Hand in hand with the World Bank

Chapter 300 Zombie Castle

Chapter 300 Zombie Castle
"Deputy Chief Xiao..." Mo Yan looked at Xiao Ye and hesitated to speak.

Xiao Ye just hooked the corners of his lips, with a half-smile: "Mo Yan, aren't you also the leader of a base? Isn't it appropriate for you to always come to our place to transfer troops?

Is it possible that you want to cheat me because you see me young?

Do you have elite soldiers and strong generals in your hands?
But forget it, our regiment members are also missing this time, I will send someone to rescue them, but now!
You have to find a way to find out where the person is before you can rescue him. Now, besides being calm and investigating, what else do you think you can do? "

Mo Yan frowned: "Xiao Ye, I hope you can give me some support, I'm going to have a look first!"

Xiao Ye was very happy, but directly dug out Mo Yan's vest: "Okay, do you want people or things? You can just talk!

But your storage device in this space is good, there are everything in it, and you can build a base! "

Mo Yan just took a deep look at Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye is a woman wearing the skin of a 20-year-old girl.

But it seems to have the heart of a thousand-year-old monster, not to mention the decisiveness of the sofa when going out on missions.

Even he couldn't do Xiao Ye killing like that without blinking an eye!
However, such a woman is not very clear about her brain, and she has a high level but is cowardly after the First World War. Li Na respects her very much.

"Boss Xiao is really powerful, I'm sorry it was Mo who offended me just now!"

That's right, the person who can see his vest at once and dare to pick it out in a panic
Mo Yan had to admire it!

Xiao Ye didn't want to talk nonsense to him, "Mo Yan, do you still want to save your heart? It's no wonder people won't forgive you for being so goofy!"

When Xiao Ye heard that Li Na was going to have something wrong, Mo Shen absolutely dared to block and kill the gods and Buddhas, and it was impossible to block and kill the Buddhas.

This Mo Yan...

It remains to be seen!

"Okay, I'm leaving now! Let's get in touch anytime! By the way, don't you have a clairvoyant in your hand? Bring it to me!" Mo Yan straightened his suitcase.

"That's fine! I brought it for you, but it's protected for me, and it can not only be folded for us!"

This vision mutant is the treasure of the base, it is truly clairvoyant, even if people don't use energy, they can still see it at a glance, and they can see everything within a thousand miles clearly.

But this combat power is a...

Let's put it this way, in the last days, even ordinary men and women are quite powerful.

And this mutant, even ordinary people and ordinary women can knock him down.



When Han Xiaochen finally set foot on this castle belonging to zombies, he really felt...

Can you imagine?The zombie was wearing clean and tidy clothes.

Patrolling in front of this clean European-style castle
Han Xiaochen visually estimated that this European-style castle must be at least hundreds of thousands of square meters.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant here.

There are actually many gardens and many plants.

There are even many of them that have not mutated, and the most chilling thing is that
There are a lot of humans here, yes, they are humans, and now humans have become a type of species in this world.

Humans actually work here, and they still do that kind of coolie's meticulous work!
For example, watering, catching insects for this vegetable!

Especially the air here, Han Xiaochen sniffed it with his nose, but he couldn't smell any rancid smell from the zombies.

On the contrary, there is an ethereal feeling with that kind of energy or aura that makes people feel comfortable.

It seems that if you smell it a few more times, it will be of great benefit to the improvement of abilities.

Han Xiaochen just followed the large army into the castle in a daze.

The weirdest thing was that she didn't feel any danger.

"Miss Han has heard of your name for a long time!" This tower suddenly appeared in front of Han Xiaochen out of nowhere.

Han Xiaochen was startled, the zombie king in front of me is smiling like a flower at you.

This scene should not be too beautiful, not too...too exciting
Han Xiaochen: "Hehe..."

"Miss Han, you don't have to be so wary of me!
I will not eat you! "

He came to chat with Han Xiaochen like that human playboy.

Of course, this so-called chat was only her talking.

Han Xiaochen...

won't you eat me
Who doesn't know that this zombie can eat people!

Especially the Zombie King
That ate hundreds of thousands of low-level zombies, most of the human supernatural beings and even ordinary humans.

He has only accumulated to his current level!

And their ability level is still high, this zombie likes to eat people with abilities, especially those with higher abilities, because they have enough energy after all.

The difference from human beings is that as long as they have energy, they can still absorb anything of different types. This is more terrifying than human beings, much more terrifying.

It's also due to the fact that zombies can't reproduce. If they could reproduce, it would be a shame.
However, since the end of the world, I have never heard of the birth of a newborn baby...

No, humans can definitely reproduce, but zombies are dead things, and they exist in another way, so that's absolutely impossible
Bao Jingming frowned subconsciously, but he just clenched his fist tightly and didn't say a word.

Now is not the time for me to go out to be handsome and be a hero to save the beauty.

The funeral king in front of him is too powerful, he can crush himself to death with a little finger.

But the rhythm of crushing myself to ashes in minutes!

Sure enough, I still can't do it?Is it still too weak?

It's not that the Zombie King himself hasn't fought before. Dao is really powerless with such a powerful existence as Taco in front of him.

"Miss Han, you have the cleanest temperament among the women I have seen so far!

Especially your eyes are so clear and bright even in the end of the world
No wonder that man Mo Yan abandoned Jia Ningxiao's vicious white lotus for you!

White lotus is this word, you women love to use this word to describe those women who are pretending to be disgusting and vicious in heart! "

Han Xiaochen blinked: "I robbed that woman Jia Ningxiao's man, Mo Yan? Is there a misunderstanding in this!

I've always been single!

and also……"

It was very difficult for Han Xiaochen to say this, but he still couldn't help but want to ask.

"Jia Ningxiao...um...

I mean... That woman Jia Ningxiao is now! "

How should I say this, it is clear that the woman Jia Ningxiao is committed to Zombie Emperor Taco

Taco's pupils shrank slightly, making him look even more coquettish.

"Hehe, Jia Ningxiao?
hehe! ! !That woman Jia Ningxiao is not dead, she is still alive and well with me!
But don't worry, I won't hurt you because of that woman Jia Ningxiao!

That woman Jia Ningxiao is nothing more than an object to me, Taco! ! "

If Taco hadn't absorbed almost all the energy in Jia Ningxiao's space.

It is simply impossible to become as powerful as it is today.

Otherwise, why did it say that only the kind of heroine has a spiritual spring space on her body.

No matter which base the heroine goes to, which base is this
It will trigger a large-scale wave of zombies to attack!

That's because this spiritual spring not only has great benefits for ordinary humans and supernatural beings, but also has a huge attraction for zombies!
"Jia Ningxiao? Object??" I don't know if Liang Jingru gave Han Xiaochen great courage.

It actually made Han Xiaochen look at Tako with that kind of very puzzled eyes, and he forgot to be afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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