Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 297 Descends from the sky

Chapter 297 Descends from the sky
Han Xiaochen didn't want these dying flowers and trees to come back to life immediately.

In that case, even if you have a strong force, you can't afford to provoke those powerful beings.

After all, two fists are no match for four hands, and I have no power here!

In other words, how could those men have their own power easily, but I couldn't!
Why!Is it really because my brain is not working?I still don't have enough experience!
Probably not enough experience!In the ten years after I was born, I was silently abused at home, but I didn't have any experience in getting along with others.

This is with someone. Although life is good, they treat you like a golden bird and don't let you get in touch with people!
Now, ah, this free and easy life is really good.

Especially being able to travel between the two worlds, I am really beautiful!
If it is really impossible to get along there, I will sell flowers and do some business here.

Sleep in the space if you don’t have enough time!
Han Xiaochen patted himself on the head.

"Han Xiaochen, what are you thinking? You still want to get out of this machine because you are so lazy and slack in your thinking, and you still want to become one of the strongest in this machine?"

Han Xiaochen was reluctant to part with this thought, entered the space and went back there.

Why!Let's eat here, let's come back here to eat, don't waste all your time.

"Bang! Bang!"

Han Xiaochen had just finished his breakfast when Bao Jingming came over.

"Han Xiaochen, the leader has already agreed to the conditions you mentioned, but I hope that when you participate in the mission, you will focus on the team!"

Bao Jingming pinched his brows and said
"Yeah" Han Xiaochen nodded, he had already changed into his combat uniform

But at this moment, Han Xiaochen's communicator rang.

Han Xiaochen looked down and saw that it was Li Na calling.

"Li Na, do you have anything to do with me? I'm going on a mission!"

Li Na: "Han Xiaochen, don't be so stupid when you go on a mission, don't listen to that Bao guy.

Everything is based on the team, you are just a space ability user, if it is really dangerous, you will hide in the space by yourself.

My husband is the leader, so we are in charge of this matter!

At that time, don't lose your life for the sake of unnecessary dignity, or team spirit!

Getting caught outside is becoming more and more dangerous. The premise of eliminating those monsters outside and finding supplies is to preserve your strength, understand? "

Han Xiaochen nodded movedly: "Li Na, don't worry, I'm not stupid!"

Li Na: "That's good, don't be afraid that the person surnamed Bao may be dissatisfied, now the base is under my family's management!
I just wanted to lead the way for the two of you. Whether you can succeed or not depends on your own will. Don't put pressure on yourself!
I don't want to do bad things with good intentions! "

Han Xiaochen: "I know about Li Na. Besides, I'm not that stupid. I will definitely hide first when I encounter danger that I can't avoid!"

Bao Jingming frowned, this leader's wife is too hateful, a team does not allow anyone to have special rights.

Why!Han Xiaochen is indeed the darling of the leader's wife!

I don't know what the leader's wife is doing to protect her like this?
I didn't feel that Han Xiaochen had any hope of becoming a couple with him.

On the contrary, I wonder if the leader's wife wants to find a second wife for the leader!

It's just that today's women can be so virtuous?

Or she thinks Han Xiaochen is easier to control!
This trick is really good at buying people's hearts.

When Han Xiaochen arrived, he saw a row of military off-road vehicles parked on the field of their mercenary group, and there were even several off-road vehicles and motorcycles from two teams.
It seems that they went out this time with a lot of plans!

Han Xiaochen smiled lightly, and followed Bao Jingming to the military off-road vehicle in the middle without saying a word.

As soon as Han Xiaochen got on the seat and swished, the convoy set off

Obviously they were all waiting for her, and Han Xiaochen didn't know if these people would have any objections to him. After all, he was just a mobile warehouse, but he was the last one to come.

But can you blame yourself?Bao Jingming didn't notify himself in advance. To put it bluntly, he didn't trust him very much, he was worried that he would leak the secret?

"You are Han Xiaochen, right? I've heard of you!"

The people in this car all have cold faces and don't say a word
Dao is a small soldier of the gang, very enthusiastic.

Han Xiaochen just nodded lightly, not knowing why Mao didn't feel so good just getting in the car.

Sure enough, the army's mercenary group is powerful, and those small fish and shrimps encountered on the way, they don't need to get out of the car, they are all solved

No wonder so many people are willing to join the base's mercenary group!

Sure enough, the safety of life is much more guaranteed than other teams.

After a while, the car drove to the dilapidated and deserted city, and the weather was as cold as ever.

But don't know why?Han Xiaochen just smelled something different.

The smell was very mild, and it took Han Xiaochen a while to recover. Is this the smell of blood or fresh blood?
So Han Xiaochen became even more tense. Compared with these powerful army mercenary groups, maybe he is still relatively weak?
Sure enough, they were attacked by unknown sources one after another, and this high-level zombie seemed to have fallen from the sky.

Seeing this, Bao Jingming had no choice but to order his mercenaries to join in the fierce battle.

There are too many high-level zombies, and they seem to have become sane, and the clothes they wear seem to be much cleaner.

If it wasn't for the pale and blue face, and the blood-red eyes.

You'd mistake them for humans.

Naturally, Han Xiaochen will not sit still, after all, she is still a wood-type supernatural being.

Han Xiaochen used his 10×10 wood-type energy, as well as the attack power of space.

It's just a guarantee that I won't be in danger of my life

Seeing the soldiers around him fall one by one, Han Xiaochen felt very uncomfortable.

Han Xiaochen himself is two-fisted and four-handed. There are too many of these high-level zombies, and human guns will hardly harm them.

"Han Xiaochen, if you really can't do it, hurry up and hide!" Bao Jingming shouted through gritted teeth at 10 meters away.

When Bao Jingming yelled, the zombie even ran towards him.

Han Xiaochen shook his head without responding, but continued to kill the zombies with all his might.

This zombie is really hard to kill, whether it is strength, speed or defense, it is much stronger than humans.

Han Xiaochen even felt a deep sense of sadness. If this human being is not united properly, it may really be wiped out.

Han Xiaochen tried his best to kill one, but felt dizzy, and then several more came over.

Han Xiaochen felt more and more that he could not cope with the zombies in front of him.
There were more and more wounds on her body, but Han Xiaochen didn't want to be a coward, and she was willing to fight with the regiment members unless it was absolutely necessary.

And this zombie seems to be organized, not only attacking humans forcefully, but also thinking of destroying human vehicles

In a short time, so many off-road vehicles were scarred by them, and most of them not only rolled over, but also emitted thick black smoke. Needless to say, this car was on fire.

"Damn, it's really cruel, this IQ is comparable to that of a human being.

No, this IQ is no worse than humans. "

Bao Jingming cursed fiercely in his mouth. The zombies besieging him seemed to be space-type zombies, and they gave him fatal injuries every time, but when he wanted to attack in a blink of an eye, the zombies teleported to other places, and then continued Clean him up.

(End of this chapter)

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