Chapter 298
Otherwise, why do you say that the space-type zombies are 10 points difficult to fight!
This zombie seems to have a space system ability, which is much stronger than ordinary workers with space system skills!

"Stupid human beings don't struggle to die anymore. If you surrender, you can think about it, so that you don't have to die for a while!"

Nani?When Han Xiaochen felt that the attack power of the high-level zombie around him was a little bit looser,
This ear heard the cry of a human voice from an unknown creature in this empty sky?
Although the voice was a little stiff, it was completely human, but Han Xiaochen just intuitively felt that it was not human.

Immediately afterwards, the most terrifying thing happened. It seemed that something appeared out of thin air in this market.

A large group of military off-road vehicles,
Dozens of off-road vehicles and motorcycles were also parked on the side and behind, and the people on the vehicles were holding guns

It was facing people who were exhausted from fighting advanced zombies.

What's more, nowadays, those high-level zombies are still watching these exhausted team members.

Yes, as soon as the sound sounded, those advanced zombies stopped attacking.

But they stopped attacking, no.

Since the end of the world, Bao Jingming has performed countless missions.

I have never encountered such a large number of high-level zombies.

Also, this group of high-level zombies seems to be controlled by a zombie king or a human being with strong control, and they are used by them.

caught alive

These words came to Bao Jingming's mind.

That's right, very few of these high-level zombies died, and they didn't mean to kill all the members of their regiment, but to capture them alive as much as possible.

Bao Jingming shook his shoulders, really wanting to get rid of this horrible feeling, no, it won't be like this.

Zombies keep humans in captivity? ?
It's scary to think about.

Bao Jingming didn't seem to have the word "terrible" in his head since he was sensible, but now he does.

But I have this kind of fear that I never had before
Han Xiaochen controlled himself, trembling all over, and now he entered the space.

Hold back! !hold back
Han Xiaochen, you have to hold back, if you want to enter the space now, you may never get out for the rest of your life.

And do you go into space at the first sign of danger?Then how should you develop in the future!
Han Xiaochen forcefully forced himself to calm down.

This wood ability has this advantage when it reaches an advanced level, and the small wounds on my body can be healed a little bit.

And the supernatural beings around him didn't dare to show their spirits.

They are not afraid of life and death, and they have already ignored it, but as long as people can live, who is willing to die?
An even more surprising scene came out. The most advanced car in the team got off two beautiful female zombies.

Such female zombies are also beautifully dressed like humans.

If it weren't for the red eyes and the lifelong evil spirit, you would think she is human
What is even more surprising is that the two beautiful female zombies opened the car door very respectfully.

They won their master, a more coquettish-looking male zombie.

The male zombie seemed to be no different from a human being.

If Han Xiaochen hadn't seen that he had the eye of truth before, Han Xiaochen would have been deceived.

This male zombie is none other than the famous zombie king who led the zombie group to besiege the base last time.

"Everyone, don't panic, I just want to invite you to come and visit our castle as guests!"

Taco has cultivated now, whether it is talking or doing various actions, it is already the same as a human being
Even those weak-willed female supernatural beings have been deeply fascinated by him.

The taco in front of me, even if it is the zombie king, these female supernatural beings are even willing to give their bodies and minds.

Han Xiaochen has been resisting Taco's mental attack.

No, it should be said to be a mental attack, or it should be considered as charming in a spiritual attack.

Look at how many people are bewitched by him

Han Xiaochen trembled involuntarily, it was terrifying, this person could confuse so many people all of a sudden.

Is it hypnosis?what is this else?
It turns out that this psychic power can also be so powerful.

So Mo Yan? ? ?
Why did Mo Yan come to the imperial capital base for so long and still have a plan in mind? Don't you think his base people will betray him?
He even said that he didn't care if his base would really be destroyed?

And why Mo Yan can come up with so many things that can make people crazy at once, but he is not afraid of being remembered by others!

Think carefully!

Thinking hard!
"Taco, why should I trust you!"

Bao Jingming was okay, he was not bewitched by him.

But Ta Ke smiled coquettishly. With Ta Ke's smile, the whole world seemed to be overshadowed.

Han Xiaochen trembled. Sure enough, if this stunning male gets flirty, what will happen to the woman in the last days?

Even if the male is still a zombie, out of the five elements.

Human beings, where is your way out?

"Hehe, do you have the right to refuse?"

Ta Ke's voice is obviously mocking, but it makes people listen to it like a spring breeze

Han Xiaochen hurriedly drove the inappropriate words out of his mind.

What is like a spring breeze?You should feel utterly horrified.

This is the power of advanced spiritual abilities!

Taco waved his hand, and immediately someone "invited" these supernatural beings to their workshop.

Han Xiaochen struggled a bit, but suddenly raised his head and saw Ta Ke looking at her faintly with a half-smile

Han Xiaochen had a premonition that he would dare to get into the space now.

There is a 99.9% probability that it will not succeed, and it will end badly.

Han Xiaochen gritted his teeth and decided to follow his heart, and followed others in the car of the zombie army
It's just pity for those brothers who died in the battle just now.

These flesh and blood are flying everywhere, missing arms and broken legs, and there is no one to collect their corpses
But now is not the time to pity those people.

After all, I can't protect myself now!

Han Xiaochen had a terrible idea that Taco could have taken such a large number of people prisoner at the beginning, but he wanted to have a unilateral massacre first.

Could it be that this is to eliminate those who he considers to be weaker?

Han Xiaochen enjoyed a good treatment in the car. The car was not crowded, and it was surprisingly clean.

And the supernatural beings around her seemed a little flattered.

But it's a pity that Bao Jingming's mercenary group has too many people.

Han Xiaochen didn't know these people.

But Han Xiaochen still showed kindness to them, and silently took out a few bottles of the latest medicine powder developed by this base from the space, which can quickly stop bleeding and heal injuries.
No matter what the next second is, it's better to relieve the pain and heal the injury a little this second, isn't it?

One of the women gritted her teeth. Although she didn't speak, she opened her mouth to Han Xiaochen and smiled silently.

Those in the fight just now were all high-level zombies, and I don't know if they, the supernatural beings, might be infected with the zombie virus.

Maybe it's possible. A while ago, there were a few supernatural beings, because the zombie dogs were too high-level, and they turned into zombies after a few days of injury?
And the rest of the people also silently divided the medicine powder given by Han Xiaochen but did not speak.

It's not that these people are impolite, nor are they pretending, but because they found that they couldn't make a sound when they opened their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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