochen's hair flickered, the clothes turned out to be...

Li Na looked at Han Xiaochen's eyelashes flickering, and suddenly smiled.

"Han Xiaochen, you are going to get married soon, I will give you one if you want to get married, I tell you that this good thing is hard to find!"

Although this thing exists like garbage in Li Na's space.

Although Han Xinuo's is the lowest level that Li Na picked, it's for today's supernatural beings.

But it will play a very good protective role, much better than the so-called protective clothing sold in the base market, and it is also too thin and close-fitting.

"Married?" Han Xiaochen shook his head impatiently.

"I don't want to be bound by marriage!
But Li Na, your wedding dress is so beautiful!You are really amazing, where did you find such a beautiful wedding dress! "

Han Xiaochen was a little depressed, obviously she also bought a wedding dress for Han Zhennuo from there, but she was not quick with Li Na, Li Na came first, and took out the things first

"The wedding dress is easy to find! I just don't know if Nuonuo likes it!" Li Na smiled.

"Like me, like me so much, try it on!"

Han Xinuo directly put on the wedding dress.

This white wedding dress paired with Han Xinuo's crystal clear skin is simply stunning.

Especially now that the weather is relatively cold, this wedding dress is chosen in a long-sleeve style.

But just as noble and generous!
Han Xiaochen bent the corners of his lips, yes, he searched there for a long time but couldn't find a beautiful wedding dress with long sleeves!

There are long-sleeved ones, but they look so ugly and ugly, so I just settled for the next best thing, and brought a half-sleeved one.

Li Na is also thinking about it, but Han Xiaochen is actually thinking too much.

Li Na was supported by Moshen over there, and anyone who wanted anything was immediately bought for her.

Naturally, life is much more comfortable than Han Xiaochen who has to rely on himself!


Han Xinnuo's wedding banquet was very lively, and the base generously contributed a lot of fresh ingredients to them, including chicken, duck and fish.

(Of course, this needs to be exchanged with a crystal nucleus. A shrewd person like Mo Shen never thought of being a holy father

Of course, if this is someone else's words, Mo Shen would not want to change so many fresh ingredients with all kinds of patterns at once)
Han Xinnuo and the others have made almost 50 tables! (each table is 10 people)
And these people are all supernatural beings with powerful abilities, and none of them is white.

It can be seen that the powerful gathering force of the imperial capital base

Mo Shen kindly made them the officiant with Mo Yan.

And Han Zhennuo and Yu Momo happened to be bridesmaids for Han Zhennuo.

"Han Xinnuo, I really envy you more and more. I don't know if I will have a grand wedding like yours one day in this life!"

Yu Momo said enviously
Han Zhennuo raised his eyebrows, and blinked mischievously: "Yu Momo, I think it's more reliable for you to have a boyfriend first!
Only a boyfriend can hold a wedding! "

Han Xiaochen also bent his lips: "Yes, yes, I heard that Xue Shuo, the number one player in our base, is very interested in you!"

Yu Momo trembled: "Han Xiaochen, hurry up and pull him down, this guy Xue Shuo has always had eyes above his head, not to mention that there are many women around him!

How could we, Han Xinnuo, be so lucky to meet Zhao Ye who is so powerful and devoted to her! "

"Why are you women chatting now, Nuonuo, have you had enough rest? Let's go to toast!" Zhao Ye came over in a good mood
He wore a black tuxedo today, looking so noble, elegant and handsome.

This appearance attracted the screams of many female supernatural beings, just like this walking hormone.

"Okay, husband, let's go now!" Han Qinuo nodded sweetly.

But Han Xiaochen stood up: "I said that the wedding dress has also been worn, and the ceremony is over, did Han Xinuo change clothes!
The skirt of this wedding dress is so long..."

Zhao Ye bent her lips: "It's okay, I found two little flower girls to help my wife behind..."

And naturally he found the two little flower girls, who were also child supernatural beings.

The girl is a water-type power user, and the boy is a wood-type power user, which looks very good!
"That's right, it seems that I was worrying too much!" Han Xiaochen smiled gently and let it go.

He just watched Han Zhennuo elegantly holding Zhao Ye on his arm and toasting each table.

Han Xiaochen couldn't help but wonder, envy, will there be such a person in the rest of his life who will hold a grand wedding with him on a certain day, and then toast every guest?
"Xiaochen? Why are you envious?
In fact, I think Mo Yan is pretty good, what we are in is a real life, and it can't be those idol dramas you watch on TV!

No one is perfect, and everyone has flaws, right?
But I think Mo Yan's sincerity towards you is absolutely unmatched by any man!

I also know a lot about your affairs, I don't think there will be another man in this world who treats you better than Mo Yan!
Even if this man had made a mistake and had chosen another woman!
But you also don't think about the fact that he chose to be with you back then, wasn't it also because of that woman?

And he finally came to his senses, it was because he understood.

To him, that woman was nothing more than a fantasy in his heart, but he didn't find it suitable in reality!
And you are the woman who has gradually developed feelings for him during the long-term relationship with him!
Or a man like Mo Yan, no matter before or after the end of the world.

I think it should definitely not belong to only one woman!

But he will give up everything in his penis to come to you for you, and he is willing to promise to be a couple with you for the rest of his life. What are you not satisfied with! "

Yu Momo didn't know what kind of mentality he had, so he began to persuade Han Xiaochen again

Han Xiaochen frowned, then smiled: "Yu Momo, why do I feel that something is wrong with you recently, could it be that you are in a relationship?

As for my lifelong event, I don't know what to do, and I'm also very confused!

Because I have long decided to hand over my life-long events to fate, I remember my grandma said it when I was young!

This person's marriage is destined by heaven!
God has matched you from the moment you were born, and you have to go with whoever you should be with!

But now maybe my true son has not come, or it shouldn't be that I can get married now! "

Yu Momo smiled helplessly: "Okay, Xiaochen, I won't talk about it, the two of us will live separately on Han Xinuo's happy day today, and we will meet our own happiness soon!
It stands to reason that it is the end of the world, and our ability is not bad, so we shouldn't think about these love affairs!
But whenever the night is quiet, I will feel inexplicably lonely!
So what if it is stronger?No matter how strong I am, I am still a woman! "

Han Xiaochen suddenly asked with an inexplicable expression: "Yu Momo, will you slow down your cultivation for the sake of men?"

Yu Momo shook his head: "No, no, not only will I slow down, but I will also force myself to be better!"

(End of this chapter)

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