Chapter 295 Blast Out

"Zhaoye, do you dare to use secret tricks against us?" Uncle Zhaoye became even more furious.
"Boss, I also feel very weak all over. It seems that all my abilities are being lost!"

Aunt Zhaoye yelled weakly, now he and she will stop making trouble.

Naturally, Han Xinnuo didn't have the ability to absorb the energy from them, but if this person's body lacked water, and the lack of water increased.


Zhao Ye had to laugh out loud: "Haha, uncle and aunt now respect strength in the last days, and your old ways are no longer useful now!
My wife just played a little joke on you and absorbed a little bit of moisture from your body. Is it necessary to be so on the line?

As my Zhao Ye's relatives, as long as you don't touch my bottom line, I still don't want to do anything to you.

what about you?It's okay if you want to be safe. Where did it come from?Just go back somewhere!

It was originally planned for you to stay in my mercenary group for two days, but you made such a fuss on my big wedding day.

If I, Zhao Ye, took you in, I would really feel sorry for my wife. "

Zhao Ye smiled softly

"Zhaoye, you are really so ruthless!" Shangguan Shuixin jumped out with tears in his eyes.

"Zhao Ye, do you know? When I was 8 years old, I told myself to grow up quickly so that I could be your wife in the future!"

Zhao Ye just sneered mockingly: "Shangguan Shuixin, but why do you think that I will definitely marry you!
When did I say I want to marry you, I will tell you clearly now, even if you are not my cousin, I will not marry you!

I don't like Shangguan's family, and I should have made it clear about the genes of Ouyang's family! "

"Zhaoye, your mother's surname is Shangguan!" Uncle Zhaoye quit

Zhao Ye still kept that smile: "It's because my mother's surname is Shangguan, so I don't have a good impression of any of your Shangguan family members!

What I said was not clear enough, understand?

Why don't you think that I have had so many women before, but there is one who has a little relationship with your family? "

Uncle Zhao Ye shook his head: "I thought I thought it was you who wanted to give our Shangguan family a little bit of face!"

Zhao Ye suddenly laughed wildly, "Haha, it's kind of thin, it's funny, it's so funny!
You Shangguan women can train their children like machines
The men from your Shangguan family are even more so, you can even sell your own blood!
I dare not want such a cold gene!

Get out, get out! "

"Nonuo, why don't you hurry up and say a few words so that your uncle and aunt don't get angry!"

Wang Zhihua stood up and reprimanded his daughter
Han Zhennuo just glanced at Wang Zhihua lightly, but didn't speak.

"Hey! I'm sorry!" Wang Zhihua was about to speak again when Han Xiaochen, who was at the same table,
My wife is always self-righteous, no wonder my daughter has repeatedly drawn boundaries with him.

Your daughter has been wronged, you don't support him, and let your daughter do this kind of face-saving job.

Is face so important?What does this show?Show your daughters are virtuous!

If you force your daughter to apologize to the person who pried her husband today.

Then from now on, when your daughter is in Zhao's house, she won't even think about raising her head.

Han Zhennuo glanced at his mother inexplicably.

If there is no apocalypse, if I am captured by him and brought back to the countryside to get married.

Then my life should be like that. Even if I am bullied by my parents-in-law, I still have to ask myself to be submissive and obedient.

Anyway, it's the kind of daughter-in-law who can't discredit her natal family and wants to be a particularly virtuous, sensible and capable daughter-in-law.

Even in the factory, she let people stare at her and got most of her money back.

My father didn't say anything. In fact, the two of them do things in the same way.

Do they love themselves?Ever loved yourself?

Maybe they have loved, but that kind of love is too little compared to their own brother and their own interests.

"Mom, I think you drank too much, come here, send my mother back!"

Han Xinuo said softly

Immediately came two people driving Wang Zhihua and walked back.

When Wang Zhihua wanted to open his mouth to speak, he found that he could not speak, and panicked.

"It's okay, don't panic, just wake up and you'll be fine! Isn't it just drinking too much!" Han Zhennuo smiled mockingly
"You guys, please go out too!" Zhao Ye looked coldly at his uncle, aunt, and that so-called cousin.

The little fairy Shangguan Shuixin looks youthful, but in fact, she has already attracted countless people in a short time!
Even if he didn't have Han Yinuo, Zhao Ye would never be able to live with the green grassland on his head.

"If I don't go, I won't go, and I won't die!
Cousin, you have been fascinated by the women outside. The women outside are all coquettish vixen, don't be fooled by them! "

Shangguan Shuixin was still clamoring here, refusing to leave no matter what.

Han Junnuo stepped forward to slap his bow left and right, and was slapped in the face.

Just as Shangguan Shuixin was about to make a move, Han Junnuo imprisoned him with a spatial confinement, then slapped his bow left and right, and slapped him a dozen times.

"Hurry up and drag him away, it's an eyesore!"

As soon as Zhao Ye said this, several capable members of the regiment came and dragged them out.

"Han Xinnuo, you are right, if you meet this kind of person in the future, just beat him up!

Our family will not have such indiscriminate relatives! "

This guy Zhao Ye was actually very pleased with what his wife did.

He was worried that his wife's temperament was too narrow, and she couldn't deal with the souls of his family!

Han Xinuo pursed his lips and said nothing, oops, the beating was so fun just now, this hand hurts so much.

Zhao Ye smiled helplessly, grabbed his wife's hand calmly, and healed her

Although Han Xinnuo said that he can also treat himself, but he feels warm and happy when his husband treats him.

"Okay, I know that you and your husband are loving each other, but don't show off here, let's drink!"

Mo Yan stood up and said

"Hey, come here now! But don't get used to me. Today is a good day for my bridal chamber!"

Zhao Ye teased
"How could it be! Just taste it and stop it!"

Bao Jingming also laughed
But it's a pity, he wasn't at the same table with Han Xiaochen today

It is impossible to cultivate feelings for no reason!


"Han Xiaochen, have you thought about it? Let's go on a mission in two days!"

As soon as the banquet was over, Bao Jingming rushed over and got into Han Xiaochen's car

Han Xiaochen glanced at Bao Jingming inexplicably, and frowned calmly

"What mission! Is the mission safe? Is it al Qaeda?
At that time, I will help you pack the materials back, and how to divide the materials if you divide them! "

Bao Jingming: "When the time comes, let's follow the rules of the mercenary regiment!"

Han Xiaochen hooked the corners of his lips: "That's impossible, the people with space abilities in your mercenary regiment belong to your regiment.

I don't know how much you will give them, it's fine to let me go out, but you have to give me the same share as the night mercenary group!

Otherwise, I'll go out on missions by myself. Of course, I can also go out on missions with people from the Night Mercenary Corps.

I have worked with them several times, and every time we cooperate, it is very pleasant! "

Han Xiaochen always believes that the interests belong to the interests of the friends.

Especially for things like distribution, it's better to say the ugly things in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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