Chapter 296
Bao Jingming frowned slightly, "Han Xiaochen, can you have some teamwork!
How good are you to fight alone! "

Han Xiaochen smiled indifferently: "Forget it, I won't go out with you, I was a little worried that I might not be able to get along with the members of your team!
As for the team spirit you mentioned, I'm sorry, I have never had that kind of sacrifice!
And you can see that, obviously, I am so alone, but my life is actually pretty good!

There are also many friends! "

Bao Jingming gritted his teeth: "I'll discuss your request with the higher-ups. Although I am the team leader, if it is beyond my ability, I still need to ask for instructions!"

Han Xiaochen took a deep breath: "Bao Jingming, it's okay if it's difficult, besides, I'm going with this unfamiliar team, but I'm actually not very at ease!
Besides, I've been busy cultivating these days, so I don't really want to go out! "

Bao Jingming shook his head: "Han Xiaochen, you can't do this, in the last days, no matter whether it's cultivation or missions, you can't be slack!

The situation of every supernatural being is like this now, let's go forward like sailing against the current, if we don't advance, we will retreat! "

Han Xiaochen shrugged, stopped the car, she was home

"Bao Jingming, maybe what you said makes sense, but everyone's personal situation is different, right?
As for me, I am naturally loose and used to it, and I don't like team life!

Otherwise, I would have joined the Night Mercenary Corps long ago.

Well, I'm home, I won't see you off, I'm tired after a busy day! "

Bao Jingming didn't intend to get out of the car:
"Han Xiaochen, are you not interested in inviting me to your house for a drink or two?"

Han Xiaochen shook his head, it's too suggestive to let a man enter the door of his house at night

And at least so far, I have no plans to further develop with him.

: "Bao Jingming, get out of the car, I'm not interested in letting strange men come to my house to drink!
Besides, it's late now, isn't it? "

Bao Jingming twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly, but got out of the car anyway.

Han Xiaochen smiled lightly, entered the door of his house and closed it.

He didn't care at all about what Bao Jingming did and said just now.

But I really should practice hard!

Han Xiaochen picked up the purified crystal nucleus, closed his eyes and began to absorb it!

It's just a little strange recently, it seems that the price of gold, silver and jewelry has risen a little.

Compared with those talents in science and technology, this base pays much more attention to them.

But there are still a lot of fish that slip through the net.

Han Xiaochen felt that either he would go out to take up a post and I would go to network for some talents in this field, or he could just buy some technology from the base directly.

But thinking that I am going to buy technology, it has no practical effect, which seems to make people suspicious!
Forget it, let's see what kind of technology I like, so I can investigate it.

Han Xiaochen's sales volume was enough, guessing that it should be morning over there, so he walked over there.

Han Xiaochen didn't care about anything when he got here, and drove out directly.

She went to the most precious flower base.

The flowers and plants there are very expensive, and the cheapest box they sell outside costs tens of thousands of yuan.

But Han Xiaochen didn't intend to buy those good ones, she just wanted to pick up some cheap ones.

Although she was not short of money, she didn't think about wasting it.

After all, her wood-type ability is not for nothing, and she can get a lot of precious flowers and trees just by giving birth.

Han Xiaochen came here to go to the most expensive places.

And the antique shop in front of her, even the door frame of this shop is made of rosewood.

Han Xiaochen walked in with a slight smile. Sure enough, the prices of flowers and plants here are very expensive, and the cheapest ones cost hundreds of thousands.
"Beautiful lady, do I need to introduce you?"

The dignified and elegant sales lady is here
Han Xiaochen shook his head, "If you don't need me, I want to go around by myself!"

"That's fine. If you have any questions, you can call me at any time."

The sales lady is really sensible, unlike those high-end famous brand stores who always follow the customers, which makes the customers very annoying.

Han Xiaochen looked around, but didn't see any discounts. Could it be that her shop can grow all the flowers and plants so well?

"Miss the salesperson!" As soon as Han Xiaochen finished speaking, the salesperson came over.

Han Xiaochen was a little shy, "Well, the flowers and plants here are very expensive, but are there any cheaper ones, or the ones that don't grow well!"

The attitude of the salesperson is still very good: "Beautiful lady, the kind you mentioned, we have it in this store, but it does not include after-sales service, you can think about it!"

Han Xiaochen nodded: "Then you can show it to me, if the price is right, I will take some away!
I've been here for so long, I don't buy anything, I feel a little...


The saleswoman nodded: "That beautiful lady, I'll get it for you right away!"

The salesman turned inside, and in a short while, people moved a lot of withered and yellow flowers and plants.

I even brought a big bag of flowers and plants pulled out of the flowerpot from the back
It seems that they should not survive.

Han Xiaochen's eyes moved: "Is this all from your shop? You can't pick it up from those cheap goods outside, right?"

Han Xiaochen's words are actually very unpleasant, and the salesperson's attitude is still very good.

"Beautiful lady, we can guarantee this. Although we say that we don't guarantee after-sales service, this variety will definitely not be bad!"

Han Xiaochen nodded: "If that's the case, I'll cover all of these, you can calculate how much it is!
If the price is right, I’ll take it with me, if it’s not right…”

Han Xiaochen's implication is self-evident.

"Beautiful lady, wait a moment!" The saleswoman trotted to the counter and made a phone call.

"A young lady wanted to buy all our dying flowers and trees, and asked me to give you a reasonable price!

Well, is that so?Well! "

The salesperson received a positive reply and came over with a smile on his face.

"Beautiful lady, these are the ones that we think cannot be kept alive. Of course, if you are lucky, as long as you keep one, it will be worth a high price. We can also recycle it here!
The price of the worst variety we recycle is also 30!
And of course, if you want to take all of this pile, 1 yuan will be fine!

Of course, we don't give away this flower pot! "

Han Xiaochen twitched the corners of his mouth, he really knows how to do business here.

"Okay then, you wrap it up for me, I want to take it away!"

"It's the beautiful lady who pays the bill here!"

When Han Xiaochen was checking out, someone had already packed it for her.

Han Xiaochen couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. Sure enough, they are here for wholesale and retail.
Just visually estimate that there must be one or two hundred of these flowers and plants!

After Han Xiaochen went out, he took this thing and threw it into the car.

Then I went to other houses to look around, and they all blew up a lot of precious flowers and trees that were about to die.

I went home contentedly.

After Han Xiaochen got home, he let go of his arms and started working.

Anyway, there is water in my space, so I can find a shovel to dig a hole and plant these precious flowers and trees.

Just like flowers and trees of this level, Han Xiaochen doesn't need to deliberately use wood-type abilities!

But to be on the safe side, Han Xiaochen still used a large dose of wood-type powers to get some of them on each one.

Only then did I go back to the room and upload the chapters of the novel that should be uploaded.

 The next one will be updated tomorrow night

(End of this chapter)

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