Chapter 293

Han Xiaochen just smiled: "Yu Momo, we are right!

This is the end of the world. For us supernatural beings, this so-called relationship between a man and a woman can only be used as a spice for our relationship!
Don't let it become a stumbling block in our future progress!

I found out now that there are many female supernatural beings here, and they have already started to slacken their cultivation after finding a partner!

In today's dangerous end times, this kind of phenomenon is very bad!
If you think about it, even before the end, it seems that there are still many more capable men than women!
But in fact, is this woman really worse than a man?

Let me tell you, apart from the possibility of strength, there is an instinctive gap between men and women!
In terms of IQ and various aspects, we are no worse than men!
It's just that women's love is limited to sensibility, and they are too easily influenced by their families!

And men don't, men's careers will grow slowly from the beginning, and there will be nothing to hinder them!
But in the end, how many of those women who dedicated themselves to their families ended well!
Now there is a saying that a poor wife does not go to court. It seems that after this man becomes famous, he is considered a good man if he does not change his wife!
In my opinion, since this is the case, we women should not take love too seriously, and work hard! "

Yu Momo nodded: "Who says it's not? But it's not easy for us as women!
Women have to work too hard, especially if they have a partner, he said you don't care about your family!
It seems that as a woman, she should be an all-rounder, taking care of family, career and children in all aspects!

And men only need to fight for their careers!

In fact, in the last days, many men are making such remarks!

This is also the reason why I don't want to find a partner for a long time!
If there is such a person, it is because he is with me that he will hold me back and ask me to dedicate myself to the so-called family and him!
Then no matter how much I love him, I will definitely kick him away with one kick! "

Yu Mo said with a heart of stone
"Hey, you two stop chatting and eat quickly.

If you want to chat, you can chat at the dinner table! "

Yu Congwen came over to call these two worried women
"Okay, okay, I see, we two are here!"

Han Xiaochen nodded quickly, and pulled Yu Momo over
"Han Xiaochen, I've always seen you look like someone from our village!
Now think about it, if you are really not her, how can he have your nobility, elegance, and ability like you! "

Yu Congwen didn't know what to think and assigned Han Xiaochen to the table of Han Xinuo's parents.

"Really? Auntie?" Han Xiaochen had a half-smile, neither denied nor admitted.

"Auntie, there are so many people who look alike in this world!

Not only that, there are still many people in the past who want plastic surgery or something!
Our Han Xiaochen looks so beautiful, so the person in your village who looks like him must be doing well! "

Yu Momo spoke with a smile

Wang Zhihua smiled embarrassingly, today is his daughter's big day, so he should not get into trouble.

These two supernatural beings are very powerful, but they are not something she can afford.

Wang Zhihua can also see now that if you are not strong enough yourself, it is useless for you to be the parents of a supernatural person.

Nowadays, there are many unfilial sons with no conscience in this base, and many of them really don't recognize their biological parents.

This is called the end of the world!The evil of human nature is fully displayed.

How many husbands or wives who are supernatural beings have been replaced by the other half who disliked them.

In the past, those people would still be scolded no matter what, but now no one condemns this phenomenon.

It seems that if you are not strong enough, no matter how good your relationship was before, no matter how many years you have been married, you are not qualified to stand by your significant other.

Hehe, strength is really the most important thing nowadays!
In the past, my guy looked down on me, but now, I also got rid of the goblins around me, flattering me every day.

"Your name is Han Xiaochen, right? The one from our village really has the same surname!
But the child was living a very good life. At that time, because of his beauty, he even married a big boss!
It's just that she has never seen her for so many years after she got married and left.

This has gone through the end of the world, I don't know if I can still live! "

Han Daguo sighed a little, he didn't care whether Han Xiaochen was from his village or not.

But Yu Momo suddenly interrupted: "Uncle and aunt, then your village is really outstanding!
Otherwise, how could such an excellent daughter like Han Xinnuo be raised!

But has your village raised any outstanding sons?Among the supernatural beings in our base, those who are more capable, are there boys from your village? "

Han Daguo shook his head: "How can there be, even if there is, I don't know!
There are not many people in our village who can come to the imperial capital. Now it seems that the most powerful person is one who has awakened the metal ability!

It seems to be level three now!

Aren't you in the army mercenary regiment of the imperial capital?
Maybe you should be able to know that person, but his name is Wang Luming, and he is the same age as my daughter! "

"Wang Luming?" Yu Momo shook his head
"Uncle, I don't know this person. This army is divided into several mercenary regiments! There are too many people, and I was only in a small team when I got there. I have no chance to know the person you mentioned!"

"Cousin, cousin, I don't agree, I don't agree with you marrying this woman!

woo woo woo...

You said at the beginning, you will marry me when I grow up! "

Everyone was talking happily, but they heard an unexpected harsh voice.

"Shangguan Shuixin" Shangguan Shuixin, why are you here, and quickly call your cousin. " Zhao Ye still maintained such a noble and elegant expression.

"How did I get here? I came here through untold hardships, cousin, why did you marry this worthless woman!

Didn't this uncle and aunt also say that they will let you marry me when I grow up? "

Shangguan Shuixin still cried unrelentingly
Han Zhennuo frowned, and Zhao Ye gently squeezed her palm, telling her to be calm.

Zhao Ye coughed twice, "Shangguan Shuixin, that's just a joke among adults, you don't have to take it seriously!

What's more, how could these cousins ​​get married?We are close relatives! "

"I don't care, I don't care if this was not possible before, isn't it the end of the world now? Who still cares now!

Besides, it's still up to me whether I can have a baby in the future! "

Shangguan Shuixin was still quarrelsome, indeed, as she said, no baby was born after this apocalypse.

"Hehe, come here, Miss Biao, please sit down!
Don't mind me, my cousin Shangguan Shuixin was not very good mentally since she was a child!

But I didn't expect him to be so ignorant that he came to find me and my wife's wedding!
Here I want to express to everyone that there is only one wife in Zhao Ye's life, and that is Han Xinuo.

No matter now or in the future, she will be the only one! "

Han Xinuo almost shed tears: "My husband, thank you!"

Zhao Ye bent her lips, "Okay, wife, don't say thank you to me, I shouldn't say sorry to you, it's because I didn't manage my family well!"

"Zhao Ye, how can I blame you!
Who knows if your cousin will come sooner or later, why come at this time?

Everyone stop watching, let's go, eat and drink! "

Mo Shen stood up and rescued them.

After all, these people who came here may not all have one heart with them in secret!
(End of this chapter)

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